A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Add. C. 188

Summary Catalogue no.: 29277


Language(s): Latin

1. (fol. iii verso)
Statutes of England (Vetera statuta)

Beginning with Magna Carta and ending with 'Interpretacio Sok & Sak', preceded by a list of contents for the whole volume.

2. (fol. 66)
Legal treatises
Rubric: Incipiunt Summe

Beginning with 'Fet asauer' and ending with 'Exceptiones contra Brevia'.

3. (fol. 134)
Register of writs

Lastest writ (the final one) dated 1297, the first dated 2 June 1294.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: vii + 225 leaves
Dimensions (leaf): 255 × 165 mm.
Dimensions (written): 190–5 × 110–15 mm.


1 col., 33–34 lines.


Pächt and Alexander iii. 515:

Miniatures (marginal sketches).

Good penwork initials.

Coloured initials, rubrics.

fol. 220r: drawing, lower margin, a bird and two half-figures of a man and a woman.


Origin: 13th century, late - 14th century, early (fols. 132–220, after 1297) ; English

Provenance and Acquisition

'Ludwell', 15th cent., fol. iii.

'Johannes Toller', early 16th cent., fol. 221.

'Sum domini Alexandri Hoch', 16th cent., fol. 222v.

Sir Edward Coke.

'Thome Aston', 16th cent., second half, fol. iii.

Lord Aston (d. 1678?).

Sir Simon Degge (d. 1703).

His great-grandson Simon Degge M.D. (d. 1729) (who wrote in the volume on 5 April 1723).

A. J. Horwood; lot. 1325 in his sale, 12 June 1883.

Purchased for the Bodleian.

Record Sources

Adapted (2018) from A. G. Watson, Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts, Pächt and Alexander, and the Summary Catalogue (1905). Additional description of decoration by Elizabeth Solopova, c. 2000.


Last Substantive Revision

2017-07-01: First online publication.