MS. Bodl. 110
Summary Catalogue no.: 1963
The calendarial poem 'Cisio janus' is at fol. iv, 15th cent.
Physical Description
Provenance and Acquisition
William Cleve, rector of Cliffe (at Hoo): 'Hunc librum emit W. C⟨leue⟩ de J. Pye stacionario Londoniensis xº die Augusti anno regni regis Edwardi iiijti tercio, coram Roberto Paling,' 1463: ‘precium XXs’: 'Christus homo factus W. Cleue prosperet actus'.
Cliffe at Hoo, parish church: given by Cleve to the chaplains of a chantry there: 'Hunc librum libere contulit Willelmus Cleue nuper Rector ecclesie de Clyve Kancie domino Willelmo Camyl huius cantarie capellano & successoribus suis perpetuis hic deuocius Deo officiaturis. pro modo R. Kent [added].'
On fol. 128v is a late 15th cent. note by Johannes Huntt.
Presented by sir Henry Savile in 1620.
MS. Bodl. 110 – Part 1
Language(s): Latin
Physical Description
MS. Bodl. 110 – Part 2
Without title or author's name; with list of chapters.
Ends with a life of st. Thomas the Apostle.
See J. A. Burrow in Speculum 73 (1998), 424–8.
At fol. 128 follows a Latin theological note.
ed. Niamh Pattwell, ‘Sacerdos Parochialis edited from British Library MS Burney 356 and Exornatorium Curatorum edited from Cambridge Corpus Christi Sp.335.2’, PhD thesis, Trinity College Dublin, 2004.
A later title to a Latin piece containing legends of relics such as the Holy Blood preserved at Fécamp abbey; imperfect at end, a leaf or two being lost: ends 'rapuit a quadam paupere femina'. This piece is in a rather later hand.
After this, according to a 15th cent. list of contents on fol. iv verso, there once followed 'Memoriale W. Wykeham episcopi notabilis Wintonie qui plura opera fecit', but this was missing as early as 1655.
Physical Description
Illuminated capitals.
Additional Information
Record Sources
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-04-06: Revised to incorporate all information in SC.