Exeter College MS. 14
Thomas Hanney, Memoriale juniorum; Disticha Catonis; England, s. xv
Language(s): Latin
Unprinted; Glorieux, Arts, 447; Bursill-Hall, 193. 2; R. W. Hunt, Oxford Studies presented to Daniel Callus, OHS, NS 16 (1964), 175 n., records other copies; also Sharpe, Latin Writers. Copies were formerly owned by the Leicester Augustinians (The Libraries of the Augustinian Canons, ed. T. Webber and A. G. Watson (CBMLC 6, 1998), A 20.1024a, and Evesham, English Benedictine Libraries: The Shorter Catalogues, ed. R. Sharpe, J. P. Carley, R. M. Thomson, and A. G. Watson (CBMLC 4, 1996), B 30.7a, anonymous.
ed. Æ. Baehrens, Poetae Latini minores, iii (Leipzig, 1879), 214–35; J. W. and A. Duff, Minor Latin Poets (London and Cambridge, 1934), 592–620; M. Boas and H. Botschuyver (Amsterdam, 1952); WIC 3551. Our prologue is not in the editions or, apparently, in any of the manuscripts listed by R. Hazelton, ‘The Christianization of “Cato”: the Disticha Catonis in the light of late mediaeval commentaries’, Mediaeval Studies, 19 (1957), 157–73. On the text see R. Roos, Sentenza e proverbio nell’antichità e i ‘Distici di Catone’ (Brescia, 1984), 187–228. The accompanying commentary is unidentified. For bibliography and other manuscripts see B. Munk Olsen, L’Étude des auteurs classiques latins aux xiᵉ et xiiᵉ siécles, 3 vols. in 4 (Paris, 1982–9), i. 61–86; also Hazelton, 157–8.
Physical Description
One column. Mostly 27 lines but some pages have as many as 44. Frame ruled, variously in crayon and pencil.
1, anglicana formata and secretary in a number of hands;
2, a single mixed anglicana and secretary hand which becomes very untidy. Virtually unpunctuated, with only occasional use of low point and positurae.
Red initials with rather crude flourishing, red paraphs, and stroking.
In 2 lemmata are underlined in red.
Sewn on five bands. Standard Exeter binding: simple and quite elegant, calf over millboards, the calf bearing blind decoration of a floral type, early 19th century.
Provenance and Acquisition
Fol. 195v, ‘Liber Willelmi Elyot clerici quem habuit de Johanne Cobethorne nuper eius Clerico pro debito iiij libras quas eidem Willelmo ex debito debuit. ex mutuo etc.’ On Elyot see BRUO. Fol. 2r, ‘Liber Willelmi Elyot Clerici Rectoris de Aveton Gyfford [Devon] quem librum idem Willelmus emit de executoribus testamenti Johannis Cobethorne nuper servientis eius’, and ‘Hunc librum Willelmus Elyot clericus Magister domus Dei de Portesmouth’ Wintoniensis diocesis in Comitatu Southampton’ olim Registrarius bone memorie Edmundi lacy Exoniensis Episcopi dedit Collegio Exoniense in Oxon’ ad vsum Magistrorum Sociorum ac eiusdem Collegij Scolarium quamdiu durauerit ibidem remansure[sic] in libraria quartodecimo die mensis Julij Anno Regni Regis Ricardi Tercii primo [1483] legauit et in Vita sua naturaliter disposuit. Et si quis seu qui hunc librum a collegio predicto contra predict’ dantis et disponentis voluntatem alienare remouere seu subtrahere presumpserit Ve presumpserint se nouerit seu nouerint indignacionem dei omnipotentis ac eius malediccionem incurrere.’ On Lacy see BRUO.
Recorded at Exeter c. 1600 as Ecloga, no. 8, then in CMA, no. 37. Watson's Plate 3(a) reproduces ex libris and ex dono inscriptions on fol. 2r.
Exeter library identifications are on the front pastedown: ‘Ex: Coll: Oxon’, ‘Q 7—7 Gall’ (deleted), ‘172–G–15’, the book stamp and ‘Coxe Cat. no. XIV (pencil). ‘15’ is on a round paper label at the top of the spine.
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Exeter College Library.
Digital Images
Digital Bodleian (full digital facsimile)
Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Rector and Fellows of Exeter College.
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-04-29: First online publication