MS. Bodl. 178
Summary Catalogue no.: 2073
Medical texts; England, A c. 1570, B 15th century, second half
Physical Description
Provenance and Acquisition
John Hall, physician, of Maidstone, 1529/30–1568/9 (see DNB): The name of 'John Halle' appears twice: ‘precium xxiiijs’: also on fol. ij 'John Capon' (or Caxton).
This appears to be the 'Book of Surgerie in English' presented by Thomas Twyne in 1612, but not referenced till about 1620–25.
MS. Bodl. 178 – Part 1 (fols. 1–36, 156 to end)
Collections of John Hall
Followed by another cure 'after Nicolaus Massa' similarly translated (fol. 28).
Copies of two letters, April 1565. The foliation would naturally indicate the loss of six pages, but there are erasures on foll. 32–6.
(fol. 156). 'The Effect [i.e. substance] of Haywoddes letter to person Darell for Paryse of Inngelstone [Ingatestone?]', with a letter from 'doctor Coldwell' to John Hall, Sept. 29, 1566, and several recipes by 'goodwife Suttun', 'Benett of Islington', etc.
Some later Latin recipes are on fol. 185v, but foll. 159–84 are blank.
Physical Description
MS. Bodl. 178 – Part 2 (fols. 44–154)
A manual of medicine in three books, i of man's body, ii (fol. 51v) of diseases in general, iii (fol. 140v) of diseases of women: the first chapter beg. 'It is to vnderstond that a man is made of foure elementis': at fol. 152 follows a long alphabetical 'exposyssion of names' of drugs, beg. 'Aloen. Aloe is hoote and dry in the seconde degre'.
Fols. 140v-151r comprise The Sekenesse of Wymmen, version 1, translated from Gilbert Anglicus, Compendium medicinae: M. H. Green, ‘Obstetrical and Gynaecological Texts in Middle English’, Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 14 (1992), 53–88, at 72–82, . Green identifies other components in the compendium (fols. 44–151) as a text on humors, elements, qualities, urines; a translation of Gilbertus Anglicus; a translation of Guy de Chauliac, Chirurgia on hematoscopy; and a translation of Guy de Chauliac on scarifying and cupping; followed by an alphabetical list of drugs.
Physical Description
Additional Information
Record Sources
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-05-04: Description revised to incorporate all information in SC.