A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Barocci 25

Summary Catalogue no.: 25

A, E, F 13th cent. (middle to late); B, C, D late 13th or 14th cent.

Physical Description

Composite: A, B, C, D, E, F
Form: codex
Support: Oriental paper. Fol. 1 has had the top right-hand corner cut off.
Extent: iii + 298 leaves.
Dimensions (leaf): 172 × 127 mm.
Foliation: Foliated (i–iii), 1–296, (297–8); fols. i–iii and 297–8 blank.
Additions: On fol. 1r illegible 14th cent. note, perhaps listing contents.On fol. 257v a heading, perhaps intended for D item 1, ἐπιϲτολαὶ ϲχεδιαϲθεῖϲαι Κυρίλλου μοναχοῦ καὶ ἀδελφιδοῦ τοῦ πανιερωτάτου μητροπολίτου.E 3: addition at end: τὸ δὲ ὅπου ἐϲτὶν ἡ βαϲιλεία καὶ ἡ δύναμιϲ καὶ ἡ δόξα, ἔν τιϲιν οὐ κεῖται μέχρι τοῦ ἀμήν.


Brown leather blind stamped, some stamps showing hunting-scene; perhaps Italian but in the Greek style; 16th cent., spine modern.

MS. Barocci 25 – Part A


1. (fols. 1r–152v, 154r)
⟨Ps.-Apollinaris Laodicenus⟩, Psalmorum metaphrasis,

pr. A. Ludwich, Teubner 1912, symbol O for this MS. Fols. 3r–5r have interpolations as listed ibid., pp. xxvi–xxviii.

Language(s): Greek
2. (fols. 154v, 155, 153, 158, 156, 157)
Joannes Geometres, Canticorum metaphrasis,

pr. PG 106. 987; breaks off at 995 l. 26.

Language(s): Greek

Physical Description

Form: codex


(fol. 1) i–xix 8, (fol. 153) xx 6 (disordered). Quires numbered on bottom right corner of first recto and bottom left corner of last verso.


Ruling: 17–24 lines. 130 × 85 mm.


One hand of the scholarly type. A few marginalia, 14th–15th cent.


Rubrication: Simple penwork ornament. Titles, initials, interlinear text of Psalms (item 1) and glosses, mostly in faded carmine, a few in brown and vermilion by 14th cent. owner. Rubrication ceases after fol. 112r.


Origin: 13th cent. (middle to late)

MS. Barocci 25 – Part B


1. (fols. 159r–210v)
⟨Constantinus Manasses⟩, Chronicon,

cc. 127–913, 1037–end, pr. I. Bekker, Bonn 1837.

Language(s): Greek
2. (fols. 211r–232v)
⟨Michael Psellus⟩
Language(s): Greek
2a. (fols. 211r–213r)
εἰϲ τὰϲ ἐπιγραφὰϲ τῶν Ψαλμῶν,

pr. E. Kurtz and F. Drexl, Michaelis Pselli Opera Minora, vol. i, Milan 1936, pp. 389–400.

Language(s): Greek
2b. (fols. 213r–219v)
Versus de Psalmorum compositione
Incipit: θεοπάτωρ βαϲιλεὺϲ Δαυὶδ ὁ ψαλμογράφοϲ
Explicit: οὐδ’ ἐν καθέδρᾳ τῶν λοιμῶν ἠθέληϲε καθῆϲαι
Language(s): Greek
2c. (fols. 219v–200v, 221r col. 2, 221v up to col. 2. l. 6)
de dogmate,

pr. PG 122. 812–17.

Language(s): Greek
2d. (fols. 220v col. 1–221r col. 1)
de Nomocanone,

pr. PG 122. 920–24.

Language(s): Greek
2e. (fols. 221v–232v)
Compendium legum,

pr. PG 122. 925–74.

Language(s): Greek

Physical Description

Form: codex


(fol. 159) i 8 (1, 8 missing), (fol. 165) ii–vi 8, (fol. 205) vii 6, (fol. 211) viii–ix 8, (fol. 227) x 6. Quires numbered on bottom margin of first recto.


Ruling: 2 columns of 31–3 lines. Ruling type Leroy 00A2. 140 × 100 mm.


One hand of the scholarly type. Marginal indications of contents, some in yellow by 14th cent. owner. The top 6–8 lines of each leaf are damaged by moisture; in some places the text has been retraced by 14th and 15th cent. hands.


Rubrication: Simple penwork ornament.


Origin: late 13th or 14th cent.

