Jesus College MS. 11
Language(s): Latin
(fol. 1*r–1v)
, Epistle to Gervase (†1171), abbot of Winchcombe Incipit: (fol. 1r) ⟨V⟩enerabili et dilecto patri G(eruasio), dei gratia Wincelcumbensis ecclesie abbati totique loci eidem sancto conuentui frater Adam eadem dei gratia Eoueshamensium fratrum seruus, eterna in domino salute. [sic] Gratias agimus deo et uobis
Explicit: (fol. 1v) Ad ultimum igitur querimus ut in uestra pie uiuamus memoria et ut in uita et post mortem sanctarum orationum uestrarum nobis non negetis prestare subsidia.
ed. David C. Cox, ‘The Literary Remains of Adam, Abbot of Evesham 1161–1189’, Journal of Medieval Latin, 20 (2010), 113–66.
(fol. 1v) signs: a crossed circle and h[oc], the former in the middle margin; the latter above the line, above ‘Miranda’ and perhaps an emendation to the text:
"Miranda ait quidam et stupenda potentia, sed plus miranda misericordia, quia qui sic nasci potuit sic nasci uoluit. ... illicta iusto iudicio perdidit adquisita."
This and other letters added in spaces.
(fol. 2v)
Ep. 2 (to Roger, bishop of Worcester) ed. Cox, 133–8.
(fol. 130r)
Ep. 3 to Alexander III
ed. Christensen, 50–51; ed. Cox, 138–41.
(fol. 134v)
Ep. 4 Incipit: Dilectissimo suo P. ab olim suo
ed. Cox. 141–6.
(fol. 140r)
Ep. 5 Incipit: Venerabili et dilecto nostro magistro Stephano
(perhaps Stephen of Fougères, †1178) ed. K. C. Christensen, ‘Abbot Samson's brethren. Benedictine monastic leadership in later twelfth-century England’, PhD diss. (University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1989), 343–53; ed. Cox, 146–8.
Theological texts
Physical Description
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Record Sources
Partial description by Samu Niskanen (April 2012) and Andrew Dunning (December 2022). Previously described:
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2022-12-15: Andrew Dunning revised description by Samu Niskanen.