Merton College MS. 87
Former shelfmark: P. 1. 5
Language(s): Latin
On fol. i is a table of contents, s. xv. fols. iv-iiiv blank.
DSO (Wadding) 11. 1–238; Glorieux, Théol. 344n; Stegmüller, Sent. 422, listed also at 440, erroneously, as ‘Anon. I Scoti abbrev.’ On fol. 86v is a long passage omitted from the text on fol. 79, as signalled by an early reader.
One of nine copies; DSO (Wadding) 11. 239–418, extracts ed. G. Balič, Les Commentaires de J. Duns Scotus sur les IV livres des Sentences (Louvain, 1927), pp. 264–301; Glorieux, Théol. 344k; Stegmüller, Sent. 426; Sharpe, Handlist, p. 745. Marginal annotation includes comparison with other copies of this work, which is extracted from Scotus’s Lectura Oxoniensis and Parisiensis.
Also in Naples, Bibl. naz. VII. AA. 36 (s. xiv, Franciscan).
An extract from a commentary on Peter Lombard’s Sentences, II d. 17 q. 5. In the margin, against ‘qua distat a nobis per 24. gradus’, ‘a Magdeburg 28. ab Erphordia 27’.
unpr.; Stegmüller, Sent. 192.
On fols. 200v-1v are lists of the quaestiones in bks 1 and 2. pr. Venice 1578 as by Antonius Andreae OFM; Stegmüller, Sent. 71, 439–42; Doucet 71; Mynors,Balliol, p. 196.
Physical Description
Frame-ruled with crayon in 2 cols, written in c. 55 lines.
Written in neat secretary hands: art. 1 (the hand of MS 91); art. 2; arts 3–5; art. 6, the hand of Gybbys .
Art. 1: on fol. 1 a red and blue flourished initial with 3-sided border; blue initials flourished in red; red or blue paraphs. Otherwise unfilled spaces for coloured initials and rubrics.
College binding of c. 1500; tawed skin over reverse-bevelled oak boards with slightly projecting squares; sewn on five bands, raised on the spine and outlined with string; formerly two broad straps of brown leather from recesses in the front board to catches at the back. A possibly contemporary title is lettered on the spine: ‘Doctoris Subt. Repertorium.’ Formerly chained from the foredge of the front board, near the foot. Tears near the foot of the back pastedown may be from the large chain-staple.
Accompanying Material
The back pastedown is most of a leaf from a large book of liturgical music (Hymns to the Virgin), s. xiv.
Provenance and Acquisition
At the foot of fol. 1, in a tiny hand, partly cropped, ‘Memorandum quod cum isto libro concordant liber de Thewkysbury et liber Bredon et liber de abbathia Glouernie quem librum habet dominus Walterus et liber Abyndon quem habet Asshynden.’ Powicke suggests that these other books were available at Gloucester College. ‘Asshynden’ may be William Ashenden (BRUO 56–7), D. Th., abbot of Abingdon 1435–68. On fol. i are ‘B lir. 3us’, and ‘Orate pro anima magistri Ricardi Scardeburgh sacre theologie professoris qui istum librum fieri fecit quem postea magister Thomas Bloxham in medicinis doctor ab eodem emit et huic collegio dedit; orate pro utroque’, in the usual hand (see above, MS 60). For Scarborough, see above, MS 17; for Bloxham, see MS 41.
Inside the front board is ‘N. 7. 7. Art:’, s. xvii, canc. and replaced with ‘G. 1. 7 (LXXXVII)’ in red, ‘G. 1. 7’ canc. and replaced by ‘E. 1. 1’ in red, itself canc. and replaced with ‘P. 1. 5’. Below is the College bookplate. ‘7’ is inked on the foredge.
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.
Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2019-05-01: First online publication