A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Merton College MS. 143

Former shelfmark: M. 1. 11



Fols. i-ii blank; on iiv is a title, s. xvii.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: ex parte
Secundo Folio: (fol. 87) posuit esse
Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Extent: 150 leaves (ii + 148)
Dimensions (leaf): 295 × 220 mm.
The edges heavily retrimmed with loss of marginalia, and spattered with red. Fols. i-ii are of thick, stiff parchment. Most of the outer col. of fol. 86 is torn out. Two originally independent volumes, together by an uncertain date prior to s. xvii.


Two singletons hooked round the first quire, 112, 26, 312(+ a large slip sewn onto 1), 48, 512, 610, 7–812 / 9–1212, 1312 (+ 2 after 12), a singleton; catchwords. The first of the two singletons added to quire 12 was originally the first leaf of the next quire, of which the rest is now missing. The back pastedown, of which only the stub remains, was originally wrapped around quire 13 and the three singletons that follow.


None: unfilled spaces for coloured initials and rubrics.


Standard Merton s. xvii, sewn on five bands; formerly chained from the usual position. fol. i was a pastedown in an earlier binding.


Provenance and Acquisition

The two volumes were at Oxford but still separate before they came to Merton s. xv med. The outermost leaves of II are darkened and dirty, showing that II was unbound for some time.

On fol. 148 are thoroughly erased cautiones. One (?s. xiv) was for M. John Lynge in the Burnell chest. Three were for William Clopton (BRUO 446), the first in 1448 and the third in 1453. He was fellow of Merton c. 1443–1452, d. by Oct. 1459.

At the head of fol. 1 are ‘14mus’ and ‘precii XX s.’ At the head of fol. 86, in the same hand, is ‘11mus’, at the foot ‘iiºfo. posui(t)’.

On fol. 85v are scribbles in stylus, ‘Reuerendissimi domini Ioh egisthon’, ‘Iohannis Verd ?g Guillelmus’. Near the foot are two erasures of single lines; the first can be read ‘Supplement’ M. Iohannis S(car)dborsch due particule de super prima sentenc’’. This is presumably John Scarborow (BRUO 1651), principal of Broadgates Hall from 1451 until at least 1453, d. by Mar. 1489.

Inside the front board is a sheet of paper with a table of contents, s. xvii, ‘E. 4, 13’ (canc.), and ‘O. 3. 15 Art:’, canc. and replaced with ‘M. 1. 11 (CXLIII)’ in red; the College bookplate.

Merton College MS. 143 – Part I (fols. 1–85v)


Language(s): Latin

1. (fols. 1–84v)
THOMAS BUCKINGHAM, Quaestiones Theologicae
Rubric: ⟨Q⟩uestiones tractate per Thomam de yngham Oxoniensem cancellarium inter errores Pelagii ...
Incipit: Vtrum credere prophetie de aliquo contingenter futuro sit meritorium creature. Primo tractaui de contingencia futurorum et arbitrii libertate
Explicit: cum in illis tandem commorimur et consepelimur Christo.

unpr., except for the first quaestio (De Contingentia Futurorum), ed. B. R. De la Torre, Thomas Buckingham and the Contingency of Futures (Notre Dame, Ind., 1987), and by J.-F. Genest, Prédétermination et liberté créée à Oxford au XIVe siècle. Buckingham contre Bradwardine (Paris, 1992), pp. 184–290; extracts in M.-D. Chenu, ‘Les Quaestiones de Thomas de Buckingham’, in Studia Mediaevalia in Honorem R. J. Martin (Bruges, 1949), pp. 229–41; Stegmüller, Sent. 901; Sharpe, Handlist, p. 646. The only other copy is Oxford, New Coll. 134, fols. 324–438v (s. xiv2).

(fols. 84v-5v)
Index of quaestiones,

fol. 18v is blank; fol. 19 is a large slip sewn onto fol. 20, supplying missing text; its verso is blank, as is most of fol. 61v. In each case an early reader notes that no text is missing.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Dimensions (written): 250 × 180 mm.


Frame-ruled with pencil in 2 cols.; written in c. 50–65 lines.


Anglicana hands of scholastic type.


Origin: S. XIV in ; script of English appearance.

Merton College MS. 143 – Part II (fols. 86–148v)


Language(s): Latin

2. (fols. 86–146v; 147–8v blank)
Rubric: Quodlibet Godfridi episcopi.
Incipit: ⟨Q⟩ueritur primo de scientia sacre theologie utrum sit magis scientia quam philosophia naturalis
Explicit: (ends impf. in Quodl. 11 q. ?19 ‘Vtrum conscientia erronea obliget’) circa primum sciendum quod non intelligibili ||

Ed. M. de Wulf et al., Les Philosophes Belges V-XIV (Louvain, 1914–32); Glorieux, Théol. 198e; idem, Quodl. I, pp. 149–68, II. p. 102.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Dimensions (written): 230 × 150 mm.



Ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 53 lines.


A single gothic rotunda bookhand, probably French.


Origin: S. XIV in; script of French appearance.

Additional Information

Record Sources

R. M. Thomson, A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Merton College, Oxford (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer), 2009.


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.


    Coxe, pp. 61–2; Powicke, no. 1251.

Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .

Last Substantive Revision

2019-06-20: First online publication

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