A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

St John's College MS 46

Robert of Bridlington on the minor prophets


Language(s): Latin

Fols. 1ra–156va
Rubric: ⟨I⟩n nomine sanctȩ et indiuiduȩ trinitatis incipit explanatio breuis in xii. prophetas quam frater ROBERTUS BERLINCTUMENSIS ȩcclesiȩ indignus canonicus excepit collegit et in unum redegit ex dictis uenerabilium patrum […] Incipit prologus sequentis operis in duodecim prophetas
Incipit: Teste beato ieronimo non idem ordo est duodecim prophetarum apud hebreos qui est apud septuaginta […]
Rubric: [fol. 1va, the text] Incipit explanatio in osee prophetam
Incipit: Uerbum domini quod factum est ad osee filium beeri Cum in omnibus prophetis intelligendis sancti spiritus indigemus aduentu ut cuius instinctu
Explicit: in supplicium ȩternum iusti autem in uitam eternam
Final rubric: Explicit explanatio in Malachiam prophetam uel potius in duodecim prophetas
Robert of Bridlington, on the minor prophets

Sharpe, no. 1435 (526–8), unpublished. Beryl Smalley, in her discussion of Gilbert the Universal, quotes (7:248) Robert’s opening rubric to demonstrate Gilbert’s authorship of a full Prophets commentary (it is one of Robert’s cited sources); she mentions our MS and quotes a small bit of it at 7:259–60.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: qui uocatur
Form: codex
Support: Vellum (HSOS/HFFH).
Extent: Fols. iii + 156 + iii (numbered fols. iii bis–v).
Dimensions (leaf): 320 × 210 mm.


1–198 204. Catchwords under the inner column, once in the gutter (a few cut away); quires signed on the last verso with a roman numeral (about a third cut away). In this system, quires 1–19 = i–xix.


In double columns, each column 240 × 70 mm. , with 18 mm between columns, in 42 lines to the column. Prickings; bounded and ruled in black ink.


Written in protogothic bookhand. Punctuation by point and punctus elevatus.


Headings in red.

The biblical text in red, followed by the commentary in black ink.

Prologues and biblical books introduced by alternating 6-line green and red arabesque capitals (8 lines in the prologue).

One-line alternating red and green arabesque capitals to break up the text.

An attempt in quire 1 only (and very sporadically thereafter) to mark authorities in red in margins.

Regular red running titles to identify the biblical book.

Chapter numbers added in the upper right corner of rectos and provided in the margins, s. xv.


Modern replacement. Sewn on four thongs. At the front, a marbled paper leaf and two modern paper flyleaves; at the rear, two modern paper flyleaves and another marbled paper one (iii bis–v).


Origin: s. xii med. ; England

Provenance and Acquisition

‘Liber sanctȩ Mariȩ de Bellalanda’ (fol. 1, the upper margin) (Ker, MLGB 23).

‘Liber Collegij Divi Iohannis Baptistae Oxon’ ex dono Domini Gulielmi Paddei Militis et ejusdem Collegii olim Convictoris 1634’ (fol. 2, the upper margin).

A note on the author (s. xvii) and the college shelfmark ‘46’ appear on fol. 1, the upper margin.

Record Sources

Ralph Hanna, A descriptive catalogue of the western medieval manuscripts of St. John's College, Oxford (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002)


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact St John's College Library.


    N. R. Ker, Medieval Libraries of Great Britain: A List of Surviving Books. Royal Historical Society Guides and Handbooks. 2nd edn. (London, 1964), extended by Andrew G. Watson, MLGB: Supplement to the Second Edition. RHS Guides and Handbooks 15 (1987).
    Richard Sharpe, A Handlist of the Latin Writers of Great Britain and Ireland before 1540. Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin 1 (Turnhout, 1997).
    Beryl Smalley, 'Gilbertus Universalis, bishop of London (1128–34), and the problem of the "Glossa ordinaria" ', Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 7 (1935), 235–62, and 8 (1936), 24–60.

Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Thompson Family Charitable Trust

Last Substantive Revision

2021-09: First online publication

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