A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Christ Church MS. 110

Vulgate Bible. England, s. xiiiex.


Language(s): Latin

1. Fols 1ra-383rb
Incipit: ||saluatoris in cruce talia prestabat memorans fixusque manebat Puerilia sunt hec . . .[fol. 1vb] deo dedit qui se ob ¦¦ [fol. 2ra] Et cum audissent uocem domini dei deambulantis in paradiso ad auram post meridiem
Rubric: [fol. 300va] Incipit prologus in libro Mathei ewangeliste
Incipit: Matheus ex iudea sicut in ordine primus ponitur
Rubric: [fol. 300vb] Incipit Matheus ewangelista
Incipit: Liber generacionis ihesu cristi filii dauid \filij [added later]/ abraham
Explicit: Venio cito Amen Veni domine ihesu Gracia domini nostri ihesu cristi cum omnibus uobis Amen
Vulgate Bible

With loss of text through stripping of initials. It opens in medias res in Stegmüller, Bibl. 284, lacks Stegmüller, Bibl. 285, and has lost the opening to Genesis, as well as passages of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Joshua, nearly all of Ruth, passages of I Kings, II Kings, a section from the end of Job to the start of Proverbs, another from the end of John to Romans 1, a further loss from the end of I Corinthians to II Corinthians 5 and yet another from the end of Ephesians to the start of Philippians. The text follows Ker’s ‘usual order’, including the prayer of Manasses and III Ezra and excluding the prayer of Solomon; however, one cannot be certain that the Psalter (now completely absent and not mentioned in the list of biblical books which is added text (a)) was ever included. Apart from those lost through cutting, the prefaces respond exactly to Ker’s ‘common set’ (MMBL, 1:96–97).

