A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

St John's College MS 344

Processional of St Amand-les-Eaux (OSB)


Language(s): Latin

1. Fols. 1–11:
Rubric: Prima dominica mensis ad criptam antiphona
Incipit: Tota pulchra es amica mea et macula non est in te fauus distillans
Explicit: [fol. 10v] eruamur bonisque omnibus nunc et semper perfrui merea | mur Alleluya
Processions for daily prayers.
2. Fols. 11–69v:
Rubric: Antiphona sequens cantatur per totum aduentum eundo ad criptam
Incipit: Aue spes nostra dei genitrix intacta Aue illud aue per angelum
Explicit: nobis pignus datur alleluya Dominica infra octauas per claustrum Responsus Melchisedech folio lxviij
Final rubric: Expliciunt processiones de tempore
Processions for the temporale, Advent to Corpus Christi.
3. Fols. 69v–105:
Rubric: Incipiunt processiones de sanctis Et primo de apostolis
Incipit: Responsus | [fol. 70] Tu principatum tenes in choro martyrum similis angelo
Explicit: Clementis Responsus Iustu deduxit folio lxxij. Katherine si dominica Responsus Regnum mundi folio lxxiij.
Final rubric: Explicit processionale
Processions for the sanctorale

Fol. 70 is in a different hand, the same which added texts on fols. 110–11v.

4. Fols. 105v–8v:
Incipit: Audi israel precepta domini et ea in corde tuo quasi in libro scribe
Explicit: peruenit aqua ista salui facti sunt et dicent alleluya alleluya
Three additional antiphons for services in both the temporale and the sanctorale.

The remainder of the MS was originally blank, now with added texts.

Added texts

a. Fol. 109rv:
Incipit: Da pacem domine in diebus nostris quia non est alius qui pugnet pro nobis
Explicit: vitis clarior aurora pro nobis iugiter ora alleluya
Two anthems in a slightly later hand.
b. Fols. 109v–10v:
Rubric: Oraciones dicende super agonizantes
Incipit: Domine Iesu criste per agoniam et oracionem tuam sacratissimam qua pro nobis
Explicit: aperi ei ianuam vite et fac eam gaudere cum sanctis in gloria eterna Qui viuis [form ending] Amen
Three prayers for the dying.
c. Fols. 110v–11v
Incipit: Tellus ac ethera jubilant in magni cena principis
Explicit: et lignum crucis In quo salus mundi pependit venitos […]

Further added antiphons by a hand which has filled in one earlier in the text (fol. 70), of a distinctly s. xvi aspect.

Physical Description

Secundo Folio: nostra surge
Form: codex
Support: Vellum (HSOS/HFFH).
Extent: Fols. i + 111 + i (numbered fol. ii).
Dimensions (leaf): 145 × 93 mm.
Dimensions (written): 115 × 65 mm.
Foliation: An accurate medieval foliation in roman, in rubricator’s red to fol. 104, thereafter in text ink.


1–138 148 (–8, probably blank, now a stub, to which the flyleaf is pasted). No catchwords or signatures.


In long lines, five musical staves with their words to the page. No prickings; bounded and ruled in lead.


Written in textura rotunda, some added prayers in French bastard secretary (one such hand also providing text at fol. 70). Punctuation by point only.


Headings in red.

Large initials supplied at heads of the anthems by non-professional hands in inconsistent formats, typically a letter in a contrasting colour on a field (frequently peculiar colours like orange and green), crude floral infill on some examples.

New anthems for the same feast headed by swag capitals, ochre-slashed.


Black leather over millboards, s. xvii ex., with stamped centre lozenge a sunburst, within a cross above initials ‘HR’. The spine is mostly gone, with the upper board and first quire loose. Sewn on three thongs. Pastedowns modern paper. One modern paper flyleaf at each end.


Origin: s. xv ex. ; France

Provenance and Acquisition

Presented by Miss Mary C. Gordon in 1975.

Record Sources

Ralph Hanna, A descriptive catalogue of the western medieval manuscripts of St. John's College, Oxford (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002)


For enquiries relating to this manuscript please contact St John's College Library.

Funding of Cataloguing

Conversion of the printed catalogue to TEI funded by the Thompson Family Charitable Trust

Last Substantive Revision

2022-12: First online publication

See the Availability section of this record for information on viewing the item in a reading room.