MS. Holkham Gr. 45
Summary Catalogue no.: Not in SC (late accession)
Diktyon no.: 48113
Cyril of Alexandria, Glaphyra in Pentateuchum; Catena on Psalms 1–48.
Language(s): Greek
Table of Contents with titles and incipicts of each work.
The cover of an epistle addressed to John Morezenos (upside-down: Τῷ λογιωτάτῳ καὶ ἐν ἱερεῦσιν αἰδεσιμωτάτῳ/ ⟨παπ⟩α Κυρίῳ Ἰωάννῃ τῷ Μορεζίνῳ,/ π(ατ)ρὶ ἐν Χριστῷ περιποθήτῳ, εὐλαβῶς/ ἐγχειρισθείη,/ εἰς τὸ κάστρον τῆς Κρήτης; see Ε. Kakoulidi, ‘Ὁ Ἰωάννης Μορεζῆνος καὶ τὸ ἔργο του’, Κρητικὰ Χρονικά 22 (1970) 56) has been used possibly by himself to keep notes during the reading of the MS. It contains names related to the Pentateuch.
Table of Contents.
Incomplete, des. καὶ ἡ ἀμφοτέρων ἐν τούτοις ἐνέργεια ὑποβάλλει; see Karo and Lietzmann, Catenae in Psalmos, typ. VI, pp. 29–30 (cf. Vat. gr. 1789; Monac. gr. 359; Baroc. 235).
Physical Description
Μάξιμος Μαργούνιος ἐπίσκοπος Κυθήρων fols III-14v, 36r-112v, 117r-228r
fols iiir, 1r: decorative head-pieces.
Typical Holkham binding of brown leather, with Coke family ostrich crest in gilt in the centre of the upper cover; Date: early nineteenth century. Rebound by John Jones of Liverpool (worked for Holkham 1816–1823. The spine lettered in gilt: S. CYRILLI/ OPERA/ VAR[I]A/ GR. –/ M.S./SÆC. XIV/ in pasted black leather: MS. /HOLKHAM/ Gr. 45
Provenance and Acquisition
Ownership Notes: fol. iiir (bottom; in brown ink): Ἐκ τῶν Ἰω(ά)ννου Ἱερέος τοῦ μορ(ε)ζήνου κ(αὶ) τῶν φίλων, see Ε. Kakoulidi, ‘Ὁ Ἰωάννης Μορεζῆνος καὶ τὸ ἔργο του’, Κρητικὰ Χρονικά 22 (1970) 52,; fol. 1r (top right): handwritten note in black ink by B. de Montfaucon: [1698· Codex num. 45. … ] it has been trimmed in the binding process /Homiliae Cyrilli in Genesim et alia.
Old Catalogue Nrs: fol. ir: (in pencil); Holk. Cat. No. 70 74 C2.B2/ Cent. XVI; fol. 1r: (at the bottom, in grey ink): OBον = Morezenos 72, Giustiniani 45; Olim Holkham Hall, Libr. of the Earl of Leicester, 74.
Record Sources
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Last Substantive Revision
2018-09-07: Record fully revised: new description by Dimitris Skrekas.