Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109
- Notes:
- This record contains information from VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) which is made available under the ODC Attribution License.
- External links:
- Bibliothèque nationale de France (authority record)
- GND: Gemeinsame Normdatei (authority record)
- Library of Congress (authority record)
- SUDOC: Système Universitaire de Documentation (authority record)
- ISNI: International Standard Name Identifier (authority record)
- Wikidata
- VIAF: Virtual International Authority File (authority record)
- Author of:
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Cur deus homo [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: De casu diaboli [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: De conceptu uirginali [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: De concordia praescientiae et praedestinationis [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: De incarnatione uerbi [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: De libertate arbitrii [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: De processione spiritus sancti [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: De sacramentis ecclesiae [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: De sacrificio azymi et fermentati [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: De ueritate [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Epistolae [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Extracts [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Libellus honeste vitae [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Meditatio I de timore mortis [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Meditatio II Deploratio uirginitatis male amissae [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Meditatio de redemptione humana (meditatio 3) [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Meditations [Italian]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Meditations [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Monologion [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Prayers and meditations [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Proslogion [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Quomodo grammatica sit substancia et qualitas [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Responsio Anselmi contra Gaunilonem siue Contra insipientem [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Sermon [Latin]
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033–1109: Works [Latin]
- Manuscripts:
- Christ Church, Allestree Library MS. F.1.1 — s. xiii1; England
- Christ Church MS. 91 — Composite manuscript
- Exeter College MS. 23 (Digital facsimile online) — s. xiiiin; England
- Jesus College MS. 4 — Composite manuscript
- Jesus College MS. 51 — 1100s × 1110s; England
- MS. Auct. D. 2. 6 (Selected pages online) — Composite manuscript
- MS. Bodl. 61 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Bodl. 122 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Bodl. 136 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Bodl. 195 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Bodl. 271 (Selected pages online) — Composite manuscript
- MS. Bodl. 383 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Bodl. 428 — 13th century, first half; France (?)
- MS. Bodl. 436 — 15th century, second quarter; English
- MS. Bodl. 443 — 13th century, late; England
- MS. Bodl. 569 (Selected pages online) — c. 1100; French, Normandy
- MS. Bodl. 630 — 15th century, early; English
- MS. Bodl. 785 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Bodl. 797 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Bodl. 839 — 12th century, beginning; England, Lanthony
- MS. Bodl. 861 (Digital facsimile online) — 1409–1411; additions, 15th cent.; English
- MS. Bodl. 867 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Buchanan g. 1 (Selected pages online) — 15th century, late; Italian, Florence
- MS. Canon. Ital. 212 — 15th century; Italian
- MS. Canon. Misc. 284 — 15th century and 14th century
- MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 10 — 15th century
- MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 11 — 1453; [Italy]
- MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 34 — 13th century, end
- MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 51 — 15th century
- MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 52 (Digital facsimile online) — Composite manuscript
- MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 64 — 15th century
- MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 97 — 14th century
- MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 116 — 15th century, beginning; Italian, Treviso (?)
- MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 204 — 14th century
- MS. Canon. Pat. Lat. 225 — 15th century
- MS. Digby 33 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Digby 158 — 12th century, middle; English, Reading
- MS. Germ. e. 23 (Digital facsimile online) — c.1520–c.1550; Swabia, Germany.
- MS. Hamilton 21 (Digital facsimile online) — Composite manuscript
- MS. Lat. th. d. 27 — 15th century, late; English
- MS. Lat. th. d. 46 (Selected pages online) — 12th century, second quarter; English, Winchcombe Abbey
- MS. Lat. th. f. 21 — 13th century; English
- MS. Laud Lat. 37 (Digital facsimile online) — Composite manuscript
- MS. Laud Lat. 86 — 12th century, first half and 12th century; English
- MS. Laud Misc. 22 (Digital facsimile online) — 13th century; France
- MS. Laud Misc. 79 (Selected pages online) — Composite manuscript
- MS. Laud Misc. 117 (Digital facsimile online) — 12th century, first half (probably around 1120); Germany, West
- MS. Laud Misc. 202 (Digital facsimile online) — Composite manuscript
- MS. Laud Misc. 258 — 15th century
- MS. Laud Misc. 264 — 14th century
- MS. Laud Misc. 323 (Digital facsimile online) — Composite manuscript
- MS. Laud Misc. 344 — c. 1200; English
- MS. Laud Misc. 457 (Digital facsimile online) — c. 1200/1210; German, West, Eberbach abbey
- MS. Laud Misc. 508 — 12th century, middle; English
- MS. Laud Misc. 527 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Lyell 58 (Digital facsimile online) — 12th century; Austrian or German
- MS. Rawl. A. 392 (Selected pages online) — c. 1085; French, Normandy
- MS. Rawl. C. 116 — 14th century and 15th century
- MS. Rawl. C. 149 (Selected pages online) — 12th century, middle (fos. 27–50) - 15th century; English
- MS. Selden Supra 36 — Composite manuscript
- MS. e Mus. 112 — 12th century (between 1108 and 1126); English, Bury St. Edmunds
- MS. e Mus. 134 — Composite manuscript
- Merton College MS. 13 — Composite manuscript
- Merton College MS. 16 — Composite manuscript
- Merton College MS. 18 — Composite manuscript
- Merton College MS. 19 — S. XIV; England
- Merton College MS. 20 — Composite manuscript
- Merton College MS. 22 — Composite manuscript
- Merton College MS. 35 — Composite manuscript
- Merton College MS. 40 — Composite manuscript
- Merton College MS. 45 — S. XIV in.; England
- Merton College MS. 180 — Composite manuscript
- St John's College MS 127 — s. xv med.; England
- St John's College MS 130 — s. xv1; England
- St John's College MS 158 — Composite manuscript
- St John's College MS 165 — s. xii ex.; England
- Trinity College MS. 37 — XIII2/3 and XIIIex–XIVin; England
- University College MS. 16 — 15th century; England
- University College MS. 30 — 15th century; England
- University College MS. 59 — 13th century; France
The above references reflect only the current coverage of the online catalogue and may not be comprehensive.