A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

St John's College MS 98

Theological miscellany

Physical Description

The volume is both composite—a total of seven separate MSS, all on vellum—and fascicular—the second MS comprising three booklets.
Form: codex
Support: Seven separate MSS, all on vellum
Extent: Fols. iv (numbered fols. i–ii, 1–2) + 224 (numbered fols. 3–226) + i (numbered fol. iii).
Dimensions (leaf): 255 × 182 mm.


Reversed calf over millboards, with a simple fillet, s. xvii. Sewn on four thongs. String ties on both boards to keep the book closed; a chain-staple mark in Watson’s position 6. ‘98’ in black ink on a paper lozenge at the head of the spine, in black ink on leading edges. Manuscript pastedowns, a College bookplate on the front one. At the front, two modern paper flyleaves (the first only half the page vertically) and two medieval vellum flyleaves from an earlier binding (fols. 1–2); at the rear one paper flyleaf (iii).

Pastedowns: from a breviary on each board a portion of a bifolium, neither sheet complete. The fullest leaves (at the top on both boards) overall 182 surviving mm × 137–43 mm. writing area 162–7 surviving mm × 103 mm. , in 27–9 long lines. The upper leaf on the lower board includes part of John 6, a reading for the third nocturn on Corpus Christi, ed. BrevSar, 1070.


Origin: s. xiii med. or xiii2 with additions to s. xiv1 ; France with some of the additions made in England

Provenance and Acquisition

‘liber Magistri Ad’ le fraunces’ (fol. 1, upper margin; s. xiii ex.). He is not in BRUO, BRUC, or among Glorieux’s thirteenth-century Parisian masters.

‘liber Tercij [over erasure] loci in quarta stacione’ (fol. 1). Not associable with any system cited in Ker, MLGB (Chester OSB had ‘loci’, but the books include no notation of ‘staciones’; see pp. 49–50) and probably not from an English library. With another note, in the same hand, s. xiv ex.: ‘tituli huius voluminis continentur in 2o folio’. The answering note appears as promised (fol. 2v, s. xiv med.); it includes another shelfmark, ‘Septimus liber tercii loci quarte stacionis’ and an earlier s. xiv table of contents which explicitly mentions only items in fols. 19–124, 183–214. Associated with the contents is a second reference to the shelfmark, ‘incipient’ tunc pater 2o fo [indicating the presence of MS 1] in vno volumine tabul’ et ponuntur 3o loco stacione 4o’, the numbers here a later supply over erasure.

‘Liber Collegij Sanctj Johannis Baptistae Oxon’ ex dono Venerabilis virj Guilielmj Laud Sacrae Theologiae Doctoris ejusdem Collegii Praesidis et Decanj Ecclesiae Cathedralis Gloucest’ 1618’. Exhibited Laud Exhib, no. 6 (8).

Flyleaf texts


Language(s): Latin

a. Fols. 1rab:
Incipit: ⟨Q⟩voniam nonnulli dicunt theologos de trunco . facere uitulum quia idem quandoque dicunt contraria significare
Explicit: flos uitam peccatoris uirga tribulationem iuda peccatorem Egressio transgressionem uincere subcumbere

A discussion of exegetical reading, with some examples of identifications in the spiritual sense, written in double columns. Fols. 1 and 2 form a bifolium; a vellum strip glued to both at the centre is possibly the remains of a bifolium between them now cancelled.

b. Fols. 1v–2:
Incipit: Rector animarum est minister cristi et membrorum eius In spiritualibus Exemplo uite ut sit Benignus Affabilis […]

Distinctiones, written in long lines.

Manuscript 1 = Fols. 3–18


Language(s): Latin

1. Fols. 3–13v:
Rubric: Incipit liber PROBE uxoris adelfi proconsulis In io. Georgicorum
Incipit: Iam dudum temerasse duces pia federa pacis | Regnandi miseros
Explicit: Hac casti maneant in religione parentes
PROBA, The ‘Cento’ (CPL 1480, Walther, no. 9696), ed. Karl Schenkl, CSEL 16 (1888), 569–609.
2. Fols. 14–17:
Rubric: Incipit prophetia hic sibille sapientis que ueniebat de partibus orientalibus audire sapientiam salomonis
Incipit: ⟨S⟩Ibille generaliter dicuntur omnes femine prophetantes que ob diuinam uoluntatem hominibus interpretari […] [fol. 16v, the verse begins] Iudicii signum tellus sudore madesces | E celo Rex adueniet
Explicit: mare non erit Et regnabit dominus in sanctis suis et regnabunt in secula seculorum Amen
Sibylline prophecies

