MS. Laud Misc. 138
Summary Catalogue no.: 1567
Augustine, Ps.-Augustine; England, 13th century, middle
Language(s): Latin
Thirteenth-century table of contents. Fol. 1r blank.
Version of Serm. App. 310, PL 39 col. 2340–2; cf. MS. Lyell 55 fol. 112v.
Physical Description
Ruled in leadpoint for 2 columns of usually 40 lines. Ruled space c. 200 × 135 mm. (inner bounding lines), c. 10 mm. between columns; ruling between columns; written below top line.
Standard binding of the Laudian collection, calf over pasteboard; pastedowns of printed waste.
Provenance and Acquisition
DM in margins (contemporary) (fols. 68v-69r, etc.). Column numbering in a later hand (? s. xiv; cf. notes keyed to index, fol. 127v).
Dore, Herefordshire, Cistercian abbey of St Mary the Virgin: "Liber monachorum Sancte Marie Wallis Dore" (s. xv, on fol. 1v, facing the first page of text). "Liber sancte marie Wallis Dore qui eum fraude furaverit" (s. xv ex.) at end of MS. (fol. 126v). Erased inscription in red and perhaps of s. xiii/ xiv, above the other on fol. 126v, appears to have read "Liber monachorum Sancte Marie Vallis [...]" |(with "Dore" later written over the final word). (MLGB3: evidence from an ex-libris inscription or note of gift to an institution).
'Thomas Blage', 16th century, fol. 1r.
'Matthew Allen', 16th century, fol. 2r
'William Le Neve Clarencieux', fol. 126v, with his arms (after 1635, when le Neve was Clarenceux King of Arms).
William Laud (1573–1645), archbishop of Canterbury, 1638 (fol. 2r, with his arms).
Part of his third donation to the Bodleian, 1639.
Record Sources
Online resources:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2024-05: Revised to incorporate all information in Quarto description with limited additional description from manuscript.