Merton College MS. 158
Former shelfmark: M. 3. 7
Language(s): Latin
The original first leaf is now fol. iv in MS 208. The recto is blank. Formerly a pastedown in an earlier binding, it has marks of two foredge straps.
In the margin the corrector writes ‘Vide nomen autoris ad hoc signum †.
ed. R. Cai (Turin/Rome 1952); Stegmüller, Bibl. 8050; Glorieux, Théol. 14bm.
Physical Description
Ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 58–63 lines. Blocks of text and commentary alternate, the text in larger script on every second line. Running heads between specially ruled lines.
The gothic rotunda bookhand of William of Nottingham (for whom see MS 168). On fol. 158v is a note by Thomas Gascoigne (Ball, Gascoigne, p. 137).
Gradually omitted in the course of the book: On fol. 1 a 9-line red and blue V, flourished and with a partial border; blue initials flourished in red; plain red or blue initials and paraphs, running heads in the colours; red highlighting and underlining.
Standard Merton s. xvii; sewn on five bands; formerly chained from the usual position. Fols. i-ii and 152 are paper binding leaves.
Provenance and Acquisition
Made in Oxford.
In MS 208, fol. iv, c. 1300, ‘In hoc uolumine continentur postille [above line Nicholai Gorham, corr. to non est Gorrani sed Raynaldi] super euangelium Iohannis. precii 8 s.’; ‘Liber M. Willelmi Reed episcopi Cicestrensis quem emit a uenerabili patre domino Thoma Trylleke episcopo Roffensi Oretis pro utroque’; ‘Liber domus scolarium de Mertone in Oxonia in communi libraria eiusdem et ad usum communem sociorum ibidem studencium cathenandus. Ex dono uenerabilis patris domini Willelmi tercii episcopi Cic’. Oretis igitur pro eodem et benefactoribus eiusdem ac fidelium animabus a purgatorio liberandis’; ‘Istum librum fecit reparari magister Iohannes Burbage sacre pagine professor’. For William Reed, fellow from 1344 until at least 1357, d. 1385, see MS 8. This was part of his gift of 1374: UO49. 97. For Burbage, fellow 1411–35, see MS 3.
On fol. iiv is a title and ‘O. 5. 9. Art:’, s. xvii. Inside the front cover is another title and a sheet of paper with ‘F, 5, 9’’ (canc.), s. xvii, and ‘O. 5. 9. Art:’ again, canc. and replaced with ‘M. 3. 7 (CLVIII)’ in red; the College bookplate.
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.
Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2019-06-21: First online publication