As a result, the contents are thus: [fol. 1ra-vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 284, acephalous and atelous, with remaining text opening near end of ch. 6 and closing near end of last ch. ¦¦ [fol. 2ra-16ra] Genesis, opening at 3:8, [fol. 16ra-27vb] Exodus, with text only partial from 38:10 because of cutting of fol. 27, [fol. 27vb-35va] Leviticus, text partial until 1:8, between 25:50 and 26:36, and 27:8–18, [fol. 35vb-47ra] Numbers, text partial until 1:8, [fol. 47ra-57ra] Deuteronomy, [fol. 57ra-rb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 311, text partial and atelous, [fol. 57va-64va] Joshua, acephalous opening at 1:4, partial between 1:17 and 3:1, [fol. 64va-71vb] Judges, atelous after 21:1 ¦¦ [fol. 72 a mere stub, with now visible only Ruth 3:10; an unnumbered stub without text follows which presumably supplied Stegmüller, Bibl. 323; fol. 73ra-82vb] I Kings, acephalous, opening at 1:3, and atelous, closing at 30:22 ¦¦ [fol. 83ra-90vb] II Kings, acephalous, opening at 3:3, [fol. 90vb-100va] III Kings, [fol. 100va-109vb] IV Kings, [fol. 109vb-110ra] Stegmüller, Bibl. 328, [fol. 110ra-118rb] I Chronicles, [fol. 118rb-va] Stegmüller, Bibl. 327, [fol. 118va-128vb] II Chronicles followed without break by the Prayer of Manasses, [fol. 128vb-129ra] Stegmüller, Bibl. 330, [fol. 129ra-vb and 131ra-132vb] I Ezra, interrupted by fol. 130, a misplaced leaf providing Ephesians 4:8-end, Stegmüller, Bibl. 728 and Philippians up to 1:25, which should appear after fol. 351 below, [fol. 132vb-137rb] Nehemiah (II Ezra) divided into 16 chapters, [fol. 137rb-141va] III Ezra, [fol. 141va-vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 332, [fol. 141vb-144va] Tobit, [fol. 144va-vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 335, [fol. 144vb-148va] Judith, [fol. 148va] Stegmüller, Bibl. 341 and 343 without break, [fol. 148vb-152va] Esther, [fol. 152va-153ra] Stegmüller, Bibl. 344 and 357, [fol. 153ra-159vb] Job, atelous breaking at 38:39 ¦¦ [fol. 160ra-167rb] Proverbs, acephalous, opening at 3:31, [fol. 167rb-va] Stegmüller, Bibl. 462, [fol. 167va-170rb] Ecclesiastes, [fol. 170va-172ra] Song of Songs, [fol. 172ra] Stegmüller, Bibl. 468, [fol. 172ra-177va] Wisdom, [fol. 177va-193va] Ecclesiasticus (without Prayer of Solomon), [fol. 193va-vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 482, [fol. 193vb-212ra] Isaiah, [fol. 212ra] Stegmüller, Bibl. 432, [fol. 212ra-232vb] Jeremiah, [fol. 232vb-234rb] Lamentations (with ch. 5, the Prayer of Jeremiah, marked off as a separate work), [fol. 234va] Stegmüller, Bibl. 491, [fol. 234va-237ra] Baruch, [fol. 237ra] Stegmüller, Bibl. 492, [fol. 237ra-255va] Ezekiel, [fol. 255va-256ra] Stegmüller, Bibl. 494, [fol. 256ra-263va] Daniel, [fol. 263va-vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 500 and 507, [fol. 263vb-266ra] Hosea, [fol. 266ra-va] Stegmüller, Bibl. 511 and 510, [fol. 266va-277rb] Joel, [fol. 267rb-vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 515, 512 and 513, [fol. 267vb-269va] Amos, [fol. 269va-vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 519 and 517, [fol. 269vb-270ra] Obadiah, [fol. 270ra-rb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 524 and 521, [fol. 270rb-vb and 272ra] Jonah, interrupted by fol. 271, providing John 19:31-end, Stegmüller, Bibl. 677 and Romans 1:1–18, which should appear after fol. 338 below, [fol. 272ra] Stegmüller, Bibl. 526, [fol. 272ra-273rb] Micah, [fol. 273rb-va] Stegmüller, Bibl. 528, [fol. 273va-274ra] Nahum, [fol. 274ra-va] Stegmüller, Bibl. 531, [fol. 274va-275rb] Habakkuk, [fol. 275rb-va] Stegmüller, Bibl. 534, [fol. 275va-276rb] Zephaniah, [fol. 276rb-va] Stegmüller, Bibl. 538, [fol. 276va-277ra] Haggai, [fol. 277ra-rb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 539, [fol. 277rb-280rb] Zechariah, [fol. 280rb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 543, [fol. 280rb-281rb] Malachi, [fol. 281rb-vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 547, 553 and 551, [fol. 281vb-293rb] I Maccabees, [fol. 293rb-300rb] II Maccabees, [fol. 300va-vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 590 and 589, [fol. 300vb-312rb] Matthew, [fol. 312rb-va] Stegmüller, Bibl. 607, [fol. 312va-319rb] Mark, [fol. 319rb-330vb] Luke, with Stegmüller, Bibl. 620 inserted between 1:4 and 1:5, [fol. 330vb-331ra] Stegmüller, Bibl. 624, [fol. 331ra-338vb] John, atelous breaking at 19:31 ¦¦ [fol. 332ra-343ra] Romans, acephalous, opening at 1:19, [fol. 343ra] Stegmüller, Bibl. 685, [fol. 343ra-347ra] I Corinthians, atelous with text torn out after 16:12 [fol. 347ra-349vb] II Corinthians, acephalous, first verse visible being 1:6 but text very partial through cutting of fol. 347 until 5:1, [fol. 349vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 707, [fol. 349vb-351rb] Galatians, [fol. 351rb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 715, [fol. 351rb-352vb] Ephesians, atelous breaking at 4:7 ¦¦ [fol. 352ra-vb] Philippians, acephalous opening at 1:25, [fol. 352vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 736, [fol. 352vb-353vb] Colossians, [fol. 353vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 747, [fol. 353vb-354va] I Thessalonians, [fol. 354va] Stegmüller, Bibl. 752, [fol. 354vb-355ra] II Thessalonians, [fol. 355rb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 765, [fol. 355rb-356rb] I Timothy, [fol. 356rb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 772, [fol. 356rb-357ra] II Timothy, [fol. 357rb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 780, [fol. 357rb-vb] Titus, [fol. 357vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 783, [fol. 357vb] Philemon, [fol. 357vb-358ra] Stegmüller, Bibl. 793, [fol. 358ra-361ra] Hebrews, [fol. 361rb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 640, [fol. 361rb-372va] Acts, [fol. 372va-vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 809, [fol. 372vb-377va] Catholic Epistles, [fol. 377va-vb] Stegmüller, Bibl. 839, [fol. 377vb-383rb] Apocalypse.

