St John's College MS 153
Gregory the Great, Moralia in Job, volume 1
Language(s): Latin
CPL 1708, (books 1–16 only), , ed. Mark Adriaen, CC 143–143A (1979), 8–849., Lacks 1.36.53–2.1.1 (CC 143:54/55–59/11), owing to a leaf torn out, probably for the decorative initial at the opening of book 2. A tab attached to fol. 42 bears a textual correction.
Added text:
The text of fol. 42/1–12, apparently a rejected leaf with omissions, the whole marked ‘va […] cat’; by a scribe contemporary with the remainder but not the hand of fol. 42.
Physical Description
Writing area 160–5 × 102 mm. , with an extra column 20 mm wide for glosses along the leading edge. In long lines, 27 lines to the page. Frequent prickings; bounded and ruled in black and brown ink.
Written in protogothic bookhand (perhaps more than one hand). Punctuation by point, punctus elevatus, and punctus interrogativus.
Headings in red.
Six-line red and blue lombards with infill in both colours to head books. After book 11 (fol. 239), these are smaller (2-line) and less elaborate.
Book 11 uniquely has an unflourished 2-line red lombard.
Running titles (many later) to indicate books.
In the contents section, alternate red and blue or red and green 1-line lombards at the heads of entries.
Instructions for rubrics frequently survive at the foot of pages; marks of correction at the foot of every page through fol. 214v (‘t’ with a line or hook above it).
A modern replacement. Three thongs show on the spine (now loose) but not on the backs of quires. At the front, a marbled paper leaf, two modern paper flyleaves, and two medieval vellum flyleaves (fol. 1 is pasted to the stub of the conjoint of fol. iv, which has a few line-ends on the verso); at the rear, two modern paper flyleaves and another marbled paper leaf (v–vii).
Provenance and Acquisition
‘Hic liber est Ecclesie Sancte Marie de Suwica Quem qui ⟨..⟩ ei abstulerit uel titulum istum dolo deleuerit uel per aliam quamcumque fraudem ab ea alienauerit sit anathema Maranatha fiat fiat amen’ (fol. 41v, lower margin) (Ker, MLGB 181; unnoted at Registrum R 2.5).
A description of contents (fol. 1v; anglicana, s. xv1, with partial copies in two later secretary hands, s. xv).
‘Iohannes white de Suthvyke in Comitatu Sutht Armiger dedit hunc librum Thome white de london militi ad vsum Colegij per ipsum de nouo erecti in Oxon Anno 1555’ (fol. 2, upper margin).
Record Sources
For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact St John's College Library.
Funding of Cataloguing
Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Thompson Family Charitable Trust
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2023-01: First online publication