Exeter College MS. 22
Johannes de Friburgo, Summa confessorum, etc.; Oxford?, England, c. 1330
Language(s): Latin
Kaeppeli, 2343.
Kaeppeli, 2344.
all but (a) pr. Augsburg, 1476 Hain, 7365, BMC 2. 322); (a)–(c) pr. Lyons, 1518, fols. [iiiv]–CCXLIIr. Schulte, ii. 421–2; L. E. Boyle, ‘The Summa Confessorum of John of Freiburg ...’, in St Thomas Aquinas, 1274–1974: Commemoration Studies, ed. A. A. Maurer et al. (Toronto, 1974), ii. 245–68, repr. Boyle, Pastoral Care (as above, MS 19), ch. 3. Kaeppeli, following Boyle, dates (b)–(c) after 1280 and c. 1297–8 respectively.
Kaeppeli, 2340. Pr. Lyons 1518 edn. as above, fols. CCXLIIv–CCXLVr.
pr. in Lyons 1518 edn. of 1 and 2 above, fols. CCXLVv–CCLIIIIv; Kaeppeli, 2345. Following Boyle, Kaeppeli dates this work to after 1298.
pr. in Lyons 1518 edn. of 1, 2, and 3 above, fols. ir–xxviiiv.
[Notes in three hands of s. xiv on heretics from Clementines III. 8. i; on tithes of benefices from Clementines III. 8. ii; on heretics, source untraced; and a reference ‘De reuerencia nominis Christi lib. j. ti. 14. q. 2’.]
Added later.
Physical Description
Two columns, c. 60–63 lines. Ruled in crayon.
Anglicana formata, by several scribes, punctuated by low point. Running titles, some red, are in anglicana, as are running titles and numbers of tituli, which are in ink.
Alexander and Temple, no. 314, describe the decoration as ‘fine’ but that exaggerates the quality, which is modest. The gold initial on fol. 1r is inhabited by a Dominican friar expounding a text and has a very long painted extender which acts as a bar-frame border round most of the text area. Some painted initials at the beginning of books have a very little gold.
There are also ⅔-line blue lombards, flourished red, rubrics, red and blue paraphs, red line-fillers and stroking.
Sewn on five bands. Standard Exeter binding: simple and quite elegant, calf over millboards, the calf bearing blind decoration of a floral type, early 19th century.
Provenance and Acquisition
Probably produced in a Dominican house, perhaps at Oxford.
Recorded at Exeter c. 1600 as Ecloga, no. 13, then in CMA, no. 24. There are marginalia throughout in hands of s. xiv.
Exeter library identifications are, on the front pastedown, the book stamp, ‘Ex. Coll: Oxon.’, ‘Q8—2 Gall’ (deleted), ‘172–G–2’ and ‘Coxe Cat. no. XXII.’ ‘2’ is on a round paper label at the top of the spine.
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Exeter College Library.
Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Rector and Fellows of Exeter College.
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-04-29: First online publication