A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Arch. Selden. B. 8

Summary Catalogue no.: 3338

Physical Description

Composite: 20 parts. Only the pre-1600 items (parts A, C, D, H, R) are described here.


Provenance and Acquisition

John Selden, 1584–1654

Acquired by the Bodleian in 1659

MS. Arch. Selden. B. 8 – Part A


1. (fol. 3)
Porphyry, Introductio in Tetrabiblum Ptolemaei
Rubric: Πορϕνρίον Φiλοσόϕον Eίσαγωγὴ είς τὴν 'Аποτελεσματικὴν τοῦ Πτολεμαίου, ώς ϕασί
Incipit: Eπειδὴ τά περί τῆς συγκρατικῆς
Explicit: ὂσπερ ἄρξει μεγάλου ἀποτελσματος. Tὸ δὲ λοιπὸν οὐχ εὓρηται
Language(s): Greek

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: paper


Origin: 16th century


‘Ex bibliotheca regia. Parisijs. Joannes Dee, 1550’

MS. Arch. Selden. B. 8 – Part C


Language(s): Latin

1. (fol. 16)
Gregoras Nicephorus, De astrolabio (tr. Giorgio Valla)
Rubric: Gregoræ Nicephori philosophi de structura Astrolabi ... Georgio Valla Placenti⟨n⟩o interprete
Incipit: Exterius conceptaculum quod tympana comprehendit
(fol. 21)
Aristarchus of Samos, De magnitudinibus et distantiis solis et lunae (tr. Giorgio Valla)
Rubric: Aristarchi Samij de magnitudinibus et distantiis solis et lunæ
(fol. 32v)
Ps.-Timaeus Locrus, De mundo sive De universitatis natura (tr. Giorgio Valla)
Rubric: Timæi Locri de uniuersitatis natura
(fol. 40)
Cleonides, Harmonicum introductorium (tr. Giorgio Valla)
Rubric: Cleonidæ harmonicum introductorium

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: paper




Origin: 16th century

MS. Arch. Selden. B. 8 – Part D


Language(s): Latin

1. (fol. 53)
Messahala, De receptionibus
Rubric: Liber Messehallah astrologi qui interpretatur Quod Deus voluit in coniunccione & recepcione

The first part is lost, the text beginning 'perficietur res iussu Dei'

2. (fol. 59v)
De planetarum significationibus eTK 1512K
Rubric: Incipiunt significaciones planetarum in domibus xij iuxta Messehallah
Incipit: Sol cum fuerit in ascendente significat principatum et sublimitem et regnum et magnitudinem rerum
Explicit: proferas alid et iuvenes si deus voluerit. Finis. Explicit.
3. (fol. 63)
Albumazar, De partibus et eorum causis
Incipit: Antiqui sapientes in iudiciis suis

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: paper


Origin: 15th century, second half ; English

MS. Arch. Selden. B. 8 – Part H


1. (fol. 118)
Rubric: Entrate della Chiesa, con le Prouisioni che paga nostro Signore ai Cardinali, a'i Nuntij etc

An account of the receipts and payments of the Papal establishment, in connexion with the various offices of the Court, both at Rome, in the Papal States and elsewhere, compiled about 1580–90 (?)

Language(s): Italian

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: paper


Origin: 16th century, last quarter

MS. Arch. Selden. B. 8 – Part R


1. (fol. 266)

A collection of Vaticinia or Prophecies, about 55 in number, almost all English and contemporary, in several hands, preceded by an index of first words, and (fol. 266v) 'Dysclosyng of Armes', a list of emblems attached to persons of distinction, beg. 'The Fawcon–Pawlett. The Fenyx–Semer. The dragon blew–Marques of Northamton', cf. fol. 300. Prophecies ascribed to Merlin, [Hildegardis], Robert the scribe of Bridlington, [Banester of Great Britain] and others occur. On fol. 266 is a song, 'I am a pwore prentis', and tune; cf. fol. 301v.

Language(s): English

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: paper


Origin: 16th century, middle; English

Additional Information

Record Sources

Description adapted from the Summary Catalogue (1937), with a little additional description of part D (localization and item 2), Matthew Holford, July 2019.


Last Substantive Revision

2019-10-31: Toby Burrows/Mapping Manuscript MigrationsProvenance and acquisition information added using https://github.com/mapping-manuscript-migrations/oxford-tei-updates/blob/master/update_oxford_prov.rb in collaboration with the Mapping Manuscript Migrations project.