A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Junius 25

Summary Catalogue no.: 5137

'Murbach Hymnal'; glossaries Junius A, Junius B, Junius C; etc. A-J: Germany (Murbach, Reichenau, etc.), 8th and 9th centuries


Summary of Contents: This manuscript is famous for its early German glosses and glossaries, and also preserves important copies of other encyclopaedic, grammatical and theological texts. It is comprised of nine or ten separate 'libelli', which are attributed on palaeographical grounds either to Murbach abbey, to its mother-house Reichenau, or to the area of south-west Germany and Lake Constance. Inscriptions on fols. 1v, 103v and 194r show that the volume was in something like its present form at Murbach in 1461 when it was in a poor state of repair and restored by the abbot.
(fol. 1v)

Table of contents as follows: ‘1. Cosmagraphia Ethici philosophi […] | 2. Albinum ad carolum de Rhetorica Et Philo^so^phia’ | 3. Epistola Ieronimi de Musicalibus instrumentis | 4. Vocabularium secundum ordinem alphabeti | 5. Expositio super fidem Athanasii Et pater noster | 6. Item super aliquos ymnos | 7. Ysidorus in principio Ethimologiarum | 8. Item interpretacio hebraicarum questionum

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Composite: nine or ten codicogical units and endleaves (fols. 1, 194). The enumeration differs according to whether fols. 116–129 (the Murbach Hymnal section) are considered as one codicological unit or as two; they are considered here as separate units.
Support: parchment
Extent: iii + 194 + iii leaves


Blind-tooled brown leather; 17th-century, English.


Provenance and Acquisition

Murbach, Benedictine abbey: inscription 'Legentes in hoc libro orent pro Reuerendo domino bartholomeo de andolo cuius industria pene dilapssus renouatus est anno M CCCC lxj' (fol. 103v); ‘Orent legentes pro domino bartolomeo de andolo Morbacen. abbate’ (fol. 194r).

Marcus Zuerius Boxhorn, Leiden (d. 1653): ownership inscription 'Sum Boxhorni' (fol. 2r)

Isaac Vossius (d. 1689): glossaries A, B, C and the Murbach hymns cited in Junius's Glossarium Gothicum as in Vossius's library.

Franciscus Junius, 1589–1677

Received by the Bodleian by 1677

MS. Junius 25 - endleaves (fols. 1, 194)


(fols. 1, 194)

Parts of two bifolia bound sideways. Many smaller fragments used for repairs elsewhere in the volume.

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: Parts of two bifolia (fols. 1, 194) cropped and bound in sideways
Dimensions (fragment): 273 × 190 mm.
Width of one leaf, 200 mm.


1 col. Width of the written space 120–5 mm.

Musical Notation:



Origin: 11th century, late or 12th century, early ; Germany

MS. Junius 25 – Part A (fols. 2–59v)



1. (fols. 2r–59v)
Ps.-Aethicus, Cosmographia
Rubric: Incipit liber ethici translato philosophico edito oraculo Hieronimo presbytero dilatum ex chosmografia id est mundi scriptura edicta ethici philosophi chosmografi
Incipit: Philosophorum sci\e/dolas sagace\i/ indagatione
Explicit: quos nos indaganter inuestigauimus. Suos characteres litterarum quos adinuenit ita distinxit
Final rubric: Explicit liber ethici philosophi cosmografi, natione schitica, nobile prosapia parentum, ab eo enim ethica philosophia a reliquis sapientibus originem traxit.

Followed by 22 'letters' and their names in three columns.

Siglum O in the edition of O. Prinz, MGH QQ zur Geistesgesch. 14 (1993). Fols. 4v, 5v blank; text continuous; one leaf missing after fol. 50 with loss of text (Prinz 213.3–218.7). Marginal notes added in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries by more than one hand.

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (leaf): 280 × 190 mm.
Dimensions (written): 220–230 × c. 145 mm.


Written in 26–30 long lines.


Pre-Caroline Minuscule. (Bischoff, II, no. 3799).