There is very heavy marginal glossing in Daniel; and again through the Gospels, early portions of Romans, and Apocalypse, in a small academic anglicana, s. xiv in.

Fol. 383v: originally blank, now with added excerpts ascribed to the ordinary gloss on Apocalypse, in anglicana, s. xiv in.

2. Fols 384ra-419vc
Incipit: Aaz apprehendens uel apprehensio Aad testificans uel testimonium Aadhar deprecacio
Explicit: in acie preparanti Zvsithidis consilium vel consiliatrix Zvzim consiliantes eos uel consiliatores eorum
Stephen Langton, Interpretationes nominum Hebraicorum

Sharpe no. 1669 [624–30 at 628], here unattributed (as in MS 109, cf. MSS 105 and 107). It is provided in the long version, Stegmüller, Bibl. 7709, ed. Bedae Opera (Cologne, 1688), 3:371–480. It is presented in triple columns. A brief note on the priesthood, on the authority of Augustine, De civitate dei, appears at the foot of fol. 419v, added in anglicana, s. xv in.

Added texts:

a. fol. iiv

A list of biblical books, breaking off in minor prophets (secretary, s. xv).

b. fols. 421, 423

A variety of theological notes (several anglicana hands, s. xv): from Gregory the Great, Moralia (fol. 421); concerning ‘mulier est hominis confusio, viscus diaboli’, ultimately derived from Secundus the philosopher, with notes on ‘negligentia prelatorum in tantam deordinationem’ and the duties of priests, including a passage from Ps-Ambrose, De dignitate sacerdotali, c. 3 (fol. 423v).

c. fol. 422

The first person singular of the future tenses of Latin verbs with English translations (secretary, s. xvi).

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: salvatoris (fol. 1)
Secundo Folio: Et cum audissent (fol. 2)
Form: codex
Support: Parchment (HSOS)
Extent: Fols: ii + 420 (numbered fols 1–419, but an unnumbered leaf after fol. 297) + iv (numbered fols 420–23). All flyleaves medieval parchment, the front two a bifolium (the first perhaps a former pastedown).
Dimensions (leaf): 182 × 132 mm.


116 (lacking first and third) 2–416 516 (tenth, the numbered fol. 72, mostly torn away; lacking eleventh, only its lower inner corner intact) 612 (lacking sixth) 7–814 918 (with one added as fourteenth, fol. 130, which should follow fol. 351) 1014 1118 (lacking eleventh to last, stubs following fol. 159) 1216 (lacking first) 13–1816 1916 (with one added as first, fol. 271, which should follow fol. 338) 20–2216 2316 (lacking fifth, after fol. 338, now in quire 19; 14 mostly torn away) 2416 (lacking third, after fol. 351, now in quire 9) 25–2616 2714 (lacking third, the stub of a cancel, with no text loss) 2810. No catchwords. A few surviving signatures: ? ‘////’ in brown crayon, fol. 62v (the last verso of quire 4); signatures in brown crayon iii-vi on the final leaves of four quires (fols 206v, 222v, 238v, 254v), and fols 223–30 signed i-viii in brown crayon.


