A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Merton College MS. 105

Former shelfmark: G. 1. 2


Physical Description

Two originally separate books, together by 1374.
Secundo Folio: stricte et
Secundo Folio: (fol. 167) dominus dignatus
Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Extent: 306 leaves (ii + 304)
Dimensions (leaf): 315 × 220 mm.
The edges retrimmed and spattered with red.


1–1312, 144(+ 2 after 4) / 1518, 16–2312, 1414, 2512; catchwords.


Standard Merton s. xvii; sewn on five bands; formerly chained from the usual position. fols. i-ii and 303–4 are paper binding leaves, the outermost from the same book as in MS 78. At the foot of fol. 302 are the marks of the large brass chain-staple. On fol. 163 (the first leaf of II) are the marks of two foredge straps and one each at head and tail.


Provenance and Acquisition

Both parts are French.

At the head of fol. 302v is pencilled ‘Ist⟨e liber e⟩st fratris Berardi Podiensis’, in an early hand. Given to the College by William Reed in 1374 (UO49. 76). For Reed, fellow from 1344 until at least 1357, d. 1385, see MS 8.

Inside the front board is a sheet of paper with ‘D. 8, 5’ (canc.) and a table of contents, s. xvii; the College bookplate.

On the board itself is ‘N. 8. 10. Art:’, s. xvii, canc., and ‘G. 1. 2 (CV)’ written in red on the sheet of paper.

Merton College MS. 105 – Part I (fols. 1–159v)


Language(s): Latin

1. (fols. 1–159v)
PETER OF TARENTAISE, OP, Commentary on IV Sent
Incipit: Haurietis aquas ...; In uerbis istis duplex effectus sacramentorum de quo in hoc quarto libro agitur
Explicit: uita in premio Ioh. xiiii. ad quam uitam Ipse qui est uia nos perducat ...
Final rubric: Explicit quartus liber super sententias fratris Patri de Tharum ordinis predicatorum.

Pr. Toulouse 1649–1652; Glorieux, Théol. 17a; Stegmüller, Sent.. 690.

(fols. 160–2)

On fols. 160–2 is a table of the quaestiones in 3 cols, in a neat cursive hand; 162v blank.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Dimensions (written): 235 × 150 mm.


Ruled with pencil in 2 cols of 55 lines


In proficient French gothic rotunda bookhands of university type. The text is corrected in the margins, and annotated in early hands, all French.


On fol. 1 a red and blue flourished initial with 1-sided border; red or blue initials flourished in the othercolour; red or blue paraphs and running heads of capitals in the colours; red highlighting.


Origin: S. XIII ex. ; France

Merton College MS. 105 – Part II (fols. 163–300)


Language(s): Latin

On fol. 163 is a quaestio in a small, neat hand c. 1300, and pen-trials. On fols. 163v-4 is a list of the quaestiones added in a French cursive hand of s. xiv. Fols. 164v and 165v are blank. On fol. 165 is a theological note in a debased bookhand using anglicana forms, s. xiv in

2. (fols. 166–300)
PETER OF TARENTAISE, OP, Commentary on I Sent
Incipit: ⟨N⟩umquid nosti ordinem celi ...; Verba ista sunt Domini ad beatum Iob, ipsum sicut magister discipulum examinantis
Explicit: quod genus humanum redemptum est prestante eodem redemptore Qui ...
Final rubric: Explicit liber primus sententiarum.

Pr. Toulouse 1649–1652; Glorieux, Théol. 17a; Stegmüller, Sent. 690

On fol. 300v are two quaestiones in a neat small bookhand, probably French, using very pale ink. The first is ‘utrum Deus sit inceptor malorum’, the second mutilated by a rent in the parchment. Fols. 301–2 blank.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Dimensions (written): 200–10 × 135 mm.


Ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 43 lines.


In a low-grade French bookhand. The text is corrected in the margins, and annotated in early hands, all French.


None; unfilled spaces for coloured initials and rubrics.


Origin: S. XIII ex. ; France

Additional Information

Record Sources

R. M. Thomson, A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Merton College, Oxford (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer), 2009.


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.


    Coxe, p. 51; Powicke, no. 511.

Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .

Last Substantive Revision

2019-05-22: First online publication

See the Availability section of this record for information on viewing the item in a reading room.