Good initials. (Pächt and Alexander i. 1)


Origin: 8th century, end ; German, southwest, perhaps Murbach, Benedictine abbey, according to Bischoff, II, no. 3799

MS. Junius 25 – Part B (fols. 60–86)

Alcuin, Ps.-Jerome, etc.


1. (fol. 60r)

Various short notes and glosses in Latin, some containing Greek, on an originally blank folio.

Language(s): Latin, some Greek
2. (fols. 60v-75v)
Alcuin, Rhetoric
Rubric: Qui rogo ciuiles cupiat cognoscere mores haec percepta legat quaelibet iste.
Incipit: Quia te venerande magister Deus adduxit et reduxit
Explicit: legentem non corrumpit

The treatise ends in a series of diagrams, fols. 72v-75v.

ed. PL 101, col. 919ff.

Language(s): Latin, some Greek

Notes on penance added after the end of the text (fol. 72r), before the diagrams on fol. 72v:

Incipit: ANCYRITANA .xlviiij. Si q(uis) adulterium commiserit .vii. an(nis) pen(itencie) completis perfectione[sic] redditur secundum pristinos gradus
Language(s): Latin
3. (fol. 76r-v)
Isidore of Seville, Letter to Masso
Rubric: Incipit epistola sancti Ysidori episcopi directa ad Massonem episcopum
Incipit: Domino sancto ... Veniente ad nos

CPL 1209.

Language(s): Latin
4. (fols. 77r-86r)
Alcuin, Dialectic
Incipit: Quia mentionem philosophiae in priore disputationis

ed. PL 101, col. 951ff.

Language(s): Latin
5. (fol. 86r-v)
Ps.-Jerome, De generibus musicorum
Rubric: Epistola Ieronimi ad Dardanum de generibus musicorum. Incipit cum sua interpretatione.
Incipit: Cogor a te ut tibi Dardane de aliis generibus musicorum

PL 30, col. 213–215.

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (leaf): 280 × 180 mm.
Dimensions (written): 235 × 140 mm.


Written in 42–50 long lines.


At least two different hands writing in Caroline minuscule.



Initials. (Pächt and Alexander i. 22)


Origin: 9th century, first quarter ; German, southwest , according to Bischoff, II, no. 3800

MS. Junius 25 – Part C (fols. 87–107)

'Junius B', etc.


1. (fol. 87r)
Carmen 82
Incipit: O rex auguste clarissime dignus honore et dux et doctor
Carmen 85.II
Incipit: Te homo laudet Alme creator

Added in the 9th century on a previously empty folio.

ed. Ernst Dümmler, Poetae Latini aevi Carolini, MGH, Poetae latini, vol. 1, pp. 300, 303.

Language(s): Latin
2. (fols. 87v-107v)
Glossary ('Junius B', 'Jb')
Incipit: Abram pater excelsus hohfater | Abram pater multorum
Explicit: Uncia uam unicus cuius que rei xii. pars sicut est uncia in libra

The glossary is constructed from glosses to the Biblical books Genesis – I Kings, with additional glosses (usually marked with ał) included from the Homilies of Gregory the Great. Each letter of the alphabet starts a new column. A glossary to the Dialogues of Gregory the Great is added in the free spaces in a different hand on fols. 89ra, 91ra, 92rb, 93ra-b, 94ra and 102rb. See E. Krotz in Althochdeutsche Literatur, ed. by Rolf Bergmann (2013), 216–7

Language(s): Latin and Old High German

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (leaf): 280 × 180 mm.
Dimensions (written): 230–235 × 135–40 mm.
Foliation: Paginated in ink 1–41 (fols. 87v-107v).


Written in two columns, c. 24–25 lines, unruled.


Pre-Caroline minuscule. (Bischoff, II, no. 3801)


Origin: 8th century, end-9th century, beginning ; Germanic centre in the region of Lake Constance , according to Bischoff, II, no. 3801


Murbach Abbey: glosses added early 9th century perhaps by the scribe of the Murbach Hymnals and the Junius C glossary (Krotz, op. cit.).

Murbach Abbey, 1461, inscription (fol. 103v).