MS. Barocci 25 – Part C


1. (fols. 233r–242v)
Incipit: ἐπειδὴ π[(illegible)
Explicit: δίδου γάρ, φηϲί, ϲοφῷ ἀφορμὴν καὶ ϲοφώτεροϲ ἔϲται

Deals with the election and deposition of patriarchs from the 4th cent. to the reign of Isaac Angelos (AD 1189–95). See Büttner-Wobst, BZ i (1892), p. 242.

Language(s): Greek
2. (fols. 243r–253v)
⟨Maximus Confessor⟩, De caritate

I, II 1–40, pr. PG 90. 960–997.

Language(s): Greek

Physical Description

Form: codex


Collation uncertain; perhaps a lacuna after fol. 240; incomplete at end.


Ruling: 28 lines. 130 × 100 mm.


One hand of the scholarly type.


Rubrication: simple penwork ornament. Some initials in faded carmine.


Origin: late 13th or 14th cent.

MS. Barocci 25 – Part D


1. (fols. 254r–257r)
⟨Typi epistolares⟩
Incipit: παραινετική. τῶν πανταχοῦ διαφημιζομένων
Explicit: εἰ γὰρ καλῶϲ ἦϲθα πολλοὺϲ ἂν

See H. Rabe, Rheinisches Museum lxiv (1909), pp. 299–300.

Language(s): Greek
2. (fol. 257v)
⟨Grammatical excerpts⟩
Incipit: τῶν ἐπιρρημάτων τὰ μέν ἐϲτι

Incomplete; breaks off with ὅτε μέντοι ἐϲτὶν ἀπὸ βαρυτόνων θεμάτων ὁ εἰϲ /κα/ π.., τὸ /ϲ/.

Language(s): Greek

Physical Description

Form: codex


Ruling: 24–6 lines. Ruling type Leroy 00C1. 125 × 85 mm.


One hand of the scholarly type.


Origin: late 13th or 14th cent.

MS. Barocci 25 – Part E


(fols. 258r–264v)
Nomocanon XIV titulorum

Contains index of titloi in order 3–4, 14, 5–13, then (fols. 263r–4) titlos 1, ends τοῦ ζωοποιοῦ ϲταυροῦ δείξαντοϲ ἡμῖν τὸ ϲωτήριον, pr. Pitra, vol. ii, pp. 454–7; titlos 1 includes the text of the canons and some scholia.

Language(s): Greek
2. (fols. 265r–266r)
Nicetas Maroniensis
2a. (fol. 265rv)
πρὸϲ τὸν ἐρωτήϲαντα τίϲ ὁ ϲκοπὸϲ τῆϲ τοῦ Θεοῦ ἐνανθρωπήϲεωϲ,
Incipit: τὸ προοίμιον· εἰ καὶ φιλόχρυϲοι καὶ φιλοΰλοι ἄνθρωποι
Explicit: τὴν ἀθαναϲίαν ἡμῖν καὶ τὴν θέωϲιν ἐχαρίϲατο
Language(s): Greek
2b. (fols. 265v–266r)
εἰϲ τὸ θεολογικόν, ὦ τῆϲ καινῆϲ μίξεωϲ, ὦ τῆϲ παραδόξου κράϲεωϲ
Incipit: τῶν ἑνουμένων ἄλλα ἄλλωϲ ἐϲτὶν ἑνούμενα
Explicit: ἐνταῦθα κ.. ϲυνάπτεται.
Language(s): Greek
3. (fols. 266v–267r)
⟨Petrus Laodicenus⟩, expositio in orationem dominicam,

pr. C.F.G. Heinrici, Beiträge zur Geschichte und Erklärung des Neuen Testaments, iii, Lepizig 1905, pp. 109–111.

Language(s): Greek
4. (fol. 267r)
ἄλλο εἰϲ τὸ ἁγιωθήτω τὸ ὄνομά ϲου
Incipit: ἅγιοϲ γὰρ ὢν ἐν ἁγίοιϲ κατοικεῖ
Explicit: τῆϲ ϲαρκὸϲ ἐκκλίνειν τῶν πειραϲμων αἰτούμεθα.
Language(s): Greek
5. (fols. 267r–272v)
Eulogius Alexandrinus, fragmentum de Trinitate,

pr. O. Bardenhewer, Theologische Quartalschrift lxxviii (1896), pp. 363–78.

Language(s): Greek

Physical Description

Form: codex


(fol. 258) i 8 (1 missing), lacuna, (fol. 265) ii 8.


Ruling: 26–7 lines. 150 × 105 mm.


One hand of the scholarly type.


