A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Merton College MS. 167

Former shelfmark: K. 3. 4



Language(s): Latin

On fol. vv ‘Gorham super spalterium’, s. xv. fol. virv is blank.

(fols. 1–344v; 345–6v blank)
NICHOLAS GORRAN OP, Commentary on the Psalter
Incipit: Laudationem Domini ...; Loquens sapiens de Spiritu Sancto inspirante ad Deum sermonem dirigens
Incipit: ⟨B⟩eatus uir ...; Secundum glosam prohemialem totalis libri iste psalmorum in tres partes diuiditur
Explicit: nec dormire poterit nec lassari ad quam patriam nos perducat ... .
Final rubric: Expliciunt postille super psalterium a fratre Nicholao de Gorra Deo gratias.

Sporadic pecia-numbers, the last visible xxxiiii on the first leaf of quire 21.

Pr. Frankfurt 1617; Stegmüller, Bibl. 5750.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: incipit hic
Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Extent: 355 leaves (vi + 349)
Dimensions (leaf): 365 × 250 mm.
Dimensions (written): 275 × 160 mm.
The edges heavily retrimmed and spattered with red.


A bifolium, 1–2812, 2912(11–12 canc.); the quires numbered at both ends (in the hand of the running heads); catchwords.


Ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 58 lines. Blocks of commentary alternate with short passages of text, written in larger script on alternate lines.


French gothic rotunda bookhands of slightly Italian appearance.


Unfilled spaces for initials; rubrics and red highlighting and underlining of lemmata, omitted after quire 16.


Standard Merton s. xvii, rebacked; sewn on eight bands; formerly chained from the usual position. fols. i-iv, 347–9 are paper binding leaves, the two outermost modern, the others s. xvii; the two outermost of these are from the same printed book as in MS 11. fol. v was a pastedown in an earlier binding. At the foot of fol. v is the mark of an iron chain-staple; on the foredge are the marks of two straps. Fainter marks near the foot of fol. 466v are probably from the large iron chain-staple. Either this or MS 168 was rebound in 1436–7: Appendix B, no. 95.


Origin: S. XIII ex. ; script of French and slight Italian appearance.

Provenance and Acquisition

On fol. v ‘Liber scolarium domus de Merton’ in Oxon’ ex legato M. Willelmi de Burnel prec’’. At the head of fol. 1, s. xv, ‘Liber domus scolarium de Merton’ in Oxon’ ex legato Magistri Willelmi de Burnell’. For Burnell, dean of Wells 1292–5, d. 1304, see MS 14. UO47. 30, ‘in libraria’.

Inside the front board is a sheet of paper with ‘F. 3, 4’ (canc.) and the contents, s. xvii, ‘O. 6. 7. Art:’, canc. and replaced by ‘K. 3. 4 (CLXVII)’ in washed-out red ink renewed in pencil; the College bookplate. ‘9’ was inked on the foredge, then scraped off.

Record Sources

R. M. Thomson, A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Merton College, Oxford (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer), 2009.


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.


    Coxe, pp. 66–7; Powicke, no. 13.

Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .

Last Substantive Revision

2019-07-02: First online publication

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