A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

Exeter College MS. 87

Glossarium juridicum; England, s. xvex


Language(s): Latin

(fols. 1r-54v)
An unidentified repertory of legal terms, both canon and civil law.
Incipit: || Afficitur prebenda. certis modis de .co’. prebende

[fol. 5v]

Explicit: quo probato iudex ||

[fol. 6r]

Incipit: || assessim dicuntur qui pro pecuniam aliquos occidunt

[fol. 10v]

Explicit: libri vj et decreta cle’ statutum||

[fol. 11r]

Incipit: || prescripcione de prescrip’

[fol. 29v]

Explicit: induere de reli do .c. i. [catchword super vnum(?) habitum] ||

[fol. 30r]

Incipit: || eorum c. cum dilectus

[fol. 45v]

Explicit: in glo. nc. quia qui [catchword suspensus a beneficio] ||

[fol. 46r]

Incipit: || Testis non probat qui deponit
Explicit: tatem post xxj.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: non est in hoc.
Form: codex
Support: parchment FHHF
Extent: 55 remaining leaves or parts of leaves of a book that once contained at least 288 leaves (as witness the quire numbers)
Dimensions (leaf): c. 308 × c. 200 mm.
but many leaves have been entirely excised and others have been reduced by as much as a half by horizontal cutting. Fol. 54 is a stub with some text, c. 35 mm wide, and fol. 55 a stub with traces of a few letters, c. 12 mm wide.
Dimensions (written): 205–220 × 135–140 mm.


18 (wants 4, 5, 7) 28 (wants 3, 4, 6) ∥ 38 (wants 1–4) 48 58 (wants 3) ∥ 6-78 ∥ 96 (3–4, fols. 52–3, are conjoint and gummed in over the thread). Catchwords are in the scribe’s hand. Quire numbers 4, 29, 30, 33, 34, and 36 survive, in the form, for example, 2us qus 1 f, 2us qus 2 f.


One column, c. 45 lines to a full page. Frame ruled in crayon.


Anglicana, with secretary a and r; punctuated by medial (?high) point.


Plain 1/2-line red initials, red paraphs and stroking.


Sewn on three bands between early 19th-century millboards covered with parchment. Three green ties (tapes) remain, one on the front cover and two on the back.


Origin: s. xvex ; England

Provenance and Acquisition

There are marginalia and addenda of s. xv. There seems to be no evidence to date the savage destruction of the book but from the way quires, single pages, and parts of pages have been excised, it may be a reasonable deduction that at some time, perhaps in the second quarter of the sixteenth century, when the book had ceased to be cared for properly but its subject-matter had not yet gone out of date, it was plundered by a person or persons who cut out those parts that interested them.

It has no known history until it is recorded in CMA as part of the library of Sir William Glynne, Bart., of Ambrosden, Oxon., d. 1690 ('Glossarium vetus, ordine Alphabetico Mutilat: Membrane. Fol.'), with the majority of whose manuscripts it came to Exeter in 1774 by bequest of Joseph Sandford, formerly a fellow of Exeter and then of Balliol College (Boase1, lxiv). At the top of fol. 1r is the title as above (s. xviii), preceded by the Glynne number '2.' and followed by 'vide Catal: MSS. Glynne Bart.', a reference to the catalogue of Glynne’s books in CMA ii. 49–54, no. 1926.2. 'Glynne 2' is written on the front cover in pencil.

Exeter library identifications are, on the front pastedown, bookplate 3, and ‘Coxe LXXXVII’ (pencil), and on the front cover ‘LXXXVII’ (in pencil).

Record Sources

Andrew G. Watson, A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Exeter College, Oxford (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 2000.


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact Exeter College Library.

Last Substantive Revision

2020-04-29: First online publication

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