Merton College MS. 137
Former shelfmark: L. 1. 8
Language(s): Latin
Four structurally independent books; but running heads and marginal annotation in a hand of s. xiv in. show that II-IV at least were together early, and the same brick-red initials throughout suggest that the whole was always so.
At the head of fol. i, s. xiv, trimmed by the binder, is ‘Tractatus Willelmi Ocham de corpore Christi cum multis aliis’. fol. iirv is blank.
Physical Description
Several similar gothic rotunda bookhands, probably English.
Red initials, paraphs, underlining.
Standard Merton s. xvii; sewn on five bands; formerly chained from the usual position. The outermost leaves were formerly pastedowns in an earlier binding. fol. i has marks of two straps, a brass chain-staple near the foot of the foredge, and of the large iron chain-staple. fol. 184 has marks of two iron clasps.
Provenance and Acquisition
On fol. iv three inscriptions in the hand of Walterus Roberti: ‘Liber M. Willelmi Reed’ socii domus scolarium de Merton’ in Oxon’ quem de quadam cista ibidem uendicioni expositum emit de bonis sibi datis per reuerendum dominum suum M. Nicholaum de Sandwyco. Oretis igitur pro utroque’; a long table of contents; ‘Liber domus scolarium de Merton’ in Oxon’ in communi libraria eiusdem et ad usum communem magistrorum et sociorum ibidem studencium cathenandus. Ex dono uenerabilis patris domini Willelmi tercii episcopi Cicestrie. Oretis igitur pro eodem et benefactoribus eiusdem ac fidelium animabus a purgatorio liberandis. xxxi uolumen.’ For William Reed, fellow from 1344 until at least 1357, d. 1385, see MS 8. This volume was part of his legacy.
Seen at Merton by John Bale (Appendix C, no. 13).
At the head of fol. 1 is the James no. ‘32’, s. xvii in.
Inside the front board is a sheet of paper with ‘D. 7, 10’ (canc.) and a table of contents, s. xvii, on the board itself ‘O. 3. 9. Art:’, canc. and replaced with ‘L. 1. 8 (CXXXVII)’ in red; the College bookplate.
Merton College MS. 137 – Part I (fols. 1–12v)
Language(s): Latin
WOT 10, pp. 89–212 line 145.
Physical Description
Ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 60 lines.
Merton College MS. 137 – Part II (fols. 13–96v)
Language(s): Latin
Pr. [Leipzig] 1493 &c., Venice 1503 / Frankfurt 1968, fols. 2–35v; Glorieux, Théol. 400aa.
The theorems are written in blocks, in larger script on alternate lines. ed. E. Hocedez (Louvain, 1930); Glorieux, Théol. 400f.
Pr. Paris 1515 &c.; Glorieux, Théol. 400y.
Pr. Padua 1553 &c.; Glorieux, Théol. 400aq.
Pr. Naples 1524 &c., Rome 1554 / Frankfurt 1968; Glorieux, Théol. 400x, not this copy.
Physical Description
Ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 61 lines.
Merton College MS. 137 – Part III (fols. 97–132v)
Language(s): Latin
Annotated in an anglicana hand little later than the main text.
Pr. Venice 1503, 1521; Glorieux, Théol. 400p.
Physical Description
Ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 62 lines.
Merton College MS. 137 – Part IV (fols. 133–82)
Language(s): Latin
Pr. Venice 1503 / Frankfurt 1968, fols. 35v-76; Glorieux, Théol. 400n.
Pr. Naples 1525, Vienna 1641; Glorieux, Théol. 400ab.
Followed by a list of the quaestiones in a neat anglicana hand which annotates II-IV.
Pr. Padua 1493, Venice 1500, 1502; Glorieux, Théol. 400ac.
Physical Description
Ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 61 lines.
Additional Information
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.

Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2019-06-11: First online publication