Merton College MS. 74
Former shelfmark: K. 2. 4
Language(s): Latin
fols. i-ii blank.
STO 9–10; Glorieux, Théol. 14ax.
fols. 228v-9v blank. fol. 229 was the rear pastedown in an earlier binding. It has lost parchment from the foot; at the foot of fol. 228v is a mark perhaps of an iron chain-staple.
Physical Description
Ruled with pencil in 2 cols of 60 lines. Running heads between lines ruled right across the page.
An English gothic rotunda bookhand of university type.
Blue initials flourished in red; red or blue paraphs.
Standard Merton s. xvii, sewn on five bands; formerly chained from the usual position. On fol. iiv are the marks of the large iron chain-staple. The front bifolium was therefore originally presumably at the rear.
Provenance and Acquisition
Made professionally at Oxford, at the College by c. 1370: UO47. 117, ‘in libraria’. On a parchment slip pasted to fol. 1 is ‘Liber domus scolarium aule de Merton’ in Oxon’ ex legato M. Thome de Staundon’ quondam socii domus eiusdem’, repeated on fol. iivin a hand of s. xvii. Thomas Staundon (BRUO 1757) was fellow in 1352–3, still in 1361.
On fol. 228 ‘Istum librum de nouo ligari fecit M. Ioannes Burbach’ sacre theologie professor’. For John Burbage, see MS 3.
At the head of fol. 228v, faded and rubbed, is a rough inscription, s. xvi in., ‘Supra questionibus(?) fratrum ⟨predicatorum(?)⟩ … Aylesbury et aliorum’. It seems hardly likely that this could refer to either of the men of that name who were fellows of Merton s. xiv.
A thoroughly-erased cautio on fol. 229 is probably dated 1364.
Inside the front board is ‘N. 6. 8. Art:’, canc. and replaced with ‘K. 2. 4 (LXXIV)’, in red, and a sheet of paper with ‘D. 4, 5’ and a title, s. xvii; the College bookplate.
On fol. i is the James no. ‘4’, at the head of fol. 1 ‘5’ (wrongly), s. xvii in. ‘8’ is inked on the foredge.
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.

Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2018-08-01: First online publication