A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

St John's College MS 74

John de Turrecremata, De ecclesia


Language(s): Latin

Fols. 3–419:
Rubric: Incipit prologus Reuerendissimi domini domini IOHANNIS DE TURRICREMATA Sacrosancte Romanae ecclesie Cardinalis […] in librum de ecclesia seu summam contra ecclesie […]
Incipit: In lectulum salamonis ambiunt lx. fortes ex fortissimis israel […]
Rubric: [fol. 4, the text] De nomine ecclesie […]
Incipit: De ecclesia cum adiutorio dei omnipotentis locuturi aliquid nominis ecclesie inchoabimus
Explicit: [fol. 418v] infirmitatibus fatigati consummauimus ingentes illi gratias offerentes dicimus tibi Laus tibi gloria tibi gratiarum actio In secula sempiterna O beata et benedicta et gloriosa trinitas AMEN |
Colophon: Compilatum est autem hoc opus Per dominum IOHANNEM DE TURRECREMATA Sanctae Romane ecclesie […] Et finitum in urbe Anno domini Millesimo quadringentesimo quinquagesimo tertio in Mense octobris […] Deo gratias
John de Turrecremata, De ecclesia

Kaeppeli, no. 2730 (3:24–42, at 37), ed. Hain *15730, BMC 4:109–10 (Rome, 17 April 1489). Preceded (fols. 1–2), as is each book, by a contents table. Fol. 419 has only the colophon, its verso blank but bounded. A substantial amount of marginal annotation in anglicana, s. xv3/4.

Although comprising a single text, each of the four books is a bibliographically separate production, marked by irregularly formed final quires, blank leaves, and the appearance of the contents table for each book at the head of a new set of quires. Booklet 1 ends with a 14 (fols. 111–24); booklet 2 with an 8, its concluding leaves (fols. 270v–1v) blank but ruled; booklet 3 has both a blank verso (of fol. 273) following the contents table and two blank, but partially ruled, leaves at the end (fols. 360–1v); booklet 4 concludes with an 8.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: -pora cristus (fol. 2)
Secundo Folio: studuerimus (fol. 4)
Form: codex
Support: Paper. The MS is written on oversized sheets folded in quarto (chain-lines are horizontal), the watermarks generally unrecoverable in the gutter of a thick and tightly bound volume. Exceptionally, the inner eight leaves of the second quire (fols. 12–19) have come loose from the binding; these, reinforced at the sewings with vellum strips from a MS of s. xiii, are formed from two sheets from the same paper stock: Horn: the mark closely resembles, but cannot be identical with, Piccard VII 10, nos. 81–4, 101–4, on oversized sheets but datable a good deal too early, 1420–1 (Padua and south Germany).
Extent: Fols. i + 420 (numbered fols. 1–419, but an unnumbered leaf follows fol. 213) + i (numbered fol. ii).
Dimensions (leaf): 280 × 200 mm.
Dimensions (written): 183–8 × 125 mm.


1–1110 1214 [fol. 124, the end of book and booklet 1] | 13–2610 278 [fol. 272, the end of book and booklet 2] | 28–3610 [fol. 362, the end of book and booklet 3] | 37–4110 428. Catchwords in the gutter, a few added later. Sporadic signatures survive, e.g. in booklet 2, all leaves in the first half of each quire have been given an arbitrary sign and arabic number (e.g. fols. 214–18 = X 1–5, 224–8 = / / 1–5), in booklet 3 a similar system, with a regular letter sequence plus page numbers (fols. 342–6 = hh), most cut away. In addition, booklet 2 has its own separate pagination, as well as having a few numerical quire signatures (fols. 234, 254, and 264 = 12, 14, and 15 respectively). Another quire signature occurs in booklet 4, the numeral II on fol. 372.


In long lines, 40 lines to the page. No prickings; bounded in stylus and brownish ink, no rules.


Written in humanistic cursive. Punctuation by point, medial point, and punctus elevatus.


Headings in red and in a more formal humanistica.

At initia, lombards, 10 lines at the head of the prologue, 4 lines at the heads of chapters, initially alternating red on black flourishing, blue on red flourishing (to fol. 67, sporadic later examples of the blue), the flourishing including leaf designs and heads; after fol. 156, capitals universally unflourished and after fol. 286, none filled.

The text is divided by paraphs, alternating blue and red until fol. 88, thereafter either red only or unfilled, and ochre-slashed capitals.

Book numbers added later in lead as running titles.


Modern rebinding. Sewn on four thongs. At the front, one modern paper flyleaf; at the rear, another modern paper flyleaf (ii).


Origin: s. xv med. ; Italy

Provenance and Acquisition

‘Ihesus magister Iohannes de trecremata [sic for turrecremata]’ (fol. 1, partly cut away in the upper margin; anglicana, s. xv).

‘Liber Collegii Sanctj Iohannis Baptistae Oxon ex dono Venerabilis virj Guilielmj Laud Sacrae Theologiae Doctoris Ecclesiae Cathedralis Gloucest’ Decanj et Predictj Collegii Praesidis 1620’ (fol. 1, upper margin).

Record Sources

Ralph Hanna, A descriptive catalogue of the western medieval manuscripts of St. John's College, Oxford (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002)


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact St John's College Library.


    Catalogue of Books Printed in the XVth Century Now in the British Museum, 8 vols. (London, 1909).
    L. Hain, Repertorium bibliographicum, 8 vols. (Stuttgart, 1826–38, repr. Milan, 1948), with Supplement by W. A. Copinger (London, 1895–1902; repr. Milan, 1950).
    T. Kaeppeli, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi, 4 vols. (Rome, 1970–93).
    Gerhard Piccard, Die Wasserzeichenkartei Piccard im Hauptstadts-archiv Stuttgart: Findbuch, currently 17 vols. (Stuttgard, 1961– ).

Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Thompson Family Charitable Trust

Last Substantive Revision

2022-01: First online publication

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