A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Merton College MS. 196

Former shelfmark: C. 1. 11



Language(s): Latin

Fols. irv, iiv-iii blank. On fol. ii is the word ‘Borag’’, twice in large letters, s. xiv ex. On fol. ivv is a table of contents which shows that the first item of contents was once a ‘tractatus de naturis bestiarum cum moralizationibus’.

An alphabetical subject index to this work was added in a rough hand on fols. iiiv-iv. It quotes folio numbers as high as 108.

(fols. 1–104; 104v-7v blank)
THOMAS WALEYS OP, Moralitates on Numbers, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Exodus, Leviticus, Joshua—Ruth.
(fol. 1rv)

‘Post mortem Iosue ... super stirpem tuam’, is canc. and the scribe has written ‘librum Iudicum uide post Iosue’. The passage occurs in its proper place on fol. 93.

(fols. 1v-13v)
Incipit: (Num.) Si uolumus inter filios Israel numerari
Explicit: cum hominibus et habitabit cum eis.
(fols. 13v-28)
Incipit: (Deut.) Libro de naturis rerum dicitur quod Siris et Affris
Explicit: scelus ydolatrie nolle adquiescere.
(fols. 28–56)
Incipit: (Is.) Nosque patere morsibus plurimorum. Morsus detractor uidetur esse
Explicit: accipiat aquam uite gratis &c.
(fols. 56–75)
Incipit: (Exod.) Ecce populus filiorum Israel multus et forcior nobis est. P(hilosophus) 8 de animalibus c. 5 dicit quod apes que pascuntur floribus ortolanis
Explicit: ut luceret eis per noctem &c.
Final rubric: Explicit opus fratris Thome Waleys de ordine predicatorum super Exodum.
(fols. 75–81)
Rubric: Incipit W. super Leuiticum
Incipit: (Levit.) Masculum et immaculatum offerent. Solus Christus erat masculus inmaculatus
Explicit: ite ostendite uos sacerdotibus.
Final rubric: Explicit opus fratris Thome Waleys super Leuiticum &c.
(fols. 81–4)
Incipit: Nosque patere morsibus plurimorum
Explicit: anima mea clamorem &c. supra ante Exodum ibi complete’.

As fols. 28–32 (Is. 1: 1–6: 5), with variants.

(fols. 84–92v)
Incipit: (Ios.) Transi Iordanem istum. Volentibus terram promissionis ingredi
Explicit: habundancia pacis
Final rubric: Explicit super librum Iosue. Incipit super librum Iudicum.
(fols. 93–100v)
Incipit: (Iud.) Post mortem Iosue...; Illi utuntur in assumendo ducem
Explicit: et non sit qui eripiat &c.
Final rubric: Explicit opus Waleys super librum Iudicum feliciter

An early reader states wrongly that what follows is still Iud. 18–20.

(fols. 100v-4)
Rubric: (Ruth) Incipit Waleys super Ruth.
Incipit: Amaritudine repleuit me ...; Electi filii Dei
Explicit: filios enutriui etiam exaltaui ipsi autem spreuerunt me.
Final rubric: Explicit opus fratris Thome Waleys super librum Ruth.

There is a considerable marginal apparatus in the hands of the main text.

Unpr., many copies; Kaeppeli 3889; Stegmüller, Bibl. 8239, 8240, 3, 8251, 8237–8, 8241–3; Sharpe, Handlist, p. 686.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: metabuntur
Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Extent: 111 leaves (iv + 107)
Dimensions (leaf): 200 × 150 mm.
Dimensions (written): 145 × 95 mm.
The edges retrimmed affecting marginalia, and stained red. Fols. 37–48 (quire 4) have contemporary foliation 25–36.


A4, 1–812, 912 (9 canc.); catchwords.


Frame-ruled with pencil, written in c. 34 long lines.


Two anglicana hands, the second beginning at fol. 50 line 12.


Red initials and paraphs.


Standard Merton s. xvii; sewn on four bands; formerly chained from the usual position. The first and last leaves were pastedowns in an earlier binding. On the early leaves are the marks of an iron chain-staple near the foot of the foredge, and of a central strap.


Origin: S. XIV ex. ; script of English appearance.

Provenance and Acquisition

At the head of fol. ivvis ‘Liber Hamundi Haydok ex empcione’. For Haydok, fellow c. 1421, still in 1432, d. 1465, see MS 16.

Lower down is ‘Li 16us’, c. 1500, showing that the book was then in a College electio.

Inside the front board is a sheet of paper with a table of contents and ‘F. 2, 8’ (canc.), s. xvii, and ‘O. 8. 11. Art:’, canc. and replaced with ‘C. 1. 11 (CXVI)’ in red; the College bookplate.

Record Sources

R. M. Thomson, A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Merton College, Oxford (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer), 2009.


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.


    Coxe, p. 77; Powicke, no. 966.

Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .

Last Substantive Revision

2019-07-25: First online publication

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