St John's College MS 45
Documents of the Council of Constance
Language(s): Latin
The voluminous documents are surveyed (by category, not chronologically as here) in Heinrich Finke et al. (eds.), Acta Concilii Constanciensis (Münster i. W., 1896–1928). The text seems to break off at the end, and there are mid-text blank leaves at fols. 31–7, 58v–9 (one line on the first side), about half each of fols. 259v–60, and 321v.
Physical Description
Written in long lines, about 29 to the page (the first and last quires rather more densely written, up to 42 lines). No prickings or rules; bounded in lead and occasionally stylus.
Written in secretary. Punctuation by occasional point.
Entirely unadorned.
All textual divisions have penwork initials in the ink of the text.
Where spaces have been left for rubrication, they are unfilled (guide letters survive).
All headings in the text ink.
Dark brown leather, s. xvii, over millboards, with a simple gold fillet on both boards. The front pastedown is vellum, with a text on the board side and a College bookplate pasted on; the rear pastedown is modern paper. At the front, two paper flyleaves, followed by a vellum stub, from the pastedown; at the rear, five paper flyleaves (iii–vii).
Provenance and Acquisition
An old shelfmark ‘Abac: ij. N.35’ (the front pastedown).
‘Liber Collegii Divi Joannis Baptistae Oxon Ex dono Edwardis Bernardi Socii 1667’ (fol. 1, the lower margin).
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact St John's College Library.
Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Thompson Family Charitable Trust.
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-11: First online publication