Merton College MS. 14
Former shelfmark: A. 3. 2
Language(s): Latin
The former front pastedown is now fragment Q. 3. 10 (7) below.
fol. irv is a waste leaf of art. 35, containing the beginning of Robert Grosseteste, Summa on Aristotle, Ethica Nicomachea: ‘⟨O⟩mnis ars et omnis doctrina ...; Primum capitulum de eo quod est aliquis finis perfectissimus omnium bonorum ... (ending unfinished in 3. 13) contra omnes communes minus’. Thomson, Grosseteste, no. 31; pr. Venice 1483, Lyons 1542. Written space 290 × 170 mm., ruled in 2 cols of 73 lines, in a small gothic rotunda bookhand (probably the same as art. 35), lacking decoration. An informal table of contents, s. xiv, occupies fol. iv col. b, using the foliation, and indicating that an item, ‘Libri ethice decem’, is missing before the present art. 1. This presumably refers to Aristotle, Ethics, and perhaps to art. 35.
On fol. 330v is a table of contents, s. xiv ex., to the complete volume except for the original art. 1, and arts 34–5. Art. 1, and perhaps 34–5 if then at the front of the book, might have been cropped by the binder.
Annotated throughout, in pencil and ink, in hands of s. xiv and xv. A reader of the late sixteenth century (Henry Savile?) was much interested in it, annotating in the upper margins, and also the table of contents at the rear, referring to printed editions of the texts.
Physical Description
c. 1500, heavily restored by Maltby; reverse-bevelled oak boards with slightly projecting squares, bared and backed with modern vellum; sewn on five bands; blue and plain endbands. The boards had two straps (not recessed) from the front to catches at the back, and chain-staples at the foredges, near the foot on the front board, near the head on the rear.
Provenance and Acquisition
On fol. 330v: s. xiv ‘Liber domus scolar’ de Merton’ Oxon’ ex legato M. Willelmi Bernel’; s. xv ‘Istum librum reparauit M. Iohannes Burbache sacre pagine professor’. Burnell (BRUO 316–17) was canon of Wells from 1284, dean 1292–5, d. 1304. He gave another six books. UO47. 225, ‘in libraria’, valued at 40s. For Burbage see MS 3.
On 23 Dec. 1489 the book was lent (‘extracta erat a libraria’) to the abbot of Abingdon ‘pro copia quorundam tractatuum’ (Registrum, p. 128). It was returned on 24 Feb. 1490.
At the head of fol. 1 is the James no. ‘262’, s. xvii in. Inside the front board is a sheet of paper with the contents, s. xvii, and ‘N. 2. 2. Art:’, canc. and replaced with ‘A. 3. 2. (XIV)’ in red. ‘2’ is inked on the foredge.
Merton College MS. 14 – Part I
Language(s): Latin
CPL 610; PL 23. 211–338; Lambert 252.
CPL 309, 401–3; CCSL 46 (1969), pp. 179–99; CCSL 60 (1976), pp. 305–63. II-IV are by QUODVULTDEUS.
CPL 405; PL 40. 677–86.
Preceded by Epist. 200.
CPL 350; CSEL 42 (1902), pp. 207–319.
PL 39. 1535–49.
PL 39. 1713–15.
CPL 284; CCSL 41 (1961), pp. 527–70.
CPL 284; CCSL 41 (1961), pp. 571–604.
CPL 332; CSEL 51 (1908), pp. 143–375.
Preceded by the relevant extract from Retract.
CPL 342; CSEL 60 (1913), pp. 2–151.
CPL 253; CCSL 29 (1970), pp. 1–61
PL 38. 1072–6.
Preceded by the relevant extract from Retract.
CPL 331; CSEL 51 (1908), pp. 17–141.
CPL 649; PL 68. 371–6; ed. C. H. Turner, JTS 24 (1923), 225–52; Römer 2. 382.
Also in BL, Roy. 5 F. xvi, fols. 1rv, 3–9. Greek text, and a different Latin version, in PG 31. 197–218.
Epist. 167, 67, 68, 73 (beg. ‘Cur itaque conor’: PL 33. 246), 28, 72, 40, 71, 75, 82.
CPL 312; CCSL 46 (1969), pp. 243–62
PL 40. 1213–14. The common excerpt from De Spiritu et Anima.
AUGUSTINE, Caillau 1. 47. 3
unpr.; in eleven English MSS: Römer 1. 378–9.
AUGUSTINE app. 117
AUGUSTINE Wilmart Add. [15]: PL Suppl. 2. 740
Wilmart in RB 42 (1930), 138, no. 15.
AUGUSTINE, Serm. ined. IV (PL 47. 1155–6)
Ps.-LEO 8: PL 54. 495–7
Ps.-MAXIMUS 36 (PL 57. 605–10)
The sermons are numbered xii-xiv, xvii, xx-xl.
Wilmart no. 39; CPG 4400; PG 52. 459–80; ICO v. 750–69A; M. Malingrey in Sacris Erudiri 16 (1965), 320–54
Wilmart no. 29; ICO v. 953–5.
Wilmart no. 37; ICO v. 955–7.
Wilmart no. 36; ICO v. 957–60.
CPL 581; Lambert 201; CCSL 72 (1959), pp. 57–161.