Stegmüller, RB 124 (1:98–9), , ed. Ernst Sackur, Sibyllinische Texte und Forschungen (Halle a. S., 1898), 177–87, ; the verse (Walther, no. 9907) most recently ed. Bernard Dombart and Alfons Kalb, CC 48 (1955), 613–14. Fols. 17v–18v are blank.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: Tunc pater (fol. 4)
Support: vellum (FSOS/FHHF).
Extent: Fols. 16
Dimensions (written): 195–7 × 129 mm.


1–28. A cut-off catchword at the end of the first quire; no signatures.


For fols. 3–17, ruled for a main text column 197 × 85 mm. between two columns, one to identify the Virgilian source and a gloss column on the leading edge. In long lines, 33 lines to the page. No prickings; bounded and ruled in purplish-brown crayon.


Written in gothic textura semiquadrata. Punctuation by point and occasional punctus elevatus.


At divisions 2- and 3-line red and blue lombards on flourishing of the other colour; alternate red and blue 1-line lombards introduce the marginalia.

Red paraphs to divide lines.

Marginalia in alternate red and blue or red and black ink.

Red-slashed capitals at head of each line.

In text 2, a single red paraph; otherwise, initials are larger letters in text ink.

See AT, no. 731 (72), ascribed to France, s. xiv1, but certainly in England by the late s. xiii (see e.g. item [q]).

Manuscript 2, Booklet 1 = Fols. 19–54


Language(s): Latin

3. Fols. 19ra–54rb:
Incipit: Ne uenire ad magisterium imperiti audeant Ne locum regiminis subeant […] [fol. 19va] Pastoralis cure me pondera fugere delitescendo uoluisse benigna frater karissime […] [fol. 19vb, the text] Nulla ars doceri presumatur nisi intenta prius meditatione discatur
Explicit: pondus proprium deprimit tui menti manus leuet
GREGORY THE GREAT, Regula pastoralis (CPL 1712), ed. Floribert Rommel, SC 381–2 (1992). Fol. 54v is blank and unruled.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: sepe
Support: Vellum (HSOS/HFFH).
Extent: Fols. 36.


3–58 610 72 [fol. 54, a booklet boundary]. Catchwords towards or in the gutter. Fragmentary signatures; these imply that all leaves in the first half of each quire received a letter, the quire being indicated by an arbitrary sign (e.g., fols. 37–8 = c–d o, 45–6 = c–d |). One more conventional numerical signature survives; fol. 38 also = iiiii iiii, a retrospective system necessarily imposed after MS 1 had been joined at the head.


In double columns, each column 184 × 55 mm. , with 10 mm between columns, in 42 lines to the column. Prickings; bounded and ruled in black ink or brown crayon.


Written in gothic textura semiquadrata, a different scribe from the preceding. Punctuation by point and occasional punctus elevatus.


Spaces for headings unfilled.

At the head of the text, a 6-line red and blue lombard with bar border and flourishing of both colours.

At chapter heads, alternating 2- and 3-line red and blue lombards on flourishing of the other colour.

Manuscript 2, Booklet 2 = Fols. 55–94


Language(s): Latin

4. Fols. 55ra–75va:
Rubric: Liber ius. retractacionum beati AUGUSTINI
Incipit: Iam diu istud facere cogito atque dispono quod nunc adiuuante domino aggredior
Explicit: alios a me dictos retractare cepissem Explicit liber secundus retractacionum
AUGUSTINE, Retractiones (CPL 250), ed. Almut Mutzenbecher CC 57 (1974). Part of fol. 75va and all 75vb are blank.
5. Fols. 76ra–88ra:
Rubric: AUGUSTINUS de videndo deo ad paulinam
Incipit: Memor debiti quod ex tua petitione et mea promissione factum est religiosa famula
Explicit: si dominus iuuerit opere alio experiemur quid disputare ualeamus
AUGUSTINE, Epistola 147 (CPL 262), ed. Al. Goldbacher, CSEL 44 (1904), , 274–331. Distinctiones and notes, s. xiii/xiv or xiv in., fols. 77–86 in the lower margins; these continue into the next booklet, e.g. at fols. 98rv, 101, 102.
6. Fols. 88ra–92vb:
Incipit: Sapiens sine operibus Senex sine religione Adolescens sine obedientia […] | [fol. 88rb] Hec sunt xii. abusiua seculi per seculi rotam currentia
Explicit: In hoc tempore transitorio ne sine nobis esse cristus incipiat in futuro
Final rubric:
PS.-AUGUSTINE, 'De duodecim abusivis' (Irish, c.650; CPL 1106), ed. Siegmund Hellmann, Ps.-Cyprianus de XII abusivis saeculi, TU 34, i (1909) 32–60.