MS. Junius 25 – Part D (fols. 108–115)

Commentaries on the Creed and the Pater Noster


1. (fols. 108r-111v)
Venantius Fortunatus, Commentary on the Athanasian Creed
Rubric: Expositio in fide catholica
Incipit: Quicumque vult salvus esse ... Fides dicitur credulitas sive credentia
Language(s): Latin
2. (fols. 112r-114r)
Pelagius, Libellus fidei ad Innocentium papam
Rubric: Incipit fides catholica Hieronimi
Incipit: Credimus in Deum patrem omnipotentem, cunctorum visibilium et invisibilium conditorem ...
Explicit: non me ereticum conprobabit. Dolendum est non querere homines eterna quae certa sunt sed sperare.
Language(s): Latin
3. (fol. 114v)
Commentary on the Lord's Prayer
Incipit: Pater noster qui es in caelis; haec vox libertatis est
Explicit: Sed libera nos a malo; a diabolo vel a malis hominibus.

PL 138.1184, as part of the Expositio missae 'Primum in ordine'; cf. Stegmüller, Bibl. 9045, 9352 (attrib. Alcuin).

Language(s): Latin
4. (fol. 115r-v)
Jerome, Commentary on the Lord's Prayer
Incipit: Pater noster qui in caelis es. Patrem dicendo se filios confitentur
Explicit: Recte ergo et hii quibus peccata dimittuntur homines appellati sunt.

PL 26.42–3; Stegmüller, Bibl. 3372,4

Language(s): Latin, with a couple of Greek words

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (leaf): 280 × 180 mm.
Dimensions (written): 235 × 135 mm.


Pre-Caroline minuscule. (Bischoff, II, no. 3802)

Musical Notation:

Pen-trials with neums on fol. 115v.


Good initials. (Pächt and Alexander i. 4)


Origin: 9th century, beginning ; German, Murbach, Benedictine abbey , according to Bischoff, II, no. 3802

MS. Junius 25 – Part E (fols. 116–121)

Murbach Hymnal, part 2; etc.


Summary of Contents: The second part of the 'Murbach hymns'. Bischoff suggested that the first part of the hymns (part G = fols. 122–129) was written at Reichenau with the first recto left blank, and circulated as an independent quire which soon reached Murbach. There the present quire (fols. 116–21) was added and the original collection supplemented by five or six additional hymns on the first two leaves. The remaining leaves of both quires (fols. 118–21 of the present quire, and the originally blank spaces of part 7) were used for glossaries and grammatical texts.
1. (fols. 116r–117v)

Hymnal, with Old German interlinear translation: ‘The Murbach Hymns’, XXII-XXVI


Chevalier 600, 20328, 17393, 647, 20075, 20086. For classification as a Frankish hymnal see H. Gneuss in Mittellateiniches Jahrbuch35 (2000), 228.

Murbach Hymnal XXII-XXVI
Incipit: euuige ⟨chris⟩tes lon intj urchundono kauuirich

The hymn 'Te decet laus' (fol. 117r) was treated by Sievers as no. 25a, but is regarded by others as an independent item (L. Voetz, in Althochdeutsche Literatur, ed. by Rolf Bergmann (2013), p. 273).

Written with the Old High German translations directly above the Latin texts, in a Murbach hand of the early 9th century.

Eduard Sievers, Die Murbacher Hymnen (Halle 1874); C. Simboloti, Gli Inni di Murbach: edizione critica, commento e glossario (2009).

Language(s): Latin and Old High German
2. (fols. 118r–121v)
Glossary ('Junius C', 'Jc')
Incipit: (gloss) ortfrumo | thara uuidri | em mizi
Incipit: (text) Auctor | At contra | Assiduitate
Explicit: (gloss) uuint linder in uuintar
Explicit: (text) Zephiri lenes uent | que uerno tempore

In the same hand as the scribe of the hymns also present in this manuscript; in four columns, arranged alphabetically, but leaping from D to M as the central bifolium of the quire has fallen out. There are one or two additions in the same hand as those on 89r–102v. See E. Krotz in Althochdeutsche Literatur, ed. by Rolf Bergmann (2013), 217–19.

