Exeter College MS. 19
William Paull (alias de Pagula), Summa summarum; England, s. xivex
Language(s): Latin
unprinted except edn. of prologue (missing from our copy, with the index up to 2.15) and capitula by L. Boyle, ‘The “Summa Summarum” and some other English works of Canon Law’, Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Medieval Canon Law ... 1963, Monumenta Iuris Canonici Series C: Subsidia, ed. S. Kuttner and J. J. Ryan (Vatican City, 1965), i. 415–56; repr. in L. E. Boyle, Pastoral Care: Clerical Education and Canon Law, 1200–1400 (London, 1981), ch. 15. The prologue is also printed, from Bod Lib., MS Laud Misc. 624, in H. O. Coxe, Bodleian library Quarto Catalogues. II Laudian Manuscripts (Oxford, 1858–85, repr. 1973). On contents and arrangement see Boyle, 421–5; for list of 13 manuscripts, in which our manuscript is no. 10, 452–4, and on the author’s name 418–19 n. 20. The work is a repertory of canon law in five books which correspond to the books of the Decretals of Gregory IX except that after tit. 68 thereof (De regulis juris, Decret. xli), it continues with a further chapter, De regulis magistralibus, as in other (but not all) manuscripts, e.g. Bod. Lib., MS Bodley 293 (SC 2448). The Durandus text to which the author refers is found in, for example, the Rome 1474 edition, fol. 120v Hain, 6519, GW 9145). On the author see also BRUO, s.n. Paul, William de; Sharpe, Latin Writers; and especially L. Boyle, ‘The Oculus Sacerdotis and some other works of William of Pagula’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th ser., v (1955), 81–110 (with list of 12 manuscripts at 109–10), repr. in Boyle, Pastoral Care, as above, ch. 4. Bloomfield, no. 0234, notes our copy.
Physical Description
Two columns, 70–73 lines. Ruled in crayon.
A poor English gothic quadrata, punctuated by low point. Rubrics are by the scribe, in anglicana or bastard anglicana.
A major initial has presumably been lost with the removal of the original quire 1 and the first leaf of the present quire 1. On fol. 1v is a 6-line red and blue lombard with extender and there are similar initials, with the addition of mauve flourishing, at the beginning of the other books.
Two-line plain red initials, with guide letters. Rubrics with guide-wording for rubricator in margins in scribe’s hand. Red paraphs; some red running titles ‘liber’ and ‘1’ etc. on facing pages.
Sewn on six bands. Standard Exeter binding: simple and quite elegant, calf over millboards, the calf bearing blind decoration of a floral type, early 19th century.
Provenance and Acquisition
The medieval history of the book is unknown. From the 2º fo it appears to be no. 2 in the list of books given to Merton College by William Rede in 1400, on which see Watson, Exeter, p. XV n. 1 , and was presumably at one time there.
It is recorded at Exeter c. 1600 as Ecloga, no. 2, then in CMA, no. 48.
Exeter library identifications are, on the front pastedown, the book stamp, ‘Ex. Coll. Oxon.’, ‘Q–7–7 [deleted] Gall.’, ‘172–E–12’, ‘B1-H’ (deleted) and ‘Coxe Cat. no. XIX’.
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Exeter College Library.
Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Rector and Fellows of Exeter College.
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-04-29: First online publication