A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Merton College MS. 201

Former shelfmark: H. 1. 8



Language(s): Latin

Fols. i-1 blank. Fols. 1v-3v contain the end of art. 5. On fol. 4rv, in a large anglicana hand, ‘Primus articulus in dominica passione est pauoris et tristicie assumpcio...65 est eiusdem corporis sepultura.’

(fol. 5v)
Table of contents

In the hand of the main contents.

1. (fols. 6–71v)
Incipit: ⟨A⟩uditu auris ...; Quia uero audicio diuina pertinet ad obedientie meritum
Explicit: non crucifigere Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum cui ...
Final rubric: Expliciunt moralia Francisci de Maronis.

Unpr.; Roth, Franz von Mayronis, pp. 225–8; Bloomfield 0550.

2. (fols. 72–93v)
FRANCIS DE MEYRONNES OFM, Quaestiones de Virtutibus Moralibus
Incipit: ⟨V⟩trum terreno principi sit necessaria pericia literarum. Quod non quia Saul electus fuit
Explicit: siue resistendo siue desistendo
Final rubric: Expliciunt octo morales questiones Francisci de Maronis

Unpr.; Roth, Franz von Mayronis, pp. 232–3; Bloomfield 6276, 6260.

3. (fols. 94–106)
Incipit: ⟨Q⟩uodcumque ligaueris super terram ...; Duos fratres ultimos esse futuros in fine seculi describit beatus Augustinus
Explicit: et pluit super iustos et iniustos cui ...
Final rubric: Explicit sermo doctoris Francisci de Maronis de indulgenciis in presentia domini pape et cardinalium.

Pr. Basel 1498; Roth, Franz von Mayronis, pp. 236–9; Bloomfield 4895; Schneyer, 131.

4. (fols. 106v-78v)
JORDAN OF QUEDLINBURG, Meditationes de Passione Christi
Incipit: ⟨A⟩spice et fac secundum exemplar ...; Etsi Christus ubique in scriptura dicatur mons
Explicit: et meditanti deuocionem ministrabit
Final rubric: Explicit expositio dominice passionis secundum Iordanem cum suis theoreumatibus et exemplaribus documentis ad honorem eiusdem Domini nostri Ihesu Christi qui pro nobis passus, mortuus et sepultus, resurrexit, uiuit et regnat ...

Many manuscript copies; pr. Antwerp 1485 and frequently thereafter; Zumkeller 646.

5. (fols. 179–92, 1v-3v; 192v blank)
Principium Biblicum
Incipit: ⟨S⟩tude sapientie. Proverb. 27. Omnem hominem primo generaliter ecclesiasticum et religiosum secundo spiritualiter prelatum
Explicit: ad istum paradisum leticie ualeamus peruenire quod ...

Stegmüller, Bibl. 10197. It is unclear why the scribe did not write on fol. 192v.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: (fol. 7) -tatians et ad
Form: codex
Support: Parchment
Extent: 193 leaves (i + 192)
Dimensions (leaf): 180 × 125 mm.
Dimensions (written): 130 × 95 mm.
The edges heavily retrimmed affecting marginalia and running heads, and spattered with red.


A6, 1–1512, 168(8 canc.); catchwords.


Frame-ruled with pencil; written in c. 32 long lines.


Apparently a single loose and rather variable anglicana hand.


Unfilled spaces for coloured initials and rubrics.


Standard Merton s. xvii; sewn on five bands; formerly chained from the usual position. fol. i was the pastedown in an earlier binding. At its foredge, near the foot, is the mark of a chain-staple, first in brass, replaced in iron; also the mark of a central strap.


Origin: S. XV2 ; script of English appearance.

Provenance and Acquisition

At the foot of fol. 5v is ‘Liber collegii de Merton in Oxon’ ex dono Magistri Iohannis Hanham quondam socii eiusdem cuius usus habeatur secundum discrecionem custodis.’ Hanham (BRUO 866) was fellow in 1427–8, until 1438, d. 1494. The gift of this one occurred in that year (Registrum, p. 57).

Inside the front board is a sheet of paper with a table of contents and ‘D. 8, 4’ (canc.), s. xvii, and ‘O. 8. 16. Art:’, canc. and replaced with ‘H. 1. 8 (CCI)’ in red; the College bookplate.

Record Sources

R. M. Thomson, A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Merton College, Oxford (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer), 2009.


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.


    Coxe, pp. 78–9; Powicke, no. 1057.

Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .

Last Substantive Revision

2019-07-31: First online publication

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