E. Krotz, Auf den Spuren des althochdeutschen Isidor: Studien zur Pariser Handschrift, den Mondseer Fragmenten und zum Glossar Jc (Munich 2000), pp. 159–259.
Language(s): Latin and Old High German

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (leaf): 280 × 180 mm.
Dimensions (written): c. 230–5 × c. 140–50 mm.


Hymns written in 25 long lines, with interlinear German glosses.

Glossary in four columns, 21–26 lines.


Origin: 9th century, first quarter ; German, Murbach, Benedictine abbey


For date and origin see L. Voetz, in Althochdeutsche Literatur, ed. by Rolf Bergmann (2013), p. 274, summarizing earlier literature.

MS. Junius 25 – Part F (fols. 122–129)

The Murbach Hymnal, part 1; etc.


(fol. 122r, 121v)
Glossary to the Benedictine Rule
Incipit: (gloss) kizogenen lungorun | kispreitta
Incipit: (text) Alumnis | Propagium
Explicit: (text) Priuata
Explicit: (gloss) kiskerita

In the same hand as the previous glossary. The text begins on 122r (that is, on the first leaf of part 7), before breaking off midway through the fifth column. It then continues in the left hand margin of 121v, then in the free space in the fourth column of 121v, and finally returns to the free space in the fifth column of 122r. In the initial columns on 122r, the German equivalents are entered above the Latin. After the break midway in the fifth column, however, the Latin is entered not in full Carolingian minuscule, but in the same hand used for entering the German text, and so the German text occurs sometimes above, sometimes alongside and sometimes below the Latin terms thereafter. (Mossman, c. 2003)

A subsequent hand has entered a tiny portion of a different glossary to the Benedictine Rule in the bottom right-hand corner of fol. 122r. (Mossmann, c. 2003).

See A. Masser in Althochdeutsche Literatur, ed. by Rolf Bergmann (2013), 46–9.

Language(s): Latin and Old High German
1. (fols. 122v-129v)

Hymnal, with Old German interlinear translation: ‘The Murbach Hymns’, part I (nos. I-XXI).

Rubric: Incipiunt hymni canendae per circulum anni hymnum ad noctem dominicis diebus
Hymnal I-XXI
Incipit: (text) Mediae noctis tempore prophetica uox admonet
Explicit: (text) ab omni mortis inpetu tuum defendas populum

Chevalier 11420, 4491, 19349, 626, 6608, 4415, 2845, 4586, 15175, 4323, 2272, 4573, 14836=14835, 4490, 4489, 2934, 11506, 18913, 1644, 7793, 110.

Murbach Hymns I-XXI
Incipit: mit tera nahti zite uuizacl lichiu stimma manot
Explicit: fona allemu todes analaufte dinan kascirmi liut

These are in a different hand from those hymns of part 6, although organised in the same manner upon the page, with the Old High German text above the Latin. (Mossman, c. 2003).

Eduard Sievers, Die Murbacher Hymnen (Halle 1874); C. Simboloti, Gli Inni di Murbach: edizione critica, commento e glossario (2009).

Language(s): Latin and Old High German
(fol. 129v, left margin)

Added grammatical text.

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (leaf): 280–5 × 175–80 mm.
Dimensions (written): 220–30 × 130 mm.


Written in 20 long lines, with interlinear German glosses.


Caroline minuscule. Fol. 122v attributed by Bischoff (II, no. 3803) to Reginbert of Reichenau.


Good initials. (Pächt and Alexander i. 5, pl. I)


Origin: 9th century, first quarter (?) ; Reichenau, Benedictine abbey


For date and origin see L. Voetz, in Althochdeutsche Literatur, ed. by Rolf Bergmann (2013), p. 274, summarizing earlier literature.

Probably not identifiable with the volume described 'De carminibus Theodiscae volumen I' in the Reichenau booklist of 821–2, or with volumes ('...XII carmina Theodiscae linguae formata', '...carmine diversa ad docendum Theodiscam linguam') in the Reichenau booklist of 835 × 842 (Voetz, op. cit., 283–4).

MS. Junius 25 – Part G (fols. 130–133)



1. (fols. 130v-133r)
⟨De coniugationibus uerborum⟩
Incipit: Uidentur uerba ex forma gerendi perfecto in passiuum uersa
Explicit: utinam latus essem

Cf. Diomedes, Ars grammatica (Keil, Grammatici Latini I, 357.4–361.36).

