A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Merton College MS. 141

Former shelfmark: M. 1. 8



Language(s): Latin

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: firmissima soliditate
Secundo Folio: (fol. 11) est enim
Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Extent: 240 leaves (iii + 236, incl. 65A)
Dimensions (leaf): 325 × 225 mm.
The edges retrimmed and spattered with red. fol. 236 is mostly torn out.


110 / 2–512, 6–710, 812, 9–1010, 11–1312, 1410, 1514, 16–1712, 18–2110, 224(3 canc.; 4 fragm.; + 1 after 2); catchwords; quire-signatures of the usual late medieval form, frequently wrongly placed.


Unfilled spaces for coloured initials and rubrics.


Standard Merton s. xvii; sewn on five bands; formerly chained from the usual position. Fols. i-ii, 237–8 are paper binding leaves, the outermost from a copy of the same printed book as in MS 78. The outermost parchment leaves were pastedowns in an earlier binding, sewn on six bands.


Provenance and Acquisition

On fol. iiiv‘Liber Magistri Iohannis Hanham quondam socii collegii de Merton’ in Oxonia post decessum eius incathenandus in libraria predicti collegii ad communem utilitatem studencium in theologia. Oretis igitur pro eo Thoma et Henrico.’ Then ‘B lier .6us.’, in the usual hand (see above, MS 60). Followed by a table of contents, s. xv2. Hanham (BRUO 866) was fellow from 1427–8 until 1438, still alive in 1468; this book was received Dec. 1484 (Registrum, p. 57).

Inside the front board is a sheet of paper with a table of contents, s. xvii, and ‘O. 3. 3. Art:’, canc. and replaced with ‘M. 1. 8 (CXLI)’ in red; the College bookplate.

Merton College MS 141 – Part I (fols. 1–9v)


Language(s): Latin

fol. i blank.

1. (fols. 1–8; 8v-9v blank)
De Paupertate Christi
Incipit: ⟨V⟩oluens et reuoluens constantem deuotionem precedentium antiquorum
Explicit: falsissime imponatur.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Dimensions (written): 275 × 190 mm.


No ruling visible; written in c. 60 long lines.


Part I is written in a single anglicana hand.


Origin: S. XV med. ; script of English appearance.

Merton College MS. 141 – Part II (fols. 10–234)


Language(s): Latin

2. (fols. 10–224v)
Incipit: ⟨S⟩anctissimo ac reuerendissimo patri et domino domino Iohanni superna prouidencia pape 22. frater Augustinus de Anchona ordinis fratrum heremitarum sancti Augustini
Incipit: Quamuis Dei Filius humani generis natura assumens
Incipit: ⟨Q⟩uia de potestate ecclesiastica tractare sermonem assumpsimus
Explicit: ut faciemur cum aperuerit nobis in gloriam qui est benedictus in s. s. amen.
(fols. 224v-30)
Index of quaestiones
Final rubric: Explicit rubrice et tituli questionum summe de ecclesiastica potestate edite a fratre Augustino de Ancona ordinis fratrum heremitarum sancti Augustini &c.’

Pr. Augsburg 1473 &c.; Glorieux, Théol. 409ae, Zumkeller 141, both omitting this copy.

Followed by a list of numbered chapter-headings, fol. 230rv. fol. 230vb is filled with a slightly later note ‘⟨A⟩d quartam sic proceditur uidetur enim quod papa religiosus petentibus et procurantibus non debeat predicationis officium conferre ...’, referring to Q. 4 art. 64.

(fols. 231–4v)
Subject index

An index to subjects found in each of the Gospels, apparently in the order of Matthew’s chapters but with col.-references not verses.

At the foot of fol. 234v is a table of contents, s. xvii.

fol. 235 belongs in MS 66 (q. v.). At the head of fol. 236 is ‘xviii quaterni sex folia summa liii s.’ fol. 236v is blank

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Dimensions (written): 245 × 160 mm.


Frame-ruled with pencil in 2 cols; written in c. 45–60 lines.


Part II is in several cursive hands, probably Continental.


Origin: S. XV med. ; script of Continental appearance

Additional Information

Record Sources

R. M. Thomson, A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Merton College, Oxford (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer), 2009.


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.


    Coxe, p. 61; Powicke, no. 1056.

Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .

Last Substantive Revision

2019-06-19: First online publication

See the Availability section of this record for information on viewing the item in a reading room.