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- Estimated1,058
- Known156
- Partially known20
- liturgy317
- classical literature257
- theology215
- bible177
- philosophy112
- history106
- law106
- literature106
- christian literature89
- sermons67
- hagiography59
- rhetoric59
- science52
- grammar51
- medicine44
- monasticism and religious orders43
- documents41
- conduct25
- natural history24
- clergy22
- politics and government18
- geography17
- music17
- indexes7
- recreation2
- Christ Church MSS.5
- Dep. (Deposited manuscripts)1
- Exeter College MSS.3
- Hertford College MSS.1
- Lady Margaret Hall Borough MSS.4
- Lincoln College MSS.2
- MSS. Add. (Additional) A19
- MSS. Add. (Additional) B7
- MSS. Add. (Additional) C20
- MSS. Add. (Additional) D3
- MSS. Arch. Selden. (Archivum Seldenianum)2
- MSS. Ashmole3
- MSS. Auct. D. (Auctarium D.)3
- MSS. Auct. E. (Auctarium E.)2
- MSS. Auct. F. (Auctarium F.)27
- MSS. Auct. T. (Auctarium T.)9
- MSS. Barlow2
- MSS. Barocci3
- MSS. Bodl. (Bodley)16
- MSS. Bowyer1
- MSS. Broxb. (Broxbourne)1
- MSS. Buchanan9
- MSS. Bywater2
- MSS. Bywater adds.1
- MSS. Canon. Bibl. Lat. (Canonici Latin Biblical)41
- MSS. Canon. Class. Lat. (Canonici Latin Classical)141
- MSS. Canon. Gr. (Canonici Greek)3
- MSS. Canon. Ital. (Canonici Italian)79
- MSS. Canon. Liturg. (Canonici Liturgical)186
- MSS. Canon. Misc. (Canonici Miscellaneous)84
- MSS. Canon. Pat. Lat. (Canonici Latin Patristic)78
- MSS. D'Orville49
- MSS. Digby22
- MSS. Don. (Donation)4
- MSS. Douce31
- MSS. Duke Humfrey1
- MSS. E. D. Clarke7
- MSS. Eng. misc. (English miscellaneous)1
- MSS. Finch1
- MSS. Gr. class. (Greek classical)1
- MSS. Hamilton2
- MSS. Hatton2
- MSS. Holkham Gr. (Holkham Hall Greek)1
- MSS. Holkham misc. (Holkham miscellaneous)16
- MSS. Ital. (Italian)7
- MSS. Jones1
- MSS. Lat. bib. (Latin bibles)7
- MSS. Lat. class. (Latin classical)15
- MSS. Lat. hist. (Latin historical)4
- MSS. Lat. liturg. (Latin liturgical)28
- MSS. Lat. misc. (Latin miscellaneous)28
- MSS. Lat. th. (Latin theology)32
- MSS. Laud Gr. (Laud Greek)5
- MSS. Laud Lat. (Latin)27
- MSS. Laud Misc. (Laud miscellaneous)30
- MSS. Lawn medieval5
- MSS. Liturg. (Liturgical)1
- MSS. Lyell17
- MSS. Montagu6
- MSS. Radcliffe Trust1
- MSS. Rawl. A (Rawlinson A)4
- MSS. Rawl. C (Rawlinson C)9
- MSS. Rawl. D (Rawlinson D)5
- MSS. Rawl. G. (Rawlinson G)34
- MSS. Rawl. poet. (Rawlinson poetry)1
- MSS. Savile1
- MSS. Selden Supra6
- MSS. Sparrow1
- MSS. Tanner1
- MSS. Wood1
- MSS. e Mus. (e Musaeo)3
- Merton College MS. fragments13
- Merton College MSS.28
- St John's College MSS11
- Trinity College MSS.4
- University College MSS.2