A catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges

MS. Bodl. 207

Summary Catalogue no.: 2021


Nicholas Love, Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ

With list of 64 chapters and two Latin passages (beg. 'Attende lector huius libri', 'Memorandum quod circa annum'), the first giving Bonaventure's name, the second stating that the book was submitted to archbp. Arundel in A.D. 1410 (both printed in Tanner's Bibliotheca, s. v. Morton, John). Three English prayers are added after chapter 64 as part of the work. Fol. 98 is badly stained.

Language(s): Middle English and Latin
2. (fols. 120v-126r)
Euangelium Nicodemi (IPMEP 397)
Incipit: The Jewes the morowe ... they foryate not Joseph of Aramathie

The letter of Pilate, leading up to the Veronica-legend or Cura sanitatis Tiberii, also in English, begins on fol. 123v at fin.

Language(s): Middle English

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: ii + 126 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 13.375 × 9.875 in.


Illuminated capitals.


Leather stained red on boards, with traces of clasps, contemporary English work.


Origin: 15th century, middle ; English

Provenance and Acquisition

Newark Priory, Surrey: evidence of the binding (cf. MSS. Bodl. 398 and Auct. D. inf. 2. 10) (MLGB).

Owned by 'Thomas Wetherston' in the 16th cent.

Presented by sir George More in 1604.

Last Substantive Revision

2020-04-20: Description revised to include all information from SC.