St John's College MS 125
Ivo of Chartres, Panormia, etc.
Language(s): Latin
Ed. PL 161:47–60, (the prologue, which also prefaces Ivo’s Decretum), 1045–1290 B7. More than half of fol. 80 is blank.
The subsequent section of Ivo’s Panormia treats consanguinity, but this material is from a different canon-law text, BURCHARD OF WORMS, Decreta 7–8, breaking off early in 8.33, ed. PL 140:779–98 A1. See further Z. N. Brooke, The English Church and Papacy from the Conquest to the Reign of King John (Cambridge, 1952), 88–9, 237–8, 244–5. Fol. 87v is blank and a stub follows.
ed. D. Whitelock, M. Brett, and C. N. L. Brooke, Councils and Synods 1, ii (Oxford, 1981), 774–8; our MS is mentioned at 771.
ed. Whitelock et al., 800–4; our MS is mentioned at 795, 797–8.
ed. Whitelock et al., 738–41; our MS is mentioned at 735. Fol. 91v is blank; on these two pages, the scribe uses rules in black ink.
Physical Description
In long lines, 35–44 lines to the page. Regular prickings in fols. 56–80; bounded and ruled in stylus.
Written by five scribes in late caroline, with additions by two other hands:
scribe 1 = fols. 1–48v;
scribe 2 = fols. 49–51v/12;
scribe 3 = fols. 51v/12–58v/1, with some alternation between 2 and 3 on fols. 51v–2;
scribe 4 = fols. 58v/2–72v;
scribe 5 = fols. 73–83v.
The two scribes who add material copied items 2 and 3–5 respectively.
Scribe 1 punctuates by point and medial point, occasional punctus elevatus; to this repertoire, scribe 4 adds an occasional punctus versus; scribe 5 punctuates by point, medial point, and punctus elevatus. In the added item 2, punctuation by punctus versus, punctus elevatus, and medial point; in items 3–5, punctuation by point and punctus elevatus.
Headings in red (on fols. 41–60, 64v–9, 73–7 in rustic capitals, partly in text ink).
At textual divisions, 1- and 2-line red arabesque initials.
Marginal contents summaries, boxed in red and with red-slashed capitals (fols. 5v–32 only).
Some larger penwork initials, up to 8 lines, with animal and leaf shapes.
A diagram to illustrate consanguinity, fol. 84.
See AT, no. 646 (65), who date s. xii1, identify the MS as French, and mention only one initial.
A modern replacement. Sewn on three thongs. At the front, a marbled paper leaf and two modern paper leaves; at the rear; two modern paper flyleaves and another marbled paper one (iv–vi).
Provenance and Acquisition
The old shelfmark ‘Abac ij N. 56’ (fol. 1, upper leading edge).
‘Iohannes Whyte de Suthwyke in Comitatu Sutht’ Armiger dedit hunc librum Thome Whyte de london’ militi⟨ ⟩ ad vsum Colegij per ipsum de nouo erecti in Oxon’ Anno 1555’ (fol. 1, lower margin).
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact St John's College Library.
Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Thompson Family Charitable Trust
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2022-01: First online publication