Epist. 57 (38), 73 (44), 129 (57), 35 (1), 36 (2; as 3 items, dividing in sects. 10–15), 62 (3), 19 (4), 20 (5), 15 (6), 16 (7), 18B (8), 18A (9), 21 (10), 14 (37), 52 (33), 58 (34), 55 (?), 83–4 (39–40), Epist. suppos. 42 (41), 69 (42), 146 (43), 17 (45), 124 (46), Epist. suppos. 17 (47), 145 (48), 122 (49), 47 (50), 71 (54), 61 (55), 109 (56), Adv. Vigilantium (57), 70 (58), 74 (59), 72 (60), 76 (63), 68 (64), 147 (65), 8 (67), 125 (68), 10 (69), 7 (70), 9 (71), 12 (72), 2 (73), 119 (74), 140. 16–21 (75), 48–9 (76–7), 97 (78), 50 (79), 126 (22), 134 (25), 141–3 (26–8), Ps.-JEROME (PELAGIUS), Libellus Fidei (PL 39. 2181–3, &c.; Lambert 316) (29), Epist. suppos. 37 as two items (30–1), 55. 5 (‘Epistolaris responsio ad quod supra’) (37), 51 (53), 4 (61), 5 (62), 6 (66), Epist. suppos. 9 = PASCHASIUS, De Assumptione Beatae Mariae Virginis (CCSL cont. med. 56C [1985], pp. 109–62), as two items (80, 94), Sermo Ieronimi de assumptione Sancte Marie sacris consecratus uirginibus. Quocienscumque dilectissime uobis aliquid pro amore conditoris nostri ... in manu Domini per gratiam eius qui ... Ps.-ILDEFONSUS, part pr. PL 96. 235–6, Petis a me peticiunculam ... (BHL 5345), Epist. suppos. 50. 1, Epist. suppos. 48–9, Epist. suppos. 50. 2–11, Epist. suppos. 23, 22 (91), 45 (92), 11 (93), Epist. suppos. 1 (94; ?JULIAN OF ECLANUM; a later hand has written in the lower margin of fol. 191v ‘Ista epistola non est Ieronimi sed Iuliani heretici Pelagiani ut patet per Bedam super Cantica libro primo c. 12. Et per Augustinum epistola 71 ad Iulianam uirginem et per Guidonem uel Guigonem priorem Cartusie ad fratres Deroborenses’), 130 (95), 107 (95), 64 (97), 117 (98), 13 (99), 54 (100), 79, 123 (101), 120 (102) without the capitula , 121 (103), 59 (104), 40 (105), 26 (106), 25, 41–2, 27, 44, 43 + 46. 11–12 (112), 38, 29 (114), 34, 32, 30, 28, 60, Epist. suppos. 40 (CAELESTIUS), 118 (121), 39 (122), 108 (123), 75, 77 (125), 23–4 (126–7), 1 (128), 127, 66. 1–11 (129). CPL 620; Lambert IA, p. 234; CSEL 54–6 (1910, 1912, 1918); the supposititious letters in PL 30. 15–308. An early hand has numbered the letters in the margin, and given the longer ones numbered subdivisions, also signalled in the text by paraphs. The letter-numbers (given above in brackets following the modern number) follow the order of the collection usual in English MSS after the Conquest (Mynors, Durham, p. 37), ‘Dormientem … patriarcham Loth’.
transl. Jerome
CPG 1432; ed. W. A. Baehrens, GCS 33 (1925), pp. 26–60; Lambert 206.
Preceded by Epist. 37
CPL 290; CCSL 44 (1970).
CPL 315; PL 42. 51–64.
Preceded by the relevant extract from Retract.
CPL 327; CCSL 49 (1985), pp. 168–78.
CPL 322; PL 42. 519–52; CSEL 25(2), pp. 801–52.
CPL 349; CSEL 42 (1902), pp. 123–206.
Followed by a note in red ‘Hic nihil est de capitulo 40, 41, 42.’ CPL 271; CSEL 28, 2 (1895), pp. 507–628; Stegmüller, Bibl. 1462.
Capitula on fol. 320rv. After fol. 308 there is a gap in the text from Tract. 23. 9 (‘quando mortui audient et qui’ to 109. 4 (‘regnaturum dicendo memento mei cum ueneris’), due to missing quires. CPL 278; CCSL 36 (1954); Stegmüller, Bibl. 1471.
Physical Description
Written space 285 × 165 mm. , ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 72 lines.
Expert English gothic rotunda bookhands except for art. 33, in anglicana.
Red or blue initials flourished in the other colour; red or blue paraphs. Art. 33 opens with a large red and blue initial flourished in both colours, thereafter blue initials flourished in red; red titles and running heads. 35.
Merton College MS. 14 – Part II
Language(s): Latin
unpr.; Thomson, Grosseteste, 68–70; idem, ‘The “Notule” of Grosseteste on the Nicomachean Ethics’, Proceedings of the British Academy 19 (1933), 195–218, identifying the hand of this art. with one of the annotators of CCCC 480, a member of Grosseteste’s circle; Lohr, pp. 104–5; Sharpe, Handlist , p. 456.
Often found preceding art. 34. pr. Venice 1483, Lyons 1542; Thomson, Grosseteste, p. 88, listing another eleven copies; Lohr, p. 104.
Physical Description
Written space 290 × 170 mm. , ruled with crayon in 2 cols, art. 34 the frame only, written in about 100 lines, art. 35 ruled in 85 lines.
Art. 34 written in a tiny scholastic note-hand, art. 35 in a small gothic rotunda bookhand.
No decoration art. 34; red paraphs and highlighting art. 35.
Additional Information
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.
Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2018-08-01: First online publication