Robert Grosseteste (?) — 13th century, middle; English
Geoffrey of Vinsauf, Alanus de Insulis — 13th century, beginning
Alexander de Villa Dei, etc. — 14th century
Astrological and historical notes — 15th century, beginning
Alhazen, etc. — 13th century
Astrological treatises, Treatise on geomancy — 14th century
Adam Marsh — 13th century
Walter Burley, Robert Grosseteste, etc. — 14th century
Bernard de Gordon — 14th century
Matthew of Vendome, Hugh of St.-Victor, etc. — 13th century, beginning
John of Garland, etc. — 13th century, beginning
Treatise on weather, Library catalogue of Coventry cathedral priory, etc. — 13th century; English, Coventry
William de Conches — 13th century