Most of fols 27, 72, and 347 torn away, as is also the upper corner of fol. 35 and lower corner of fol. 57 (pillaged for their initials)


In double columns, each column 132 × 41–43 mm. , with 7mm between columns, in 51 lines to the column (below top line).

No prickings visible; bounded and ruled in brown ink or brown crayon, with an extra bounding line faintly visible in outer margin (15mm from edge of writing area).


Written in gothic textura quadrata, showing some anglicana influence in the decorative top-line ascenders.

A collaboration between probably three scribes, with a change of hand at fol. 160 and most of the New Testament in the third hand.

All three scribes punctuate by point, the first also by punctus versus; many of these have been altered, especially in the first and third stints, to punctus versus, virgula, punctus elevatus, and comma.


Headings have been adjusted, some supplied in a hand of s. xivin. At the openings of the books, eight-line magenta champes with blue and red dragons, vine swirls, and geometric shapes, all early examples until I Chronicles cut away. Some spaces were apparently originally unfilled and now have red and blue lombards with flourishing of the same (eg fol. 274va). At the openings of the chapters, two-line lombards, alternate blue with modest red flourishing and similar red with blue. Chapter numbers in the text column, usually alternate red and blue lombards. Running titles identify the book in alternate red and blue lombards.

Not in AT.


White leather over pasteboards, double fillets forming a rectangle at edge of boards, and extra vertical double fillets (25mm from spine), all fillets in blind, s. xvii. Sewn on four thongs. No ChCh bookplate.

Accompanying Material

Pastedowns parchment, that at front with text (a bit of an account roll, s. xiv2/4 including the note ‘Et libra Iohanni Notyngham’, with Nottingham possibly identifiable with a Franciscan of that name at Oxford c. 1330 (BRUO, 1376–77); Ker, MLGB, 288 records books associated with two contemporary Oxford Franciscans surnamed ‘Nottingham’ but neither of them John).


Origin: England; s. xiiiex

Provenance and Acquisition

There is a s. xiv inscription, ‘Prec iij Marc ⟨ii[?]⟩ di’’ (fol. ii).

Various scattered pentrials occur: (a) ‘Be you al commaunded George Rarenam is vo. of his’ (fol. 420, s. xv ex.); (b) ‘William Scampton’ (fol. i, s. xvi; perhaps the rector of Stoney Stanton, Leicestershire, 1592–1614: CCed); (c) ‘Robarde Morre’ (fol. 32v, upside down, s. xvi); (d) ‘Happye is he that refrayncthe evell bookes companye’ (fol. 249v, written vertically, s. xvi). There are also two distichs on scripture, the second signed ‘R Misericos’ (fol. ii; the first anglicana, s. xv; the second, italic, s. xvi/xvii; further additions in this latter hand, upside down on fols 229v, 230, and correcting text at fol. 300v).

Although there is no indication in the manuscript itself, this must be the Bible donated by Archbishop Wake. His autograph schedule (MS 352/8, fol. 1v, on which see the Introduction) lists as the fourth quarto volume ‘Bibl. Lat. MS.’, and this is the only Bible in the library to which this entry might refer, since all others now in the library either reveal their donor to Christ Church or have evidence of being in the collection by the 1660s. Moreover, this manuscript is absent from the various catalogues of the Archives and shows no sign, like so many others, of having been inscribed by Edward Smallwell. It was, then, kept in Wake collection which was separate until Kitchin’s cataloguing work.

Record Sources

Ralph Hanna and David Rundle, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Western Manuscripts, to c. 1600, in Christ Church, Oxford (Oxford, 2017).


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Christ Church Library.

Last Substantive Revision

2017-07-01: First online publication.

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