Merton College MS. 261
Former shelfmark: C. 2. 12
Language(s): Latin
Fols. iii-vi blank. On viv is a table of contents, s. xiii ex. After art. 6 it adds ‘Aristoteles de [erased]’, Burley on De Longitudine et Brevitate Vitae and De Sensu et Sensato, and a ‘liber de compendiis numerorum’.
Physical Description
Standard Merton s. xvii; sewn on five bands; formerly chained from the usual position. fols. i-ii and 113–14 are paper binding leaves; on f. 113 is a partial transcription of the note on f. 112v. f. iii was a pastedown in an earlier binding. f. 12 was possibly a pastedown in an earlier binding sewn on four bands, and has rust-marks from furniture of uncertain form.
Provenance and Acquisition
On f. 112v are notes of s. xiv on studies and lectures at Oxford, pr. Powicke, p. 34 n.: Nota quod hec est forma inceptorum in artibus. | In primis iiior libri Metheorum | Item iiiior de Celo et Mundo | Item quartus Topicorum Boycii a Marchal | Item Algarismus inicium a Payn | Item Compotus cum Spera | Item Aritmetica cum Gemetria | Item x. libri Eticorum | Item xii. libri de Animalibus | Item x. libri Methaphysice 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 a Play. Memorandum quod I. T.(?) audiuit librum De Sompno et Vigilia et librum De Memoria et Reminiscentia a m. suo magistro N. K. postquam gratia fuit impetrata quod quilibet istorum duorum(?) librorum staret pro quocunque libro sue forme uoluntarie. Item librum de Inspiracione et Respiracione. Item librum de Sensu et Sensato. Item librum De Motu Animalium.
(In a later hand, over er. Viue Deo gratus toto mundo tumulatus | Crimine mundatus semper transire paratus.)
Memorandum quod habui a Bokynham xii. d⟨ies⟩ in gemetria et totalem literam 2i libri geometrie et a Wescot ix. dies in gemetria.
Item a Bokenham literam totalem primi libri Arsmetrice et xii. dies Arsmetrice. Item a Hobul in’.
It is remarkable that none of the persons named can be securely identified. ‘Bokenham’ was perhaps the theologian Thomas Buckingham (BRUO 298–9), fellow of Merton in 1324, until 1340. In that case, ‘Westcot’ cannot have been John Westcote (BRUO 2021–2), fellow of New College in 1380, d. by June 1418. On f. viv is ‘liber collegii’, in the large humanistica used for the inscriptions associated with Thomas Bloxham, ‘Merton’ Oxon’’ added, s. xvii.
Inside the front board is the College bookplate and the modern shelf-mark ‘P. 4. 12’ in pencil, canc., and replaced with ‘C. 2. 12. (CCLXI)’ in red. At the head of f. viv is ‘8’, s. xvii. ‘12’ is inked on the foredge.
Merton College MS. 261 – Part I (fols. 1–12v)
Language(s): Latin
Ed. F. S. Pedersen, Petri Philomenae de Dacia et Petri de S. Audemaro Opera Quadrivialia 1 (Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi 10. 1–2: Copenhagen, 1983), pp. 174–201; eTK 0991A, ; Sharpe, Handlist, p. 306.
At the foot of fols. 1v-2 are verses, s. xv, cropped by the binder, ‘A numero numerum si sit tibi demere cura’.
Ed. L. Thorndike (Chicago, 1949), pp. 76–117; eTK 1524E, 1577L, ; Sharpe, Handlist, p. 306.
Followed by a short note: ‘Nota in fine quod idem est cuspis centrum et metullium’.
Physical Description
Ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 38–41 lines.
A gothic rotunda bookhand.
Red or blue initials, rarely flourished in the other colour; red or blue paraphs.
Merton College MS. 261 – Part II (fols. 13–66v)
Language(s): Latin
Ed. A. G. Judy (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi 4: London, 1976); eTK 1404E, ; Glorieux, Arts 411y; Kaeppeli 3516.
Physical Description
Ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 38–41 lines.
Anglicana formata, perhaps the same hand as in part III.
Red or blue initials, rarely flourished in the other colour; red or blue paraphs.
Merton College MS. 261 – Part III (fols. 67–112v)
Language(s): Latin
Anonymous. On f. 71v are pen-trials of s. xiv.
Physical Description
Ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 38–41 lines.
Anglicana formata, perhaps the same hand as in part II.
Red or blue initials, rarely flourished in the other colour; red or blue paraphs.
Merton College MS. 261 – Part IV (fols. 72–112v)
Language(s): Latin
Glorieux, Théol. 70x; Lohr, p. 163 (this copy as Porph. only, and giving a different explicit to Perih.).
Physical Description
Ruled with pencil in 2 cols of 43–9 lines
The scribe writing a small gothic rotunda bookhand, apparently finished in 1293, if he was not copying the date from his exemplar.
Plain red initials.
Additional Information
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.

Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2019-10-01: First online publication