Merton College MS. 91
Former shelfmark: B. 1. 14
Language(s): Latin
fol. ii is blank.
Copious marginal annotation, sometimes on red lines, presumably by Duffield (see below).
unpr.; Stegmüller, Sent.. 735; Sharpe, Handlist, pp. 510–11, many copies.
Physical Description
Frame-ruled with faint crayon in 2 cols; written in c. 43–6 lines.
A small, neat professional hand mixing anglicana and secretary forms, the same as MS 87 art. 1. Book- and distinctio-numbers as running heads, the latter probably not by the main scribe.
None: unfilled spaces for coloured initials and rubrics.
s. xix, sewn on five bands, doubtless replacing one of s. xvii. ff. i and 131 are blank paper binding leaves.
Provenance and Acquisition
Probably made in Oxford.
On fol. iiv ‘Scriptum fratris Roberti Cowtone super .4. libros sentenciarum abbreuiatus per manum Ricardum Sneddesham | Legatus collegio de Martone halle Oxonie per Magistrum Willelmum Duffeld nuper socium eiusdem ad incathenandum infra librariam eiusdem’. Duffield (BRUO 601–2) was fellow in 1398, no longer in 1422, canon of Beverley &c., d. 7 Mar. 1453. In his will (Test. Ebor. iii: Surtees Soc. 45 [1864], p. 128), Duffield also left to Merton ‘Rosa Medicine’ and ‘Petrus Iohannes super Matheum’ ‘ad incathenandum in communi libraria’ (the latter may be New Coll. 49).
Seen by John Bale at Merton (Appendix C, no. 40).
Inside the front board is a sheet of paper with the College bookplate, and ‘N. 7. 11 art’ (repeated in pencil on fol. i), canc. and replaced with ‘B. 1. 14 (XCI)’ in red. ‘11’ is inked on the foredge.
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.

Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2018-08-01: First online publication