Added text:

c. Fols. 93ra–94vb:

A table of contents for text 7.

A bit of connective filler added on blank leaves left at the end of the booklet.

Physical Description

Support: Vellum (HSOS/HFFH).
Extent: Fols. 40.


810 92 10–1110 128 [fol. 94, a booklet boundary]. Two quires have catchwords at the edge of the gutter, the rest cut away. Signatures are often cut away or illegible but appear to have been the letters a–e (doubled cc, ee on fols. 79, 81) on all leaves in the first half of each quire. Uniquely, the first quire may be signed with the letter A. There are two stubs before quire 9, the remains of a cancel, since the text is continuous; the anomalous quire may have resulted from the correction of a large error.


In double columns, each column 188 × 55 mm. , with 9 mm between columns, in 38 lines to the column (the format in text 6 varies slightly). Prickings; bounded and ruled in brown crayon.


Written in a spiky gothic textura quadrata, s. xiii2, the added text (a) by the same scribe as the remainder. Punctuation by point and punctus elevatus.


The same general decorative scheme as the preceding booklet. Headings in red.

Chapter numbers in the margin, in alternating red and text ink.

In text 6, red paraphs at chapter breaks, with the chapter number given marginally in text ink.

Some red-slashed capitals to divide the texts.

Running titles in alternate red and blue lombards to indicate book number and title; these remain a standard feature to fol. 147 (excepting those leaves with added texts, originally blank), part of the joining of diverse books into one.


Origin: s. xiii2

Manuscript 2, Booklet 3 = Fols. 95–124


Language(s): Latin

7. Fols. 95ra–117va:
Rubric: De fide spe et caritate Aurelij AUGUSTINI doctoris liber encheridion ad laurentium incipit
Incipit: Dici non potest dilectissime fili laurenti quantum tua erudicione delecter
Explicit: prolixum de fide et spe et caritate conscripsi [later] Explicit.
AUGUSTINE, Enchiridion

CPL 295, ed. E. Evans, CC 46 (1969), 49–114. Fols. 117vb–24v were originally blank.

Added texts:

d. Fols. 117vb–19rb:
Incipit: ⟨Q⟩valiter res triplex esse habent in actu intellectu in mente diuina et qualiter […]

A contents table, for an uncertain text, extending to 101 items. The pages have been re-ruled in black ink, for double columns, each column 183–5 × 57 mm. , with 9 mm between columns, in 44 lines to the column. Only the blank fol. 119v is unruled. Written in gothic textura semiquadrata, s. xiii/xiv.

e. Fols. 120ra–vb:
Incipit: Hic est liber mandatorum dei Et lex que est in eternum omnes qui tenent eam ad uitam qui autem dereliquerint eam in mortem
Explicit: in me peccauerit ledet animam suam omnes qui me oderunt diligunt mortem

An introductory discussion of biblical books, not identical with a number of similar texts entered in Stegmüller, RB and also introduced by Baruch 4:1. The work may be a preface to the next, which alludes to the Baruch passage at the explicit.

f. Fols. 120vb–2rb:
Incipit: Diuisionem librorum et ordinacionem sic accipe Tota enim scriptura diuiditur in uetus testamentum et nouum Et ordinant sic
Explicit: altitudine et mirabili humilitate discuntur Ecce in ipsa omnia Baruch 4. omnia hic liber uite


g. Fol. 121:
Incipit: De Ruth dicit IERONIMUS secundum hebreos in galeto principio Deinde subt\e/xerunt [later] sophin id est librum Iudicum et in eundem conpingunt Ruth […]

A note across the page foot, s. xiii ex., gothic textura semiquadrata.

