MS. Bodl. 233
Summary Catalogue no.: 2188
With some notes
From Brutus to the 5th cent. a. d.: ends imperfect 'Doresete, Suthamp'
Dean and Boulton 13 ('sharply abridged').Verses on the English Kings, from Hen. I to Hen. III, with an addition relating to Edw. I, but the last lines show that some seventy lines are wanting at the beginning
Over 300 names.
The early additions (before 1350) are numerous and of some interest, being partly Goliardic (fol. iii, etc.), but cannot be well summarized: among them are:
Part of a discourse on tithes
Moral notes
A rhythmical abecedarian hymn
With peculiar rhymes.
On fol. i are legal proceedings in the 15th cent. and on fol. iiiv some Versus retrogradi.
Physical Description
2 cols.
Provenance and Acquisition
'1583. Ranulphi Barlow liber ex dono Petri Addished'
Presented by Barlow to the Library in 1606. His initials and mark are on f. i.
MS. Bodl. 233 - endleaves (fols. 108–109)
Language(s): Latin
Part of a double leaf from an unfinished book: text of the psalms without initials, capitals or rubrics.
Physical Description
2 cols., width 257 mm., inner margin 46 mm. wide.
Square notation on staves of 4 red lines, 1 stave to 2 lines of text.
Additional Information
Record Sources
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View list of abbreviations and editorial conventions.
Last Substantive Revision
2021-01-13: Description revised to incorporate all information in SC and van Dijk.