MS. Bodl. 23
Summary Catalogue no.: 1866
Language(s): Latin
Distinctiones theologicae
, Incipit: Abeuncium per hunc mundum
Final rubric: Expliciunt Distinctiones fratris Nicholai de Gorram, ordinis fratrum Predicatorum
Index at fol. 281v. Fol. 286 is injured.
(fol. 284)
Sermon 'de beata Maria' Incipit: Non est quod me delectet magis
Added in a set contemporary court hand.
Physical Description
Form: codex
Support: parchment
Extent: ii + 289 leaves
Dimensions (binding): 6.625 × 5 in.
Penwork border, initials. (Pächt and Alexander iii. 617)
Provenance and Acquisition
At fol. ii is 'Contenta Rosarium theologie Hugonis Mellyng', 16th cent.: perhaps Hugh Mellyng (Emden, ii.1282).
'Robertus Belus A[nglus?]', 2nd half of 16th cent. (fol. 289v).
Presented by dr. William Cotton, bp. of Exeter, in 1605.
Record Sources
Description adapted (March 2020) from the following sources:
Otto Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, III (1973), no. 617 [decoration, origin, date]
Summary Catalogue (1922) [contents, physical description, provenance and acquisition]
View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2020-03-19: Description revised to include all information in SC.