Fols. 130r, 133v blank.

Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (leaf): 275–80 × 180 mm.
Dimensions (written): 230 × 130–40 mm.


Written in 30 long lines.


Caroline minuscule


Origin: 9th century, first quarter ; Reichenau, Benedictine abbey , according to Bischoff, II, no. 3805.

MS. Junius 25 – Part H (fols. 134–151)

Isidore, Etymologiae


1. (fols. 134r-151v)
Isidore, Etymologies (I.i-II.ii)
Incipit: (prol.) Domino meo et Dei seruo

Followed by a list of chapter titles for book 1.

Rubric: Incipit liber primus
Incipit: (text) Disciplina a discendo nomen accepit
Explicit: et quintiliano sed ita copiose ita uarie ut eadem lectori

Incomplete, books 1–2,2; text ends abruptly on fol. 151v with two lines of text; the rest of the folio is blank.

Language(s): Latin

Includes isolated Old High German glosses, both marginal and interlinear, on fols. 137r, 147v and 148v. The glosses are edited in Steinmeyer, Elias, and Eduard Sievers (eds.), Die althochdeutschen Glossen, 5 vols (Berlin 1879–1922), no. 493.

Language(s): Old High German

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (leaf): 265–70 × 170 mm.
Dimensions (written): c. 205 × 130 mm.


Written in 26–36 long lines.


Caroline minuscule, several hands.


Capitals in the ink of the text.


Origin: 9th century ; German, Murbach, Benedictine abbey (?) , according to BStK 795 (III)

MS. Junius 25 – Part I (fols. 152–157)



Language(s): Latin

(fols. 152r-156v)
⟨Petrus Pisanus⟩, ⟨Ars grammatica (Ars Dieziana)⟩ (extracts)
Rubric: De octo partibus
Incipit: Donatus dicit partes orationis sunt octo
Explicit: De interiectione ... nec in aliam linguum facile transferentur.
Final rubric: Explicit expositio
Grammatical works attributed to Peter of Pisa, Charlemagne's tutor, ed. E. Krotz and M. Gorman (Weidmann: Hildesheim, 2014), sig. J, pp. xlv, xlvii.
(fol. 156v)
⟨De nominibus mobilibus⟩
Incipit: Sunt nomina tota mobilia ut doctus .ta .tum. Et ideo mobilia dicuntur
Incipit: scolasticus . scolasticum

Cf. E. Krotz, Auf den Spuren des althochdeutschen Isidor (2002), 237–9; H. Hagen, Anecdota Helvetica (1870), xxix.

(fol. 157v)
⟨On participles⟩
Incipit: Inter participia presentis temporis et nomina eorum similia
(fol. 157r)
⟨Petrus Pisanus⟩, ⟨Ars grammatica (Ars Dieziana): De nomine⟩
Incipit: Species uocum alii .ii. alii .iiij. dixerunt esse
Explicit: intellegitur per gemitis[sic] dolor

Krotz and Gormann, 301–2; cf. H. Hagen, Anecdota Helvetica (1870), xxv-vi (Bern MS. 207 f. 115v-116r)

(fol. 157r-v)
De littera
Incipit: Genera litterarum diuersa sunt quia a diuersis locis et auctoribus
Explicit: non diuiditur athomos est. Finit.

H. Hagen, Anecdota Helvetica (1870), xxv-vi (Bern MS. 207 f. 112r-113r)

(fol. 157v)
Incipit: Quid est arbor .
Explicit: Lucius uero ait: cumque hic tam formosus homo apta[sic] dignius[sic] puellus
2. (fol. 157v)
Claudius Claudianus, Carmina minora

Carm. 32 De salvatore

Rubric: Incipiunt versus de Christo
Incipit: Christe potens rerum redeuntis conditor aevi
Explicit: Annua sinceri celebrent[sic] ieiunia sacri

Carm. 13 In podagricum

Rubric: De podagrico
(fol. 157v)
Martial, Epig. 13.72
Rubric: De fasiano

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (leaf): 275–80 × 180 mm.
Dimensions (written): 240–5 × 150 mm.