h. Fol. 122:
Rubric: ⟨I⟩ncipiunt prouerbia vij. sapientum in conuiuio positorum Crossus Costulus Specio Lelius Armicius Rustilius Metulius
Incipit: Ibi cum essent placuit hiis poculo accepto dicere utiia uite
Explicit: agere adolescentem senem sapere Hij fuerunt in conuiuio metulij

Unidentified. With an added note (s. xv): ‘Cum tua peruideas occulis malippus iniunctis Cur in amicorum vicijs tam cernis’, Walther, Sprichwörter, no. 4551,, Horace, Sermones, 1.3.25–6.

i. Fols. 123ra–va:
Incipit: ⟨V⟩irtus est bene constitute mentis habitus sub uirtute autem species sunt iusticia
Explicit: et alie similiter sunt vbi autem alie desunt uera illa non est et si aliquo […]

At least derived from CICERO, De inventione, 2.53–4, ed. Edward Stroebel, Scripta quae manserunt omnia, fasc. 2 (Leipzig, 1915), 147–50. A marginal ‘101’ at the Opening identifies the text with the final chapter in the contents table at fol. 119rb (text [d] above): ‘De connexione uirtutum et de speciebus cardinalium et descripcionibus carum’.

k. Fol. 124vb:
Incipit: ⟨T⟩Ribus modis res subsistere habent In actu In intellectu In mente diuina
Explicit: factum est ita ad intellectum angelorum Et fecit deus ad actum rerum

An additional preface to item 8, in the next MS of this book (again a bit of tailoring the diverse chunks into a continuity extending across booklet bounds; cf. item [a] at fol. 93 above), described in the edition of that text, Buttimer, p. xv and ed. there 134–5. Written in anglicana s. xiv in. Below, an added versus or distinctio, in five lines: ‘Rationalis creatura immediate ad similitudinem diuine […]

Physical Description

Extent: Fols. 30.


13–1510. Catchwords written across the rule for the gutter. All leaves in the first half of each quire signed with the letters a–e; quires 13 and 14 have the signs ± and i.


In double columns, each column 180 × 50–55 mm. , with 10 mm between columns, in 32–6 lines to the column. Prickings; bounded and ruled in brownish crayon.


The scribe of the previous booklet continues.


Decorated as the preceding booklets. In the lower margins, various additions: a musical stave (fol. 100rv) a sketch of a woman (fol. 111), sporadic decorative capitals in pen and ink.


Origin: s. xiii2 with additions s. xiii ex., s. xiii/xiv, s. xiv, and s. xv in.

Manuscript 3 = Fols. 125–50


Language(s): Latin

8. Fols. 125ra–47vb:
Rubric: Incipit prefacio in librum qui dicitur Didascalicon magtstri HUGONIS
Incipit: Multi sunt quos ipsa adeo natura ingenio destitutos reliquid
Explicit: semitis suis ut introducat nos ad puram et sine animalibus cenam
Final rubric: Explicit liber qui dicitur didascalicon
HUGH OF ST. VICTOR, Didascalicon,

ed. Charles H. Buttimer (Washington, 1939), 1–130/14, ending in 6.13, as the other ‘gamma’ MSS; see Goy, 28 (and 357, 426 for items 12–13 below). The remainder of the MS ruled but originally blank. More distinctiones and notes in the lower margins, the hand contemporary with but not the same as that earlier.

Added texts:

l. Fols. 148ra–49rb:
Incipit: Alexander cum sit homo corruptibilis eique accidant multa incommoda ex humorum distemperantia
Explicit: usque ad medium decembris Hyems a medio decembris usque ad medium marcij

JOHANNES HISPANUS, translation from Arabic of PS.-ARISTOTLE, Secreta secretorum (or ‘Epistola Aristotelis ad Alexandrum’), ed. Hermann Suchier, Denkmäler provenzalischer Literatur und Sprache … erster Band (Halle, 1883), 475–80. This item and the next added in gothic textura semiquadrata, s. xiii ex.

m. Fols. 149va–150vb
Incipit: Meditatio est frequens cogitatio modum et causam et rationem uniuscuiusque rei inuestigans
Explicit: Sed sustineat prius donec posterius tempore suo apprehendat
HUGH OF ST VICTOR, ‘De meditando seu meditandi artificio’,

ed. PL 176:993–8

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: dici
Support: vellum (HSOS/HFFH)
Extent: Fols. 26.


