St John's College MS 101
Glossed Gospels
Physical Description
A modern replacement. Sewn on four thongs. At the front, a marbled paper leaf and two modern paper flyleaves; at the rear, two modern paper leaves and another marbled paper leaf (iv–vi).
Provenance and Acquisition
‘Todulus et uillelmus et godri’ (fol. 158, lower margin, s. xiii); a further pen-trial in the upper margin, fol. 158v, s. xv.
Contents list (fol. 1 lower margin, s. xvii).
In the Benefactors’ Book among John White’s donation (col. i): ‘Glossa in Marcum Lucam et Johannem ad Capitulum 7m. MS’.
Manuscript 1 = Fols. 1–40
Language(s): Latin
Stegmüller, RB 11828 (9:523–5), preceded by Stegmüller, RB 607, the standard prologue. The text of the prologue begins in a gloss-sized hand and is written across the full page, only settling into its proper column on the lower half of fol. 1. A vast amount of added material in an ungainly textura, s. xiii ex., which, along with another hand, has contributed a large group of notes on the blank fol. 40rv.
Physical Description
Formatted for a central text column 180–5 × 65 mm. , in 21 lines, flanked by gloss columns 200 × 30 mm. (on the inner margins of the leaf) and 200 × 40–5 mm. (on the leading edge), in up to 52 gloss lines. Prickings, for text lines only; bounded and ruled in stylus (on some pages, traced over in brown crayon).
Written in gothic textura quadrata, s. xii ex. or xiii in., the text above the top line (as is usually the gloss); the text and the gloss in different styles and perhaps written by different scribes. Punctuation by point and punctus interrogativus (the text); in the gloss, the punctus elevatus also occurs.
A 4-gloss-line blue lombard on red flourishing at the head of the prologue; a red capital on blue and gold ground at the head of the text.
All decoration in text ink except for frequent ochre-slashed capitals to open glosses and sentences.
At the head of ch. 14 (fol. 32rb), a 2-line blue lombard with some ochre infill, unusual in that space was left for an initial here, whilst in most instances the text is run on.
A hand of s. xv has tried to bring this text into conformity with the next by providing running titles with chapter numbers.
Manuscript 2 = Fols. 41–126
Language(s): Latin
Stegmüller, RB 11829 (9:525–6); the gloss ceases at Luke 14:7. The final verso is blank but ruled.
Physical Description
Formatted for a central text column 195–200 × 60 mm. , in 19 lines, flanked by gloss columns, each column 220–5 × 54 mm. (along the leading edge of the leaf) and 30 mm (along the inner margin), with 7 mm between columns, in up to 57 lines. Prickings, sometimes double, for both text column and gloss column; bounded and ruled in lead.
Written by at least two scribes, one for the text and perhaps two for the fragmentary gloss (the second taking over on fol. 92). All write protogothic bookhand of s. xii ex., the first gloss scribe more conservative than the others. Punctuation by point and occasional punctus elevatus in both text and gloss.
No decoration; paraphs, initials, and chapter numbers all in text ink (the last additions of s. xv).
Manuscript 3 = Fols. 127–34
Language(s): Latin
cited from four continental MSS only.
from the school of Laon, ed. PL 163:1043–4 as by GUILLIELMUS DE CAMPELLIS.
Ed. Odon Lottin, Psychologie et morale au XIIe et XIIIe siècles 5 (Gembloux, 1959), 20, from BodL, MS Laud Misc. 216, fol. 108ra, where the text is ascribed to ANSELM OF LAON. There is a further copy in BodL, MS Auct. D.1.13, fol. ii.
the heading and 2–3, ed. PL 39:2266, 2267–8, , but very likely cited from GRATIAN, Decretum 2a pars, C. 16, q. I. c. 66 (CJCan 1:784).
The incipit corresponds to Epistola 36.14.32, ed. PL 33:151.
12.19, ed. Verheijen 230/9–17.
The incipit corresponds to a letter of GELASIUS 1, cited in the ps.-Isidoran canons, ed. PL 84:806, ; the text does not agree very closely with this or the other obvious citation, GRATIAN, Decretum 2a pars, C. 2, q. 7, c. 47 (CJCan 1:499–500).
ed. PL 171:1198–9. The verso is blank and unruled.
Physical Description
To fol. 130, in double columns, one for the text, one for the gloss, each column 195–7 × 65–7 mm. , with 9 mm between columns, in 20 text and 56 gloss lines.
From fol. 130v in double columns, each column 195–205 × 65 mm. , with 8 mm between columns, in 40 lines to the column. No prickings; bounded and ruled in brown crayon.
Written in protogothic bookhand, s. xii ex. Punctuation by point and punctus elevatus.
Texts 3 and 4 are introduced by 4- to 7-line blue arabesque capitals, and each clause of text 3 has a 1-line arabesque initial.
The glosses are set off by 1-line capitals in text ink.
Thereafter, minimally decorated: blanks for rubrics are usually unfilled, the few present written in green ink, as is one initial arabesque capital.
Most texts are introduced by arabesque initials in the text ink.
Manuscript 4 = Fols. 135–58
Language(s): Latin
Stegmüller, RB 11830 (9:527–9), preceded by Stegmüller, RB 624, the standard prologue, and breaking off in 7:8 at a quire end. In the lower margin of fol. 142v, a diagram giving Greek names of the cardinal directions.
Physical Description
Formatted for a central text column 185 × 50 mm. , in 23 lines
flanked by gloss columns, each of them 185 × 44 mm. (along the leading edge) and 28 mm (along the gutter) in 45 lines to the column. No prickings; bounded and ruled in black and brown crayon.
Written in transitional protogothic bookhand/ gothic textura, s. xiii in. (both the text and gloss below top line). Punctuation by point and occasional punctus elevatus in both text and gloss.
At the head, a 4-gloss-line arabesque initial in red on green flourishing.
Verses begin with alternate 1-line red and green arabesque initials; glosses open with text ink paraphs slashed in red. No chapter divisions.
Additional Information
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact St John's College Library.
Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Thompson Family Charitable Trust
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2023-01: First online publication