Written in 42–43 long lines.


Caroline minuscule


Origin: 8th century, end or 9th century, beginning ; German, southwest , according to Bischoff, II, no. 3807

MS. Junius 25 – Part J (fols. 158–193)

'Junius A' glossary; Isidore; expositions of the Pater Noster; etc.


Language(s): Latin

1. (fols. 158r-183v)
Glossary ('Junius A', 'Ja')
Rubric: Incipiunt glosae in genesim
Incipit: Bresith hebreum nomen Genesis grecum in lacmadis generatio Prologus prefatio siue proloquutio
Explicit: Penetrare ingan | Aporia suintilod | Diuinatio urteili

Glosses to a substantial part of the Bible, to Biblical poetry, saints' lives and grammatical texts; see E. Krotz in Althochdeutsche Literatur, ed. by Rolf Bergmann (2013), 213–216.

Language(s): Latin and Old High German
2. (fols. 183v-193v)
⟨Isidore of Seville⟩, ⟨Etymologies⟩

Excerpts from Book VII.6-Book VIII.2

(fol. 183v)
Rubric: De nominibus qui de quodam presagio nomina acceperunt
Incipit: Plerique primorum hominorum
(fol. 184r)
Rubric: De patriarchis
Incipit: Quorundam patriarcharum ethimologiae notandae sunt
(fol. 184r-v)
Rubric: De prophetis
Incipit: Quos gentiles uater apellant
(fols. 184v-185r)
Rubric: De martyribus
Incipit: Martyres greca lingua latine testes dicuntur
(fols. 185r-18bv)
Rubric: De clericis
Incipit: Cleros et clericos hinc appellatos
(fols. 187v-188r)
Rubric: De monachis
Incipit: Monachus greca ethimologia uocatur eo quod sit singularis
(fol. 188r-v)
Rubric: De ceteris fidelibus
Incipit: Christianus quantum de interpretatio
(fols. 188v-189r)
Incipit: Ecclesia grecum est quod in lation uertitur conuocatio
Explicit: quasi inter Deum et hominem hinc et fedus.

Commentaries on the Lord's Prayer, etc.

(fols. 189r-190r)
Rubric: De oratione dominica
Incipit: Dominus et saluator noster discipulis suis petentibus quemadmodum orare deberent
Explicit: conferre dignetur iesus christus dominus noster qui uiuit et regnat […]

PL 72.353–4

(fols. 190r-191r)
Rubric: Item de oratione eadem
Incipit: Pater noster qui es in caelis; ut filius esse merearis ecclesiae; caelum est ibi ubi culpa
Explicit: a malo hoc est de inimico et de peccato preterito ac presenti et futuro
Cf. Stegmüller, Bibl. 9350, 11030
(fols. 191r-192r)
Incipit: Pater noster que es in celis Patrem inuocamus deum in caelis quia nos omnes ab uno deo omnipotente creati sumus
Explicit: a diabolo et ab omni opere malo uel de inferno amen
Cf. Stegmüller, Bibl. 3340, 9351, 11600
(fols. 192r-193v)
⟨Hilarius Arelatensis⟩, ‘Expositio de fide catholica’ (CPL 505)
Incipit: Auscultate expositionem de fide catholica Quam si quis digne non habuerit regum dei non possidebunt[sic]

Ed. A. E. Burn in Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 19, 1899, 180–2 (this ms. siglum B)

(fol. 193v)
Incipit: Aurea uos summi conseruet dextera patris
SK 1464

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Dimensions (leaf): 275–80 × 185–90 mm.
Dimensions (written): 225–30 × 145–50 mm.


Written in two columns, 21 lines.

Fol. 184r written in 22 long lines.


Caroline minuscule


Origin: end of the 8th century-beginning of 9th century ; German, Lake Constance region (?) , according to BStK 795 (IV) and Bischoff, II, no. 3808 (without the date)

Additional Information

Record Sources

Description by Tuija Ainonen and Matthew Holford (April 2020, rev. Oct. 2020). Previously described in the Summary Catalogue.


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Last Substantive Revision

2020-10-08: Added dimensions.