1612 1714. A boxed catchword in the gutter at the end of quire 16; no signatures.


In double columns, each column 188–93 × 55–57 mm. , with 9 mm between columns, in 43 lines. Most prickings cut away; bounded and ruled in black ink.


Written in textura semiquadrata, a hand contemporary with the preceding. Punctuation by medial point only.


Headings in red.

At the head of item 8, a 5-line gold, red, and blue lombard on flourishing of the same.

Chapters begin with 2-line alternate red and blue lombards as previously.

Some red-slashed capitals to break the text.

Chapters numbered marginally in an ink like that of the text.

Running titles for book and number in alternate red and blue lombards, as previously.

Both items (i) and (k) are introduced by 3-line blue lombards on red flourishing; occasional red and blue paraphs in the first, capitals in text ink in the second.


Origin: s. xiii2 with additions s. xiii ex.

Manuscript 4 = Fols. 151–67


Language(s): Latin with an added text in Middle English

9. Fols. 151ra–57rb:
Rubric: De consideratione
Incipit: Libri superiores etsi de consideracione inscribantur plurimum tamen habent accionis admixtum
Explicit: Proinde is sit finis libri sed non finis querendi
BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX, De consideratione,

book 5 only, ed. J. Leclercq et al., Opera III (Rome, 1963), 467–93.

10. Fols. 157v–61vb
Incipit: Indubitanter credo unum deum esse et non plures Iuxta Illud moysi
Explicit: non habere meritum cui huana [sic for humana] racio prebet experimentum
GALTHERUS DE MAURITANIA, Tractatus de trinitate,

ed. PL 209:575–90.

11. Fols. 162ra–4va:
Incipit: Omnipotentis deus pater et filius et spiritus sanctus unus atque trinus vnus uidelicet extat in natura
Explicit: defensione bonorum et ultione malorum se manifestare
PS.-AUGUSTINE, 'De essentia diuinitatis’ (CPL 633, epist. 14), part 1 oniy, in fact a cento from EUCHER OF LYONS, Formulae spiritualis intelligentiae (CPL 488), ed. PL 42:1199–1206. Fol. 164v has only half a column of writing; the rest was originally blank.

Added texts:

Added texts: there are three main items, each in a different hand, and three short notes at the end, each also in a different hand. All except the last are in hands of s. xiii ex., the last s. xv.

n. Fols. 164vb–5vb:
Incipit: Omnes diuine historie ueteris ac noui testamenti libros subsequens metrica prefatio pa\u/cis honestissime concludit sermonibus | [fol. 165ra] ⟨Q⟩vicquid ab hebreo stilus atticus atque latinus | ⟨S⟩umpsit in hoc
Explicit: sancto uisa iohanni [est] | ⟨C⟩laudit et archano limite signat eos
THEODULF, Carmina 41.1,

‘Praefatio bibliothecae’ (Walther no. 15972a), 1–136 only, ed. Ernst Duemmler, MGH Poetae Latini 1 (Poetae latini aevi Carolini, 1881), 532–6.

o. Fols. 166ra–va:
Rubric: Libri 3. Distinctione 25. ⟨Q⟩veritur de articulis fidei Et uidetur quod inconuenienter distinguantur in simbolo
Incipit: Tres enim persone sunt equales sed articuli pertinentes ad personam filij et spiritus sancti ponuntur plures
Explicit: Effectum glorie posuit mathias uel iterum thomas vt quidam dicunt

The incipit refers accurately to PETER LOMBARD, Liber sententiarum, but the text in fact is a more standard tract on the Apostles’ Creed, with assignment of articles to apostles. The remainder of fol. 166v is blank.

p. Fols. 167ra–va:
Rubric: Ex libro SECUNDI philosophi
Incipit: Mundus est o adriane constitucio celi et terre et omnium que in eis sunt
Explicit: Quid pluuia conceptio terre frugum genitrix nox in die labor oculorum

Roughly corresponds to WILLIAM OF GAP’S translation from Greek, questions 1–57, ed. Ben E. Perry, Secundus the Silent Philosopher (Ithaca, NY, 1964), 94–9.

q. Fol. 167va:

‘BEDA Qvan þu sest in lede king þat is willesful Domesman nimande Biscop slau Prest wilde Riche man Niþing Pouere man prud Yongman lyere Old man lechur Wymman shameles Child vnthewed þral vnboussum Atheling brethling folc recheles lond withuten lawe seinte BEDE seith þanne goth it al to shame’.