Origin: 13th cent. (middle to late)

MS. Barocci 25 – Part F


1. (fols. 273r–275r)
Constantinus Stilbes (MS: Cyrillus Cyzicenus), ⟨Homilia de S. Imagine Christi in Sindone⟩
Rubric: διδαϲκαλία τοῦ μακαρίτου μοναχοῦ Κυρίλλου τοῦ χρηματίϲαντοϲ Κυζίκου, ὅτε διάκονοϲ ὢν διδάϲκαλοϲ ἦν εἰϲ τὸν [ναὸν] τὸν Χαλκίτην, περὶ τῶν ἁγίων τοῦ μανδυλίου καὶ τοῦ κεράμου
Incipit: τί τὸ ἱερὸν τοῦτο φορεῖον

= BHG 3 796m.

Language(s): Greek
2. (fols. 275r–278v)
Rubric: τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἤτοι τοῦ Ϲτιλβῆ διδαϲκαλία τῶν θείων ἐπιϲτολῶν
Incipit: ἐπαινῶ τὸν νόμον τῆϲ ἐκκληϲίαϲ
Explicit: τὴν διακονίαν μοι καταρτίζεϲθαι....ἀμήν.
Language(s): Greek
3. (fols. 279r–280r)
⟨Constantinus Stilbes⟩, ⟨Hom. in S. Epiphanie festum⟩
Rubric: τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἔτι ἐν διακόνοιϲ ὄντοϲ κτλ.

address for Epiphany, pr. from this MS by R. Browning in Byzantion xxviii (1958), pp. 31–50.

Language(s): Greek
4. (fols. 280v–284v)
Joannes Geometres, Sermo in BMV Annuntiationem,

pr. PG 106. 812–48, = BHG 3 1158.

Language(s): Greek
5. (fols. 285r–287r)
Michael Psellus, λόγοϲ εἰϲ τὸν Χαιρετιϲμόν (MS. εἰϲ τὴν αὐτὴν ἑορτήν),

pr. E. Kurtz and F. Drexl, Michaelis Pselli Opera Minora, vol. i, Milan 1936, pp. 82–93.

Language(s): Greek
6. (fols. 287r–295r)
Joannes Geometres
6a. (fols. 287r–289r)
δρυὸϲ ἐγκώμιον
Incipit: τὸ δένδρον τὴν δρῦν
Explicit: καὶ πλεῖον ἔχον τὸ φῶϲ
Language(s): Greek
6b. (fol. 289rv)
ἐπιϲτολὴ κήπου ἐκφραϲτική
Incipit: οὕτωϲ ἄρα θάλλων ὁ κῆποϲ ἦν
Explicit: χειμῶνοϲ δὲ λάλοϲ καὶ Ἀττικόϲ.
Language(s): Greek
6c. (fols. 289v–290v)
ἑτέρα πρὸϲ τὸν αὐτὸν κῆπον
Incipit: ἐπειδή μοι καὶ δῆλοϲ εἶ
Explicit: πειράϲομαι καθ’ ὅϲον οἷόϲ τ’ ὦ.
Language(s): Greek
6d. (fols. 290v–292r)
περὶ τοῦ μήλου,

pr. PG 106. 848–53.

Language(s): Greek
6e. (fols. 292r–293v)
ἔτι ἐγκώμιον τοῦ μήλου
Incipit: τί δὲ δὴ καὶ τὸ μῆλον
Explicit: καὶ ὁ λόγοϲ τῶν λόγων
Language(s): Greek
6f. (fols. 293v–295r)
καὶ τρίτον εἰϲ τὸν μῆλον ἐγκώμιον
Incipit: τιθέϲθω καὶ τρίτον τὸ μῆλον
Explicit: ἐπιπνοίᾳ θείᾳ χρηϲάμενον
Language(s): Greek
7. (fols. 295r–296v)
Constantinus Stilbes (MS: Cyrillus Cyzicenus), ⟨Oratio ad Georgium Xiphilinum de die sabbato⟩
Rubric: τοῦ μακαρίτου μοναχοῦ Κυρίλλου τοῦ ποτε Κυζίκου ἔτι ὄντοϲ διακόνου, νεῴ τινι ῥητορικὸϲ εἰϲ τὸν πατριάρχην κύριον Γεώργιον τὸν Ξιλφῖνον κατὰ τὸν Ϲάββατον τοῦ Λαζ̣[άρου]
Incipit: οἶδε καὶ Δαυῒδ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ
Explicit: ἀδικίαϲ ὀρθότητα (?).
Language(s): Greek

Physical Description

Form: codex


(fol. 273) i–iii 8.


Ruling: 38–9 lines. 150 × 110 mm.


One hand of the scholarly type.


Origin: 13th cent. (middle to late)

Additional Information

Last Substantive Revision

2017-07-01: First online publication.