A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 151

Summary Catalogue no.: 1929


Language(s): Latin

(fols. 1r–193v)
William of Saint-Amour, Collectiones catholicae et canonicae scripturae
Rubric: Collectio catholice et canonice scripture ad instructionem et preparationem simplicium fidelium cristi contra pericula imminencia ecclesie generali per ypocritas pseudo predicatores et penetrantes domos. et ociosos et curiosos. et gerouagos.
Incipit: Sapienciam antiquorum omnium exquiret sapiens in prophetis uacabit narrationem uirorum nominatorum conseruabit. Ecclesiasticus .xxxix. .a. Secundum sapienciam antiquorum. Glosa. scilicet. prophetarum. Et narrationem id est doctrinam. uirorum nominatorum. Glosa. id est apostolorum et euangelistarum

In four distinctiones : see fols. 50v, 98v, 117r.

(fols. 192v–193v)
Rubric: Hec sunt signa quibus pseudo predicatores a ueris predicatoribus possunt discerni.

Fifty entries, with folio references, functioning as an index to the fourth distinction.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: i (early modern flyleaf) + 193 + i (early modern flyleaf) leaves
Dimensions (leaf): 260 × 185 mm.
Foliation: Contemporary foliation in red.


Secundo Folio: Qualiter apostolus


Ruled in ink for 26 long lines, written below the top line, ruled space 180 × 130 mm.


Gothic textualis.


Red and blue pen-flourished initials with foliage infill, 4–8 lines.

Pen-flourished initials coloured in red or blue, 2–3 lines.

Rubrics and running heads in red; textual quotations underlined in red.


Brown leather with plain tooling, late 16th century.

Earlier sewing and wooden boards.


Origin: 14th century, early ; England

Provenance and Acquisition

Given to Norwich Cathedral by Adam Easton: inscribed, Liber ecclesie Norwycensis per magistrum Adam de Estone monachcum[sic] dicti loci, with pressmark in red, x xl. vi (fol. 1r), 2nd half of the 14th century.

Presented by Sir Walter Cope in 1602.

Record Sources

Description by Andrew Dunning (November 2023), drawing on the Summary Catalogue (1922).


Last Substantive Revision

2023-11-30: Andrew Dunning revised with consultation of original.