‘The ten abuses’ (IMEV 4051), ed. Richard Morris, An Old English Miscellany, EETS OS 49 (1872), 184–5. This copy, quoted in full, has not previously been noted.

r. Fols. 167vab:
Incipit: Mulieres si male essent ornate per plateas non incederent ut animas corrumperent
Explicit: Ornamentum autem vxoribus ut tantum placeant viris suis permittitur
An anti-feminist note,

urging husbands to discipline women by treating them like cats: cutting their tails/hair and keeping them at home.

s. Fol. 167vb:
Incipit: Archanum neque scrutaberis vllius vnquam Commissumque teges et vino tortus et ira
Explicit: Et semel emissum volat vere uocabile verbum

Snippets from HORACE, Epistulae, 1.18:37, 38, 68–71, ed. D. R. Shackleton Bailey, Opera (Stuttgart, 1985), 285–6.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: quedam
Support: Vellum (HSOS/HFFH)
Extent: Fols. 17.


1710 188 (–8, a stub, probably blank). Catchword in the gutter at the end of quire 17; fols. 153–5 signed c–e.


In double columns, each column 193 × 55 mm. with 10 mm between columns, in 43 lines to the column. Prickings; bounded and ruled in black and brown ink.


Written in gothic textura quadrata by two scribes, s. xiii ex., the first writing fols. 151–62, the second fols. 162v–164v. Punctuation by point and double point (scribe 1); and by low and medial point, punctus elevatus, and double point (scribe 2).


Five- line blue lombards on red flourishing at the heads of the three main items.

Text 9 undivided, text 10 broken by alternate 2-line red and blue lombards, with flourishing of the other colour.

Blanks for headings unfilled in text 10.

Text 11 has a 3-line blank for a heading at the head and a 6-line initial red and blue capital on red flourishing, with alternate red and blue paraphs to break the text.

In the upper margin, fol. 162, drawings of a chalice and a woman’s head.


Origin: s. xiii ex. with additions s. xiii ex. and s. xv

Manuscript 5 = Fols. 168–82


Language(s): Latin

12. Fols. 168ra–78vb:
Rubric: De institucione nouiciorum Incipit liber uenerabilis HUGONIS prioris DE SANTI VICTORIS ecclesie ad canonicos regulares
Incipit: Qvia fratres largiente domino de vana conuersacione huius seculi per desiderium sanctum
Explicit: nos diximus Bonitatem uero orate ut nobis det deus Amen
Final rubric:
HUGH OF ST. VICTOR, 'De institutione noviciorum'

Ed. PL 176:925–52.

13. Fols. 178vb–82vb:
Rubric: Tractatus magistri HUGONIS de studio orandi
Incipit: De oratione Qvo studio et quo affectu a nobis orandus sit deus ex nostra miseria
Explicit: gratissimum deo sacrifitium in ara cordis adoletur
Final rubric: Explicit tractatus [as in the opening rubric]
HUGH OF ST. VICTOR, ‘De modo orandi',

ed. PL 176:977–88.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: meditationibus
Support: Vellum (HSOS/HFFH)
Extent: Fols. 15


198 208 (–8, probably blank). No catchwords or signatures.


In double columns, each column 183 × 54 mm. with 10 mm between columns, in 41 lines to the column, above top line. No prickings; bounded and ruled in black ink.


Written in contemporary gothic textura semiquadrata. Punctuation by medial point and punctus elevatus.


Headings in red, with the now usual capitals.

Manuscript 6 = Fols. 183–214


Language(s): Latin

14. Fols. 183ra–214va:
Rubric: Incipit liber magistri HUGONIS de fide spe et caritate
Incipit: De fide et spe que in nobis sunt omni poscenti reddere rationem ut ait petrus
Explicit: et hic consentit habitare cum illa non relinquat eum
HUGH OF ST. VICTOR, Summa sententiarum

breaking off early in 7.20, ed. PL 176:41–169 C13. Only a part of fol. 214va filled.

Added text:

t. Fol. 214va:
Incipit: Quia homo est uadens et non rediens seculo dedit deus hominem septem dona spiritus sancti ut regeretur In uita actiua Timoris quidem ut declinet a malo […]

Distinctiones for the active and contemplative lives, added s. xiii ex. or xiii/xiv.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: etc Et
Support: Vellum (FSOS/FHHF)
Extent: Fols. 32.


