Merton College MS. 246
Former shelfmark: O. 3. 8
Language(s): Latin
Fols. i-ii blank. On f. iiv are titles and notes on the contents in hands of s. xv ex.-xvii.
Pr. Antwerp 1609; Stegmüller, Bibl. 6426.
Followed, in a rough Continental cursive hand, by the prologue to an index: ‘Precedens liber s. reductorium morale seu repertorium biblie nominatur distinguitur in libros 31 super quod quidam frater de ordine carmelitarum sequentem tabulam conpilauit ...’. The index itself does not appear. In the margins throughout are chapter-numbers and alphabetical letters, probably in the same hand, for such an index. The same hand supplied book numbers as running heads.
On the rear pastedown is written, in an anglicana hand, ‘Petrus Berchorii ordinis sancti Benedicti monachus in Pictauico solo natus’.
Physical Description
Frame-ruled with crayon; written in c. 55 long lines.
Two expert French cursive hands: fols. 1–190v (OT), 257–8v; fols. 191–256v bastarda.
Large and handsome blue and red flourished initials with 3-sided borders; blue initials flourished in red; red and blue paraphs.
s. xvii, speckled calf, sewn on six bands; formerly chained from the middle of the foredge of the front board and, in an earlier binding, from nearer the foot. On the back pastedown is the mark of the large iron chain-staple.
Provenance and Acquisition
At the head of f. iiv is ‘Liber domus scolarium de Mertone ex dono magistri Henrici Seuer sacre pagine professoris ac custodis eiusdem incathenatus in libraria ad communem usum ibidem studere uolencium anno Domini M. CCCC lxviii.’ For Sever, warden 1455–71, see MS 6. Below is ‘B lier’, in the usual hand (see above, MS 60).
Further down is ‘P. 3. 13. Art:’, s. xvii, canc. and replaced with ‘O. 3. 8’ and ‘No. CCXLVI’ in red. Inside the front board appear a table of contents and the same shelf-mark, s. xvii, and the shelf-marks in red again; the College bookplate.
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.

Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2019-10-01: First online publication