Hearne, Thomas, 1678–1735
- Notes:
- This record contains information from VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) which is made available under the ODC Attribution License.
- External links:
- Bibliothèque nationale de France (authority record)
- GND: Gemeinsame Normdatei (authority record)
- Library of Congress (authority record)
- SUDOC: Système Universitaire de Documentation (authority record)
- ISNI: International Standard Name Identifier (authority record)
- Wikidata
- VIAF: Virtual International Authority File (authority record)
- Manuscripts:
- MS. Barlow 40 (Selected pages online) — 12th century, second quarter; Italy, North (?); France, South (?)
- MS. Rawl. C. 259 — 15th century, first quarter; England, London (?)
- MS. Rawl. C. 292 (Selected pages online) — c. 1321; English
- MS. Rawl. D. 263 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Rawl. D. 358 — 15th century; English
- MS. Rawl. D. 732 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Rawl. D. 893 (Selected pages online) — Composite manuscript
- MS. Rawl. D. 913 (Selected pages online) — Composite manuscript
- MS. Rawl. G. 8 (Selected pages online) — 13th century, end; English
- MS. Rawl. G. 9 — 13th century, second half (?)
- MS. Rawl. G. 27 — 15th century, end; Italian, Naples (?)
- MS. Rawl. G. 67 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Rawl. G. 96 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Rawl. G. 99 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Rawl. G. 109 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Rawl. G. 139 — c. 1120–1130; England, Malmesbury
- MS. Rawl. G. 165 (Selected pages online) — c. 1220–1230; England
- MS. Rawl. G. 186 (Digital facsimile online) — 14th century, second half; Italian
- MS. Rawl. G. 187 (Selected pages online) — 14th century, second half; Italy
- MS. Rawl. Q. a. 1 — Composite manuscript
- MS. Rawl. Q. b. 4 — 9th century - 16th century
- MS. Rawl. liturg. e. 43 — 14th century, end; English
The above references reflect only the current coverage of the online catalogue and may not be comprehensive.