21–2212 238. A cut-off catchword in the gutter at the end of quire 21. Fragmentary signatures, implying that all leaves in the first half of each quire were assigned a letter a–f, the quires designated by an arbitrary sign (apparently 22 = j, 23 = a line above the leaf letter).


In double columns, each column 175 × 53–5 mm. , with 8 mm between columns, in 49 lines to the column. No prickings; bounded and ruled in brown crayon.


Written in gothic textura quadrata, s. xiii ex. Punctuation by point and medial point, occasional double point and punctus interrogativus.


Headings in red (many instructions at the foot of the page), with the now usual decoration.

Occasional red or blue paraphs with red-slashed capitals at chapter openings.

Drawings of tonsured monks and grotesque heads (fol. 214rv, lower margins).


Origin: s. xiii ex. s. xiii ex. or xiii/xiv

Manuscript 7 = Fols. 215–26


Language(s): Latin

15. Fols. 215ra–17ra:
Incipit: ⟨M⟩oralium dogma philosophorum per multa dispersum uolumina tuo quidem instinctu
Explicit: securior debeas uoluntati enim uoluntate satisfecimus rem rei debemus
WILLIAM OF CONCHES, Moralium dogma philosophorum,

only the opening portions, ed. John Holmberg (Uppsala, 1929), 5–19.

16. Fols. 217ra–23rb:
Incipit: ⟨R⟩ursus beneficencia alia est opere alia pecunie facilior est ea que est pecunie perserteri locupleti prima splendidior et bono uiro dignior
Explicit: sic offici conseruandi precepta traduntur illa quidem ut faciamus sed rei magnitudo usum quoque excercitacionis desiderat Explicit

An unidentified florilegium on moral topics, divided into chapters by theme, and derived from classical writers: Seneca, Cicero, Boethius, Roman poets. Fols. 223v–4v are blank.

Added text

v. Fols. 225ra–6va:
Rubric: Hic incipiunt excerpta primi libri \FLAUII/ VEGECII RENATI viri illustris de re militari
Incipit: ⟨A⟩ntiquis temporibus mos fuit bonarum arcium studia mandare litteris Atque in libris redacta
Explicit: cum alacri currentem cum eo qui stat Subire conflictu Inexpertis dulcis est pugna

Ed. Karl Lang, 2nd edn. (Leipzig, 1885), 4–95/9 selectively. Our MS is listed in Charles R. Schrader, ‘A Handlist of Extant Manuscripts containing the De re militari of Flavius Vegetius Renatus’, Scriptorium 33 (1979), 280–305 at 293 (no. 129). In double columns, each column 175 × 50–2 mm. , with 9 mm between columns, in 44 lines to the column. On the final page written in a broader column and most of the page blank. No prickings; bounded and ruled in black ink. Written in anglicana, s. xiii/xiv.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: Iusticia
Support: Vellum (FSOS/FHHF)
Extent: Fols. 12.


248 254? (on heavy vellum of flyleaf quality). The final four leaves, the first certainly added to accommodate run-over, may be single or a pair of bifolia. Fol. 223v appears to be possibly a former pastedown, and the leaf does not seem attached to fol. 226.


In double columns, each column 175 × 55 mm. , with 8 mm between columns, in 49 lines to the column. Some prickings survive; bounded and ruled in black ink.


Written in contemporary gothic textura quadrata. Punctuation by medial point.


A few blanks for capitals early on, but when these have been filled, it is in the text ink.


Origin: with additions s. xiii/xiv

Additional Information

Record Sources

Ralph Hanna, A descriptive catalogue of the western medieval manuscripts of St. John's College, Oxford (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002) with corrections of typographical errors and a transcription error for added text (q).


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact St John's College Library.


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    Lang, Karl (ed), Flavi Vegeti Renati Epitoma rei militaris (Leipzig, Teubner, 1885).
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    Schrader, Charles R., ‘A Handlist of Extant Manuscripts containing the De re militari of Flavius Vegetius Renatus’, Scriptorium 33 (1979), 280–305.
    Shackleton Bailey, D.R. (ed.), Q. Horati Flacci Opera (Stuttgart, 1985).
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Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Thompson Family Charitable Trust

Last Substantive Revision

2023-09: First online publication

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