A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Barocci 188

Summary Catalogue no.: 188

Gregorius Nazianzenus Late 13th or early 14th cent.


Language(s): Greek

1. (fols. 3r–6v, 1r–2v)

Fragments of another copy of the following item, with one leaf lost between fols. 3 and 4; pr. PG 36. 945D2 ἀνεβ]άλετο λέγων – 949D1 ἄνθρωπον τὸν [φθειρόμενον, 953D2 πολεμεῖϲθαι – 969A, then on fol. 2rv part of the unedited commentary on oratio 45.

2. (fols. 7r–324r)
Gregorius Nazianzenus, orationes

With commentary by Nicetas Heracleensis , pr. PG 35–6 and (part only) PG 36. 944–84.

2a. (fols. 7r–13v)
or. 1, in S. Pascha
2b. (fols. 14r–67v)
or. 45, de eodem.
2c. (fols. 67v–78v)
or. 44, in novam dominicam.
2d. (fols. 78v–97r)
or. 41, in Pentecosten.
2e. (fols. 97v–109r)
or. 15, in laudem Macchabaeorum.
2f. (fols. 109v–120r)
or. 24, in laudem S. Cypriani.
2g. (fols. 120r–130v)
or. 19, ad Iulianum tributi aequatorem.
2h. (fols. 130v–144v)

or. 38, in Theophania.

2i. (fols. 145r–188r)

or. 43, in laudem Basilii Magni.

2j. (fols. 188v–203v)

or. 39, in sancta lumina.

2k. (fols. 203v–236v)

or. 40, in sanctum baptismum.

2l. (fols. 237r–241v)

or. 11, ad Gregorium Nyssenum.

2m. (fols. 242r–263v)

or. 21, in laudem Athanasii.

2n. (fols. 263v–284r)

or. 42, supremum vale.

2o. (fols. 284r–307r)

or. 14, de pauperum amore.

2p. (fols. 307v–324r)

or. 16, in patrem tacentem.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Oriental paper.
Extent: iii + 327 leaves.
Dimensions (leaf): 360 × 270 mm.
Dimensions (ruled): 260 × 190 mm.
Foliation: Foliated (i–iii), 1–324, (325–7).


(fol. 7) i–xxxix 8, (fol. 319) xl 6 leaves. Some quires numbered on bottom right corner of first recto and bottom left corner of last verso, others on top right corner of first recto.


Ruling: 2 columns (except fols. 1–6) of 38 lines.


Two scribes; A fols. 7r–14v, 67v–324r; B fols. 1r–6v, 15r–67v. Some marginalia by the scribes, partly in vermilion.


Rubrication: titles, headpieces and initials, generally in carmine.

Ornamental headpieces and decorated initials at the beginnings of homilies. (Hutter iii. 122, Abb. 458–465) [Internet Archive]


Binding of blind-stamped brown leather, 17th–18th cent.


Origin: 13th century, end (Hutter); Late 13th or early 14th cent. (Wilson)

Provenance and Acquisition

Possession note on fol. 7r: βίβλοϲ ἱερὰ τῆϲ μονῆϲ τῶν ῥιζῶν πληϲίον τευχίων (more likely reading that τειχῶν).

Record Sources

Description by Nigel Wilson, c. 1970; supplementary information from Hutter (1982). Previously described in the Quarto Catalogue (H. O. Coxe, Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae pars prima recensionem codicum Graecorum continens, Quarto Catalogues I, 1883, repr. with corrections 1969).


Last Substantive Revision

2017-07-01: First online publication.