A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 185

Summary Catalogue no.: 2087


1. (fol. 1)
⟨William Jordan OP (?)⟩, ⟨Summa praedicantium, pars II⟩ (Kaeppeli 1517)
Rubric: Incipit Tabula super Bibliam
Incipit: Abstinencia. Precepit Deus Ade quod ex omni ligno

The first few subjects are: Abstinentia, De Acceptionibus munerum, De Affectione carnali, De Angelis bonis. A list of the books of the Bible follows on fol. 25v.

Language(s): Latin
2. (fol. 25v)
⟨Nicholas Byard⟩, ⟨Summa de abstinentia⟩ (Kaeppeli 3046)
Incipit: (prologue) Multi errant pro anime salute non ieiunantes
Incipit: (text) De Abstinencia . Abstinencia est duplex
Colophon: Beata Maria. Deo gracias. Quod Elmer scriptor. non compositor

The first few subjects are: De Abstinentia, de Adulatione, de Avaritia, de Amicitia. A late 15th cent. hand suggests as a title 'Flores Parisie'.

Considered as a separate entry in Stegmüller, Bibl. 10090.

Language(s): Latin

Some theological notes (partly in English) are on fols. iv, 116.

Language(s): Latin and Middle English

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: ii + 117 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 19.125 × 8 in.


Some ornamental letters.


19th cent. calf over old boards and sewing.


Origin: 15th century, first half ; English

Provenance and Acquisition

'Codex Willelmi Grossen' (Grocyn?).

The name of 'Thomas Digges' is several times written, and twice 'William Digges', all 16th cent.

Presented by Sir Walter Cope in 1602.

Record Sources

Description adapted (April 2020) from the Summary Catalogue (1922) with additional reference to other published literature as cited.

Last Substantive Revision

2025-01: Add provenance and acquistion from SC.