MS. Bodl. 464
Summary Catalogue no.: 2458
Language(s): Latin
Astrological and astronomical treatises and tables, including the following; for a full inventory see Barker-Benfield.
Physical Description
1 col., 36 lines, written space 210 × 140–5 mm. Tables vary in size.
Fols. 1–4: 2 cols., 42 lines, column space 200 × 67–70 mm.
Fols. 1–57av: professional scribe, English or French (see Barker-Benfield).
Fols. 58r-205: written by Michael of Northgate (see Barker-Benfield).
Coloured initials, rubrics, parts of text in red; penwork flourishing. Tables, diagrams.
Bound for Michael of Northgate (see Barker-Benfield): red whittawed leather over boards, traces of chemise in white whittawed leather; rebacked.
Provenance and Acquisition
Written after 1301 (the date when item 1 was composed) and probably before 1318 (annotation on fol. 62 (‘annus arabum 717 anno domini 1318’); likely to have been written at least in part at St Augustine's, Canterbury (Knorr, ‘Two Medieval Monks’), although some or all of the volume may have been assembled by Michael of Northgate before his entry to St Augustine's, and possibly in France rather than England. On fol. 171v the line separating the tables for 1291–1309 from those for 1310–28 perhaps suggests that the former cycle was past when the table was copied (Watson). Fols. 170–99 are tables prepared to the latitude of Canterbury.
Given by Michael of Northgate to Canterbury, St Augustine's: ex libris (pastedown), 14th century.
Canterbury, St Augustine's: BA 1.1156 in the 15th century library catalogue.
His son, Thomas Twyne (d. 1613): ‘Thomas Twyni, ex dono Joannis Twyni patris sui’ (fol. 1).
Presented by Thomas Twyne in 1612.
Record Sources
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (9 images from 35mm slides)
Printed descriptions:
Online resources:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2019-01-29: Description revised with reference to SC and Watson.