Merton College MS. 256B
Former shelfmark: C. 2. 7
Language(s): Latin
Fols. iv-v blank. To f. iv are pasted extracts from printed works, a French encyclopedia entry on Trevet, and the Sotheran Sale Catalogue advertising this book.
Kaeppeli 3136; Sharpe, Handlist, p. 397; largely unpr., but the commentary on x. 29-xxii. 30 was used to continue art. 2, never completed by its author, in the printed edns. of that work.
Pr. Strassburg 1468 &c.; Kaeppeli 3891; Sharpe, Handlist, p. 685.
On f. 207v is an early note in pencil; on f. 208 ‘Give it to Mr’, c. 1800; on 208v a note on art. 2, s. xv.
Physical Description
Ruled with crayon in 2 cols of 36–43 lines. Running heads between lines ruled right across the page.
Two French scribes, writing gothic rotunda bookhand: fols. 1–72v, 87v-206v; fols. 73–87.
On f. 1 a red and blue flourished initial with partial border, in Parisian style; red or blue initials flourished in the other colour; red highlighting, underlining, chapter-numbers and running heads.
s. xviii, full calf, rebacked. Fols. i-iii, 209–10 are paper blanks.
Provenance and Acquisition
Probably made in Paris.
On f. vv, in the hand of John Grandisson, bishop of Exeter 1327–69, is a table of contents, and ‘Iste liber quondam Iohannis episcopi Exon’ assignatur alicui pauperi scolari Oxon’ in theologia studenti in eius memoriam cuius erat, et eo promoto uel decedente aliis sic studentibus relinquatur in aula de Merton’ ad usum huius extunc perpetuo remansurus.’ Lower down, still apparently in his hand, ‘Tradatur J. Gardener socio dicte aule illuc deferendus’. John Gardener (BRUO742) was fellow c. 1382–92. Lent by the warden to John Hanham (BRUO 866), fellow in 1427–8, until 1438 (UO52. 60).
Alienated at an uncertain date after that, and repurchased by the College in 1878. Inside the front board is the College bookplate with ‘E. 1. 6’ and ‘CCLVIB’ in red, the first canc. and replaced with pencilled ‘P. 1. 9’.
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Merton College Library.

Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College .
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2019-10-01: First online publication