A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Merton College MS. 284

Former shelfmark: O. 1. 9



Language(s): Latin

(fols. iirv, iii-iv blank)
Index of the quaestiones
Rubric: Tabula questionum infrascriptarum a uariis doctoribus scriptis sparsim extractarum non uero quid nouum in hoc opere inseritur cum non habeant dici nouum quod alibi sparsim constat dictum licet sub compendio ad ordinem alium sit reductum.
(fols. 1–111v)
A numbered collection of quaestiones
Incipit: (1) Vtrum perfecta cognitio Dei sit possibilis uiatori. Quod sic arguitur, intellectus agens cum quo omnia est facere possibile est ...
Incipit: (92) Vtrum Symon Petrus assumendo corpus in unitatem suppositi resurget idem homo qui prius in die finalis iudicii.
Explicit: Quod sic arguitur. Simon Petrus resurget idem homo qui prius in die iudicii ...
Final rubric:

Stegmüller, Sent. 1209, this copy only. Each quaestio begins a new recto, leaving many blank or partly-blank versos. Marginal notes name as authors Ockham, Aquinas and Cowton.

(fols. 112–113; 113v blank)

On f. 112 is a copy of the articles condemned at Oxford in 1314 (H. Anstey, Epistolae Academicae Oxonienses, OHS 25–6, 1. 100–2).

On f. 112v is a note on the similar articles issued in 1277 by Stephen Tempier, bp. of Paris. A short theological note is at the head of f. 113.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: (f. 6) ad quidlibet
Form: codex
Support: Paper. Watermarked throughout with a fruit (type of Briquet 7353). Parchment for fols. i-iv, 112–13.
Extent: 117 leaves (iv + 113)
Dimensions (leaf): 290 × 220 mm.
Dimensions (written): 245 × 180 mm.
The edges stained yellow.


A4, 1–812, 914(+ 1 after 14), B2; the quires numbered at the front.


Frame-ruled with pencil, written in up to 50 long lines.


A single neat anglicana hand.




Standard Merton s. xvii, sewn on four bands; formerly chained from the usual position. The outermost parchment leaves were pastedowns in a previous binding. The parchment bifolium at the rear shows marks of a small iron chain-staple at the foredge, near the foot, and of the large iron chain-staple, near the foot. f. i has marks of an iron chain-staple at the foot near the foredge, replaced by a brass one at the foredge near the foot.


Origin: S. XIV ex. ; script of English appearance.

Provenance and Acquisition

On f. ivv: ‘Liber Iohannis Bloxham ex legat’ M. Symonis Lamborne’; ‘Iste liber datur domui scolarium de Merton’ in Oxon’ ad iacendum in libraria incatenatum quamdiu durare poterit ad usum et utilitatem sociorum eiusdem domus et dabatur dicto Iohanni superius nominato per magistrum Symonum Lamburne. Oretis igitur pro utroque.’ For Bloxham, fellow by 1361–2, warden 1375–87, see MS 156. For Lambourne, fellow 1347–61, still alive in 1369, see MS 71.

On f. 19 is ‘Iohannes Tomsone’, s. xvi.

On f. ivvis also a title and the James no. ‘159’, s. xvii in., and ‘Q. 1. 16. Art:’, canc. and replaced with ‘O. 1. 9’ in red; the College bookplate. Inside the front board is a sheet of paper with a brief list of quaestiones, s. xvii, canc., and ‘O. 1. 9 (CCLXXXIV)’ in red. ‘16’ is inked on the foredge.

Merton College MS. 284 - endleaf (fol. i)


Language(s): Latin

(fol. i)
WALTER BURLEY, Expositio super Totum Librum Physicorum
Incipit: ⟨Cl⟩arissimis amicis suis ac dominis magistris et scolaribus Parisius in philosophia studentibus Walterus de Burley Anglicus ...; Dulcedines sedis episcopum

a waste leaf with the beginning of the text, the introductory letter followed by parts of bks 7–8.

The complete text pr. Padua 1476 (GW 5774), &c.; Lohr 179–80; Sharpe, Handlist, p. 715.

(fol. iv)

A short list of quaestiones, s. xv ex., quoting folio numbers.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Parchment


In an anglicana hand, much obliterated.


Origin: s. xiv ; script of English appearance.

Additional Information

Record Sources

R. M. Thomson, A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Merton College, Oxford (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer), 2009.


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.


    Coxe, pp. 112–13; Powicke, no. 570.

Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .

Last Substantive Revision

2019-10-14: First online publication

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