A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Merton College MS. 77

Former shelfmark: I. 1. 6



Language(s): Latin

fol. irv contains waste text from the start of a copy of Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Prima pars, ending in q. 1 a. 4. fols. iiv-iv blank.

(fols. 1–177v)
Thomas Aquinas, Quaestiones Disputatae de Veritate
Incipit: Questio est de ueritate et primo queritur quid sit ueritas
Explicit: nisi alia eorum non sufficit

STO 22; Glorieux, Théol. 14q. The text is corrected in the margin, probably by one or more of the main hands. fol. 158A is an inserted slip with omitted text supplied in a somewhat later hand.

(fols. 177v-9)
An index of the tituli of quaestiones and articuli ,

fols. 179v-80v blank.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: est principaliter
Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Extent: 187 leaves (iv + 182, incl. 158A)
Dimensions (leaf): 330 × 230 mm.
Dimensions (written): 250 × 150 mm.
The edges retrimmed and spattered with red.


A4, 1–812, 98, 10–1312, 1412 (+ a slip after 6), 1516 (16 mutil.); catchwords; pencilled leaf-numbering.


Ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 48 lines.


Gothic rotunda bookhands of university type, some looking English, some French.


On fol. 1 an 8-line red and blue flourished initial with full border. Blue initials flourished in red; red or blue paraphs, large ones defining the running heads, which are in ink of text.


Standard Merton s. xvii, sewn on four bands, formerly chained from the usual position; fols. 181–2 are blank paper binding leaves. The outermost parchment leaves were formerly pastedowns: fol. i has the mark of an iron chain-staple in the middle of the foot; at the foot of fol. 180, of which only the innermost third survives, are marks probably of the large brass chain-staple.


Origin: S. XIII ex.

Provenance and Acquisition

On fol. iv, all in the same hand: ‘Liber M. Willelmi Reed episcopi Cicestr’ quem emit a uenerabili patre domino Thoma Tryllek episcopo Roffensi. Oretis igitur pro utroque’; ‘Questiones Thome de Alquino de veritate’; ‘Liber domus de Merton’ in Oxon’ in communi libraria eiusdem et ad usum communem magistrorum et sociorum ibidem studencium cathenandus. Ex dono uenerabilis patris domini Willelmi tercii episcopi Cicestrie. Oretis igitur pro eodem et benefactoribus eiusdem ac fidelium animabus a purgatorio liberandis. Walterus Roberti notarius. .ii. uolumen.’

At the head of fol. ii, cropped by the binder, ‘Caucio fratris [the name erased] in cista [ ... ] sabbati proximi ante festum sancti Cuthberti. Anno Domini MCCCV.’ At the head of fol. iiivis a faint 2-line note in pencil.

At the head of fol. ivv ‘Istum librum fecit de nouo ligari Magister Ricardus Scardeburgh anno Domini 1453. Oretis igitur pro eo et pro parentibus eius.’ Part of the bequest of William Reed, fellow from 1344 until at least 1357, d. 1385, for whom see MS 8. For Scarborough, see MS 17.

At the head of fol. i is the James no. ‘5’ (wrongly), s. xvii in.. Inside the front board is a sheet of paper with titles and ‘D. 4, 12’ (canc.), s. xvii, ‘N. 6. 11. Art:’, s. xvii, canc. and replaced with ‘I. 1. 6 (LXXVII)’, in red; the College bookplate. ‘11’ is inked on the foredge.

Record Sources

R. M. Thomson, A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Merton College, Oxford (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer), 2009.


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.


    Coxe, p. 44; Powicke, no. 555; STO 21. 17*-18* (siglum O4); Dondaine & Shooner, no. 2138.

Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .

Last Substantive Revision

2018-09-01: First online publication

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